Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2435: Kidnappers (2)

"My name is Ling Guang." Sure enough, because of his affection for Ouyang Xia Sha, Little Suzaku unexpectedly gave Ouyang Xia Sha an affirmative answer.

"Xiao Lingguang, can you ask a few more private questions?" Although Ouyang Xia Sha can ask directly, the worst is that she can't get an answer. But in order to gain a good impression in front of the little Suzaku, Ouyang Xia Sha will Gentle and polite, first consulted the other party's opinions.

After all, Ouyang Xiasha is the only one in the world, and the only remaining little Suzaku, but it is bound to win, so whether it is to leave a good impression on the other party, it is conducive to her work of conquering. ; Or to prevent this little guy from scaring away; Or for the future, to be able to get along with his beasts better, all determines Ouyang Xiasha's attitude and must be gentle.

"Seeing that you are a good person, I will generously allow your request. So, just ask if you have anything!" Obviously, Ouyang Xiasha's tactics have been successful. In front of Little Suzaku, she has already reached her. The desired result, and Little Suzaku's nod of permission this time is the best proof.

"The first question, are you still in the juvenile stage? That is, the holy beast or super holy beast stage equivalent to other beasts?" Ouyang Xiasha's first question, of course, is to figure out the level of the little Suzaku! This is not to mind his level, but purely for curiosity. Who told this little Suzaku to be so gentle and polite all the time. If he is mature, don’t let it go. Let Ouyang Xiasha, who was once sure he was still in his childhood. , I have some doubts about my own judgment, but what else can be other than the juvenile stage of the beast or super beast? Especially the ancient sacred beasts, the mature ones are one level at night than other races. With such contradictory personalities and levels, it is no wonder Ouyang Xiasha stupidly asked such a question.

"Of course! Is it possible that I look very old?" Obviously, Little Suzaku is not very happy about this question. It seems that whether it is a human or a beast, all populations with narcissistic personality care about their own age. And appearance. Yes, you are not mistaken. As we all know, the Suzaku clan is born among all the beasts, the most narcissistic and most concerned about their appearance.

"Of course you are not old. It's just your way of speaking and being in the world. It looks too sophisticated. I can't help but wonder whether you are really in your infancy." Ouyang Xiasha was so sensitive that she discovered Little Suzaku in the first place. He was upset, so he explained quickly as a remedy.

"You are so stupid, can our ancient beasts compare with other species? We have inherited memory!" Regarding Ouyang Xiasha's explanation, Little Suzaku barely accepted it, but accepted it. It's time to fight back. No mercy at all, no, a'stupid' word and a contemptuous tone are the best proof of this.

"Well, I'm stupid. I forgot that your ancient beasts have inherited memories. I'm sorry Xiaolingguang!" Obviously, Little Suzaku thought that Ouyang Xiasha regarded him as a normal beast, and forgot that it was an ancient beast. One family, but is that really the case? The answer is of course no. You know, how can a person like Ouyang Xiasha who has the function of "remembering" forget such an important thing? Therefore, the reason why she responded to Little Suzaku in this way, admitting that she had forgotten the reason why the ancient beasts had so-called inheritance memories, was because she didn't want to hurt the poor little guy in front of her, that's all. This has nothing to do with Ouyang Xiasha's coveting for him, nor whether the little guy in front of him is her future partner and relatives of Ouyang Xiasha, just because Ouyang Xiasha loves the little guy in front of him.

Yes, it is distressed. Didn’t Ouyang Xia Sha think of the inheritance memory of ancient mythical beasts? How can it be? So now that I thought about it, why did Ouyang Xia Sha deny this possibility? The answer is not difficult to guess, it is all because of the genocide case of the Suzaku clan back then. How could Ouyang Xiasha think that the tribes that have been annihilated might still leave behind the memory of their tribes? The incident happened suddenly that year, and they didn't even have time to leave their children. How could they have time to leave inheritance memories? The little guy in front of me can only be said to be an accident, otherwise, how could there not be a "Suzaku Light" to protect him by her side?

Although Ouyang Xiasha was very curious about where the inheritance memory of the little guy in front of him came from, and how he had flowed from the gods to this place, but in the end, his distress was defeated by Ouyang Xiasha's curiosity. , That little selfishness, in order to avoid revealing its scars, Ouyang Xia Sha finally chose, such a compromise answer.

As for the "Suzaku Ray", what is it? In fact, that is a kind of secret method used by the ancient gods and beasts to protect their children. The Suzaku clan is called "Suzaku Ray", the Azure Dragon clan is called "Blue Dragon Ray", and so on, this kind of light can protect them until adulthood. So far, it will not hurt any fatal injuries. This is a kind of protection from the heavens in order to prevent the ancient mythical beasts from extinction! Who made the reproduction rate of the ancient gods and beasts always low and terrible? The implementation time of this secret method is just one year after its birth, that is, when it is relatively stable in the egg and can bear that kind of light energy. You must know that the children of the ancient gods and beasts often have to stay in the egg. It takes at least a hundred years to break out of the shell, and for a hundred years, a year cannot be shorter. In other words, it is the little guy in front of him who has not been in the egg for a full year before he is lost, or the Suzaku clan has been in an accident, so that there is no such light on him. That's why I said that this little guy was an accident.

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