Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2405: Get to the bottom (2)

Since people have come to the door so kindly, if she is polite, isn't she a bit uncomfortable? Is it too hypocritical? Therefore, in order to live up to their good intentions, Ouyang Xia Sha accepted this kindness. Suddenly, Ouyang Xia Sha smiled as if it was so profane, so brilliant. Of course, before that, Ouyang Xia Sha definitely didn't hesitate, and immediately avoided the eldest lady and stretched out to her salty pig's hand. However, I don't know if Ouyang Xia Sha still wants to continue watching the show, or has any other plans. She has always been reported to her flaws, but she just avoided it, did not retaliate, or had any other malicious actions.

Such a move, in the eyes of people who know Ouyang Shasha’s personality and strength, it’s better to say that they basically think that she has any other plans or plans, but in the eyes of the group of elders who were brought by the young lady. It seems that Ouyang Xia Sha's move is just a performance that has no confidence and can only tolerate.

Therefore, afterwards, they will let go of their guards and restore their nature, which is not an unexpected situation. After all, people from the family are hypocritical? Even looking at people, they definitely wear tinted glasses!

"What are you still doing? Help Miss Ben to catch the three little beasts!" Maybe it's arrogance, but I am used to it, plus Ouyang Xiasha's appearance that makes her jealous but completely unfamiliar, so this The temper of this eldest lady hasn't constricted at all, she hasn't paid attention to Ouyang Xiasha and others at all. It was just right to reach out to Ouyang Xiasha for the beast attitude. I asked you to ask for it. That was what you meant by looking at you, and it was really eye-opening. You know, when Ouyang Xiasha was still a princess without real power, a princess of the heavens who was put on the top of her two brothers, she was not as arrogant as she was! A small daughter of the top family of the underworld is so arrogant and arrogant. It seems that the rectification of the underworld in the future requires a certain degree of intensity.

"I am from the Xishang family, one of the four great masters of the underworld, and the one standing in front of you is the first daughter of the Xishang family’s head, and is also his most beloved daughter. I don’t know where the lords come from. Where?" Seeing Ouyang Xiasha’s performance of forbearance (I think it was), the leader elders in that young lady’s team were very relieved at the moment, but just in case, just to be on the safe side. One of the elders still chose to ignore his own idiot lady's question first, and couldn't help but tentatively asked Ouyang Xiasha and the others where they came from.

I don't know, but the thought of protecting an idiot, obeying the idiot's instructions, and solving the trouble caused by the idiot made these elders feel uncomfortable, but in the end, they had to obey his orders and couldn't vent their grievances? Still thinking of the troubles this time, the things that I asked them more this time, in the final analysis, the reason is that Ouyang Xia Sha has caused them to complain about it? Who knows? Anyway, although the elder didn’t follow his eldest’s intentions and directly robbed him, if he asked, he was still in the stage of asking his source, but his tone of voice was really not that good. Not to mention the gloomy face, it seems to give people a feeling of "if you don't have a backstage, you are dead". Others, although they didn't say anything, but their natural expressions are enough to explain everything, that is, in the eyes of these people, the background and backstage represent everything, including their attitude towards Ouyang Xiasha.

Well, Ouyang Xia Sha is not surprised at the tone of the so-called elder representative. That’s right. People of these big families have always had eyes on the top of their heads. If they don’t, then she really feels strange and feels unaccustomed, doesn’t she?

"Elder Liu, what is your attitude? This lady asked you to help this lady catch the three little beasts. What are you doing? Don't you be afraid that this lady will go back and tell your father that you disobey Miss Ben?" Don't wait for Ouyang Xia Sha replied that the eldest lady, who had been ignored, was immediately annoyed. The words that were said were not at all polite, it seemed that the one standing in front of her was not the elder of the family, but one of her dogs. Regarding this young lady's attitude, it is no wonder that these elders and guardians feel disgusted and disgusted with it in their hearts. After all, they are not masochists. How can they use their hot faces to stick to others' cold ass? What's more, no matter how favored this eldest lady is, she can't inherit the position of Patriarch of the Xishang family, can she? Therefore, they have one more reason to please the eldest lady.

It's just this eldest lady, you call Bi Fang them one by one with "little beasts", don't you worry about their revenge? You must know,'the one near Zhu is red, the one near ink is black', what kind of person, what kind of beast and beast, and the beast and beast who have been together for a long time with Ouyang Xiasha, can be fuel-efficient, Is it a foolish lamp? Well, this eldest lady is unlucky, who made her not know the character of Ouyang Xiasha?

After listening to that elder lady's overbearing remarks, the elder guardians didn't react too much. It seemed that this kind of thing was normal, and it wasn't a big deal. Especially after Ouyang Xiasha did not reply for a long time, did not respond, and was understood by the guardians of the elders that they had no background background, or their background background was not strong, and after it was difficult to tell, the attitude of the guardians of the elders was even more clear. Not only are there no more words, but even the intention of faintly blocking his eldest lady from shooting before is gone. Isn't that the same as the default?

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