Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2427: Kidnappers (2)

Seeing these high-level monsters, Xi Jing and the others seemed to have guessed the plan of their owner. Although they would not give a 100% affirmative answer, they could still estimate the general direction. Are these monsters collected for their own use? Otherwise, how can you have this patience with your own master's impatience? Didn't you start the fight soon? Therefore, what they have to do now is to work hard with their Patriarch, don’t hold her back, what she does, they do what they do, just like at this moment, Ouyang Xiasha did not make the slightest reaction, even if Having seen these little guys, she is still indifferent, so of course they have to actively cooperate with them and make a look that they have not seen anything, right?

And the three cute little stars, Xiao Hei Hei, and Xiao Fang Fang, don't know that they are connected with their master, understand their own master's real plan, and deliberately pretend not to see anything? Or is it all focused on the savory barbecue, without paying attention to the surroundings at all? Or is it discovering that they are returning to discovering, but because their strength is not as good as that of themselves and the Lord, did they not take it seriously at all? Who knows? Anyway, there are three little guys making miniatures. At this moment, it is a beast holding a small bottle in his arms, flying above the grill, and in accordance with the actions of the owner, from time to time, he sprinkles on the barbecue. Some of the things in the bottle are held in their hands, and the expressions are so serious and serious, as if there is really no abnormality next to them, so it is no wonder that people can tell the truth from the false, and they can’t guess these three. The real ideas in a little guy’s heart came, and looking at their proficient appearance, it was obvious that it was not the first time to do this, and looking at Xi Jing and their familiar appearance, it was even more proof. Up to this point.

As for the level of the three little guys, because of the influence of Ouyang Xiasha’s level, the little guys who have a contractual relationship with them don’t say how high their level is, but reaching the **** level is the minimum, even if they are not like Ouyang Xiasha. The advantage of not being suppressed by the interface, but the coercion of the blood, they still need them to have enough strength to suppress these monsters, so it is no wonder that they did not take the dozen little guys that suddenly appeared seriously.

Therefore, what was presented to everyone at this time was such a scene. A dozen monsters of the king beast level and above were surrounded by a giant barbecue grill. They looked at the meat on the grill, and their mouths couldn't help but flow out. A little bright thing, a beautiful and exquisite woman like a fairy fairy, flipping the shelf back and forth, and three cute mini monsters flying in the sky, holding a small pot with one forelimb and foot, and the other A forelimb sprinkled something on the barbecue. As for Xi Jing and the others, it seems that they do not exist at all. This picture is really strange. Is the human and animal harmonious? How weird it looks, okay!

The barbecue is done, the three little cuties consciously put the spices back into Ouyang Shasha's hands, and then Ouyang Shasha puts them back into the'Wrist Bi' space. After that, the three little cuties cooperate with each other. Yes, two holding huge leaves, one flying to the barbecue rack empty-handed, and the empty-handed one stretched out its paws, and after a few strokes, several large pieces of meat fell down and fell into Among the leaves held by the other two cute claws, the speed and the tacit understanding really make people have to say "awesome". Even if you don't mention this, the sharpness of the cute claws is probably the most even. Sharp knives are incomparable.

After all, the plate is too small to hold their food, so it's no wonder they chose leaves. As for the black anaconda, although he has no claws, does it have a mouth? It was obvious that he also used his mouth when he captured the monster before, so it is not a weird thing to hold the leaves with the other cutie at this time and take the meat.

And the three little guys who finished all of this stopped their buddies and flew to Ouyang Xiasha's side with the leaves. They were ready to eat. Obviously, they weren’t going to continue their efforts. And the meat they served was obviously their own, plus Ouyang Xiasha's food. After all, if it was only their own, it was completely unnecessary, and deliberately brought it to Ouyang Xiasha, didn't it? , As for letting them help Xi Jing them, it is obviously impossible.

You know, monsters like monsters are not only very arrogant, they look down on ordinary people at all, but they also repel humans abnormally. In other words, except for their owner Ouyang Xiasha, they don’t bother at all. Pay attention, let alone help them share food. It is obviously impossible. Whether it is because of hostility to humans or because of the arrogance of the monster itself, they are not allowed to do that. There can be Ouyang Shasha. Exception, it’s already a miracle, okay?

"Little guys, come over if you want to eat and stand there, but you can't eat anything!" Seeing the dozen or so little guys who suddenly appeared, they clearly wanted to eat something, and even owed saliva. The ground flowed, but remained deadlocked there. There was no further action. Ouyang Xiasha smiled and divided the other meat on the barbecue rack into ten points, the number happened to be the beasts that suddenly appeared. The number of, installed on the plate, placed not too far away from the group of little guys, not too close, it happened to be in the middle of the distance between them, and smiled, with a seductive tone, and invited them. Said.

I don't know that the desire of these little guys has reached a critical state. Is it really uncontrollable? Or from Ouyang Xiasha's body, they didn't feel half of the malice, so they released their atrium? Or is there any other reason to relax, who knows? Anyway, more than a dozen little guys whose will has already been shaken can't stand the temptation of Ouyang Xiasha's red fruit. In an instant, the last layer of defense in my heart, one sticking to it, was easily given. It was crushed, and then everyone saw that these little guys who had been owed a long time ago, each as if they hadn't eaten food for hundreds of years, were hungry and stupid, jealous, and imageless, they began to gobble and bite. When you get up, you don't even feel hot at all. You know, these barbecues are just out of the oven, how can they not be hot? It can be seen that these little guys are hungry for these barbecues in their hearts.

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