Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2422: Root Killing (1)

Ouyang Xiasha can be sure that this kid Xi Hengzuo was absolutely deliberate. He didn't take the elders of the Xishang family seriously. Recalling Xi Hengzuo who was unruly and rebellious when I first met, look at the present With his stomach full of bad water, and the utterly venomous tongue, Ouyang Xia Sha felt for the first time that he was guilty (a sense of guilt). is not that right? Although a good child who was arrogant and domineering, but still innocent in nature, he was gradually assimilated by himself during the day after day with him. As for the shadow of the past, there is no more scum left!

It’s not that Ouyang Xia Sha feels that her flaws will be repaid, she is cruel to the enemy, and bases her happiness on the enemy’s pain. This is a bad personality, but in such a short period of time, a child grows rapidly and destroys him. It should be childlike.

As I said earlier, in the underworld, wasn't he just a child before a thousand years old? Since it is a child, then the child should have the willfulness of the child and the fun of the child. That is a matter of course. Even if Ouyang Xiasha wants to accumulate some fighting experience for them, it is to make their lives safer. , That's all, who let them be born and live in such a chaotic era? But even so, she never thought of really changing them, at least not allowing them to undergo such a big, even earth-shaking change in a short time. Regarding this, Ouyang Xiasha has something in her heart. Guilt is not so difficult to understand. Although Ouyang Xia Sha feels a little guilty for Xi Hengzuo’s mutation, it is clear that Xi Jing and the others have such changes to their younger generations, and they are still so familiar with the changes. What they saw, and the smiles on their faces at this time, and the thumbs extended to express their praise, are enough to prove this. And Xi Hengzuo excitedly gave them an affirmative nod to Xi Jing, coupled with a smiling response, which shows his attitude at the moment. Obviously, Xi Hengzuo is also very satisfied with this change of his own. It seems that this matter, Only Ouyang Xiasha felt so awkward in her heart, and everyone else was happy.

Well, take it a little bit further, having said that, unlike Ouyang Xiasha's all kinds of awkwardness, all kinds of excitement and relaxation, the Xishang family members are seeing the most powerful elders in their own side, so He was easily killed with a punch by a junior from the other party. Before he could even explain his last words, he ended up with a fateful result. Suddenly, there was no more panic, and his whole body trembled. It felt as if death had already come to them.

is not that right? Even the most powerful elder couldn't help being punched by one of the other's juniors, let alone them? Even if the opponent’s junior is suspected of a sneak attack, they still can’t change the fear and horror caused by death, and this fear and horror also makes them completely lose the ability to think. They have not even thought about whether they have a fight. The ability, but even after thinking about it, I’m afraid they don’t have the courage to make that move, because they are afraid that if they lose, they won’t even have the opportunity to ask for mercy, just like the strongest elder, even Without saying a word, he just died.

That’s right, you’re right, it’s just begging for mercy. In order to survive, everyone in the Xishang family completely gave up on the face issues that they cared about before. They didn’t care at all, don’t say it was to ask them to beg for mercy. Kneeling is to let them do anything that is disgraced and degrading. They are afraid they will not hesitate, as long as they have a chance to survive. After all, the phrase'keep the green hills here, don't be afraid that there is no firewood'. The words are not for nothing, are they?

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