Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2440: Kidnappers (1)

Of course, Little Suzaku remembers the miserable screams of the tribe, and the bitter genocide, that screaming cry, even when he was thrown into the crack of space by his parents, even when he dreamed back every midnight, it echoed very clearly. In his mind, hate only hate that he was inadequate at the time, and he couldn't even break out of the shell, so what else? Can only do it once with the humiliation, the most despised deserter by the ancient mythical beasts.

Although the ancient beasts have the arrogance unique to the ancient beasts, the most disdainful is the deserters who retreat without a fight, but in special times, it should be treated specially, right? Don’t look at the little Suzaku who looked very optimistic before, but at this moment, no one can ignore the strong hatred exposed in his eyes. If it weren’t for Ouyang Xiasha, their eyes had never left the little Suzaku Lingguang. , If the Suzaku in this world has all perished, only the little Suzaku that slipped through the net is left, I am afraid they will doubt whether the little Suzaku in front of them has been dropped, because of the gap between the front and the back. Is too big.

As for why the little Suzaku suddenly exposed the hatred he buried in his heart, it was because the little Suzaku suddenly remembered his father and queen at this moment, split the space rift, and prepared to send him away. .

Perhaps it was because his children knew it in their own minds. At that time, the parents of Little Suzaku Lingguang probably already knew the talents of their children. Although as parents, they hoped that their children could let go of their family hatred, simple and simple. Simple, peaceful, and ordinary life, but the arrogance of the royal descendants of the Suzaku clan, and the natural talent of their own children, let the parents of Suzaku understand that there are some things that cannot be escaped or avoided. Open, so, in order to appease his talented child, so that he can completely calm down, keep a low profile, and one day, he will really have the strength, and then come back, instead of losing his life for a momentary impulse, so When they sent away their children, it was as if they were about to finish the instructions to their children for the rest of their lives, as parents, they reluctantly gave up on the little Suzaku's egg, and began to insult them with great pain.

In this world, tiger poison still does not eat children, let alone for the safety of the little Suzaku, who can spend half of his spiritual energy, even the Suzaku king and queen, who are the little Suzaku's biological parents, how can they not care for their children? ?

Don’t think we’re joking. You know, although the other members of the Suzaku clan had no way to escape, the Suzaku king and queen at the time were not without the opportunity or the ability to escape. After all, their abilities and strengths were all there. , As a clan of ancient gods and beasts, a king with a king's inheritance, is it comparable to ordinary Suzaku? But the premise is that they can abandon their own people and children, and live a fugitive life after addition, that's all.

But obviously, the Suzaku King and Queen chose the path that best suits their identities. They use their lives to accompany their people to live and die together, and use their lives to find a worry-free way of life for their children.

Even if the Suzaku King and Queen knew in their hearts that the chances of their own escape were greater than their children’s chances of living in another world, and even greater; even if they knew in their hearts, once they were unable to protect themselves, the chances of survival were greater than that of their children. Suzaku is in any danger, it means that their Suzaku clan has really been annihilated; even if they know it well, even if they lose the little Suzaku, if they can escape successfully by themselves, a little Suzaku is nothing at all. After all, as long as they live , How can they, who are upright and mature, lack children? Even if the survival rate of the descendants of the ancient gods and beasts is not high, they cannot change this established result, but they still choose their own deaths, hoping to exchange for the complete reassuring of the gods and the clan for their Suzaku clan, and completely believe that their Suzaku clan Those who have been wiped out will no longer track down their children's whereabouts. They can give their children a safe growth environment, and this is the only thing they can do for their children as parents.

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