Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2392: Conditions for entering the Valley of Extinction (1)

The second and most important point is that the reason why it is called a "valley" is different from the rest of the inner surrounding area (the rest are basically plains), because there is a natural The crack lies in the middle, and that crack is not something ordinary cultivators or flying beasts can pass. Unless it's like Ouyang Xiasha, who has the legendary beast like Bi Fang, don't use that brain, because, then, if you go, you will die! And this also determines the fact that no one has set foot in that place for many years. In other words, even if it is just a place with mediocre production of medicinal materials and minerals, after so many years of accumulation, it will definitely be better than some areas with rich products. The medicinal materials and minerals he owns are much richer, and this is the biggest reason why Xi Jing chose here in the first place.

You know, it's not a simple, ordinary, mere crack, not to mention its width and depth, but it appears from time to time. Sudden dangers cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. Because it is not only a test for the cultivator, but also a test for the flying beast that he rides. To put it bluntly, if you want to fly through the rift, not only the flying beast must be strong, but also the cultivator who rides the flying beast must be strong. , Unless it is the flying beast alone, otherwise, the two are indispensable.

As for how strong it is, there is no specific measurement standard for this. However, according to the information obtained by Xi Jing, the flying beast must be at least above the sacred beast, and at least one of the riders must break through the combination of the gods. It is possible to fly, but it is only possible to fly. Therefore, before Xi Jing led the team, he had the following question: "Lord, before going to the'Valley of Extinction', I have a question I want to ask the Lord, I wonder if it is OK?"

"You ask!" Although Xi Jing is not marginal at times, most of the time, it is still very reliable. Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha instinctively believes that Xi Jing's problem should be very important, and they must go there later. It is related to the Valley of Extinction, otherwise, he would not catch this time to speak. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha, who already understood Xi Jing's intentions, was very generous and accepted his request."Does the Lord’s current strength surpass the first level of the gods?" Because it is a matter of the safety of the owner of the house, Xi Jing does not care about his words, whether he offends the owner of the house. I gritted my teeth and asked about the meaning or suspicion.

You know, because Ouyang Xiasha and Xi Jing are subordinate to each other, Xi Jing, as a subordinate, is not qualified to ask Ouyang Xiasha any secret questions about rank or hole cards. Therefore, Xi Jing's questioning behavior is very suspicious and interesting. No, even Ouyang Xia Sha, who has always been calm and never harsh to his subordinates, couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Xi Jing, you are crazy! Lord, forgive me, he didn't mean to trouble the Lord!" Obviously, Bi An was one of the people who misunderstood Xi Jing, especially after Ouyang Xiasha frowned. . If you don't believe it, look at her panic and fearful gesture, kneeling on the ground to apologize to Ouyang Xia Sha again and again.

But when you think about it, it’s no wonder that Bi An will be like this. Although Ouyang Xia Sha treats them very well, and even treats them as relatives and friends, after all, your majesty is still your majesty, and the dignity of the king cannot be offended by them.

Of course, under such circumstances, Xi Hengzuo and the others also inevitably knelt down with the other side. You must know that Xi Hengzuo, the kid, has always been a little awkward with Ouyang Xiasha, not to mention that he is contradictory ( When Ouyang Xiasha came to the rescue, the so-called contradiction between them had been completely resolved. It was just that Xi Hengzuo was stiff and didn't want to admit it), and it was not so easy for him to bow his head to him easily. Yes, isn't it? But now, Xi Hengzuo knelt down with ease, showing that the so-called king's might has become stronger.

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