Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2443: Kidnappers (2)

As for Suzaku King’s obsession with revenge, it’s not that he takes revenge too much, but because if he doesn’t take revenge, then his children will only live in hiding and avoid chasing forever. Father’s, of course, he doesn’t want to see this. What he hopes more is that his children can be upright and live normally under the sun. The prerequisite for this is their enemy. Like the divine emperor clan today, it completely disappeared into the torrent of history, which is the so-called extinction. Therefore, it is no wonder that the Suzaku king is so worried.

As a mother, forever, or most of them, are the kind-hearted one. The so-called strict father and loving mother means this. Therefore, regarding the words of King Suzaku, Queen Suzaku just nodded in tears and nodded. I caressed the eggshell in my arms full of distress. Other than that, I really can't say a word. I don't know if it is distressed for my child's bumpy fate? Or do you feel sorry for your children, the burden of responsibility and hatred that you have to bear since childhood? Or is it reluctant to give up their children, not only without the protection of their parents, but also the childhood that children should have? You have to be sent to an unknown interface, facing an unknown destiny and unknown danger, who knows? But in any case, even if Little Suzaku can't see the specific picture, he can clearly feel the emotional fluctuations of his parents at the moment.

"Okay, child, time is limited. Even if the mother and father have a thousand words, there is no time to say anything. We can only seal you and the inheritance memory of our Suzaku clan together to guarantee you, even if you live in a low plane. In the alien world, there is still hope of survival, and the child, the father and the queen will always love you, I hope that in the sealed memory of inheritance, we will still have the opportunity to meet, farewell, my baby!" I don’t know if I sense that the elders outside are completely unable to withstand it, or if the King Suzaku wants to send his child away in advance for the insurance period. In short, he has said everything and has been intimate with his child for a while. After time, the Suzaku King took a deep breath and cruelly cut through the cracks in time and space, preparing to throw the little Suzaku's egg in. But don’t look at what the Suzaku King did, but when the crying Queen Suzaku really hugged the little Suzaku’s egg, that strong feeling of reluctance still broke out that was difficult to suppress, facing himself. His child touched and kissed again. Until the end, when it really had to be thrown away, the Suzaku King reluctant to give up, exhorted a few words to his child again, and then he was heartbroken. Lost from the cracks of time and space, but until the cracks of time and space closed, Little Suzaku could clearly feel their existence and the sadness in their hearts, and their reluctance. It can be seen that the Suzaku king and the Suzaku queen are closing in the cracks of time and space. I have never left before. The memories of Little Suzaku stopped here, but his gaze never left Ouyang Shasha’s face. Obviously, he had begun to doubt Ouyang Shasha and Ouyang. Is Xia Sha the one he is waiting for? After all, no one has been here for tens of thousands of years. After all, from Ouyang Xia Sha, he can feel the sense of security and comfort that his father told him. But obviously, the owner is not so easy to recognize. At least Little Suzaku thinks that he still needs temptation, because he clearly understands what kind of responsibilities he bears, and these responsibilities, He couldn't help acting casually, so continuing to communicate with Ouyang Xiasha without knowing anything became his plan or something.

I don't know if Ouyang Xia Sha felt the sadness in Little Suzaku's heart, she couldn't bear it? I still feel that the question of the Suzaku clan will touch the privacy of others if we continue to ask them. After all, even if Ouyang Xia Sha considers it as her own, there is no contract yet? Therefore, it's hard to ask anymore. Anyway, Ouyang Xiasha changed the subject as soon as Little Suzaku finished speaking.

I don’t know if I feel that the surrounding atmosphere is a little depressed. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha’s topic is a bit playful. I only heard Ouyang Xiasha weakly asking: "Ask a question, it’s Jiaolong." Before the dragon was transformed, it was regarded as a half snake, and even if you were a Suzaku, you could be regarded as a bird? As far as I know, don’t snakes eat birds? But why do you get along so well? Not only does he not Eat you, it seems to listen to you, just like your full-time bodyguard! Don’t tell me the problem of bloodlessness. After all, the ancient pure-blooded dragon clan, compared to your Suzaku clan, is just It's just a slight loss, but if you combine his strength and your blood pressure, it is nothing to him, but you, not his opponent at all!"

"How do you say this? It's a long story. In short, Xiao Jiaojiao was abandoned by his ethnic group, rescued by my mother's queen, and brought back to the family's ovaries to raise them, and when the Suzaku clan had a civil strife, It happened that my mother took Xiao Jiaojiao and was preparing to hold a knight contract for us. It was only because the Emperor God came at that time that it was not successful. After that, the father added Xiao Jiaojiao’s egg to mine. I uploaded the memory and sealed it together and sent it to this different interface. Therefore, Xiao Jiaojiao is my half knight, plus our childhood sweethearts, growing up together, Xiao Jiaojiao of course will not eat me, of course she will protect me. Hello!" Regarding Ouyang Xiasha's question of this showy, to be honest, Little Suzaku is quite ashamed. After all, who wants to discuss with others, will he become a food issue? However, due to his affection for Ouyang Xiasha, Little Suzaku was very patient and explained it carefully to Ouyang Xiasha. Although simple, the meaning is very clear.

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