Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update rebirth 80: wife is a little bit of the latest chapter!

The pulse of the dog's egg is normal, it is a bit cold and wet, which is caused by improper diet.

Judging from the pulse alone, the child is not ill and healthy.

After giving the dog egg number and giving the cat egg number, it is worthy of being twins, and the pulses of the two people are almost the same.

Cat eggs also have cold and wet invasion, but they are caused by improper diet. Looking back, Tang Huai prescribes two doses of Chinese medicine for them to investigate.

They are in good health, with strong pulses, clean eyes, and normal intelligence. Are they just talking later than their children of the same age?

Tang Huai looked at them and asked with a smile: "Do you love singing?"

They did not nod, nor shook their heads. They just looked at Tang Huai with a pair of clear, clear, bright eyes.

The mouth was still grinning, and they were laughing.

"Does Grandma usually sing to you?" Tang Huai asked again.

Dog eggs and cat eggs shook their heads at the same time, their mouths grinning more and their smiles more intense.

They wanted to say that grandma was a rough man and would not sing.

"Sister singing to you, OK?"

When the dogs and cats heard it, their eyes lit up and then nodded.

"Sister sings" Shake to Grandma Bridge "for you, OK?"

Dog eggs and cat eggs nodded vigorously, not because they liked listening to songs, but because they liked grandma.

Tang Huai began to sing, "Shake to Grandma Bridge" was the song she had heard in her previous life.

The melody is light and cheerful, she likes it very much.

Her voice was crisp and gentle, like a bird in the woods.

Tang Huai's expression was in place and his eyes were as bright as stars.

Dog eggs and cat eggs have not yet gone to school, and Liang Yulan has never sung a song to them.

They didn't watch TV and didn't know there were such beautiful songs.

They listened and listened, and their hearts were taken away by Tang Huai.

They watched Tang Huai's mouth intently ...

Looking at them, their mouths also moved.

Tang Huai's mouth opened, and so did they, and Tang Huai's mouth closed, but they also closed, but there was no sound.

After singing, Tang Huai stopped, and they looked at Tang Huai with an unexplained expression.

Tang Huai looked at them and smiled like a flower, very kindly: "Are you listening?"

They nodded.

"Do you still want to listen?"

They nodded again.

"I want you to tell me with your mouth, don't nod and shake your head."

Dog eggs and cat eggs looked at each other, they also wanted to say, but they couldn't tell.

"If any of you say" want to hear "to me, whoever I go to the street today to buy toys." Tang Huai tempted them.


Dog eggs and cat eggs looked at each other again, as if they didn't know what a toy was.

They lived in the countryside. During the Spring Festival, they only played with balloons.

They don't seem to know the concept of toys.

Moreover, they are small and have little knowledge. Tang Huai said that toys, they do not know what it is.

Tang Huai smiled as they looked at the toys with curiosity.

Their curiosity was very strong, and Tang Huai also noticed when they sang just now, that their mouth shape followed her mouth shape.

They wanted to talk, but they couldn't tell.

They are language barriers like this, but they are not caused by illness. They should be taught carefully and corrected.

Liang Yulan usually did not teach them correctly, but took them blindly for medical treatment.

Many children have a sense of fear when they see strangers, and even more so when they seek medical treatment.

The more Liang Yulan returned them to seek medical treatment, the more they feared and protested.

The doctor asked them to open their mouths, "Ah," they certainly wouldn't cooperate. The Chinese medicine they got back, Tang Huai guessed that Liang Yulan infused them when they were crying.

They are not sick at all, nor are they dumb, nor are they severely hit by it, so that they cannot speak.

They just have a language barrier. As long as the barrier is removed, they will naturally speak.

It may be that when their father is pregnant with them, the nutrition is not enough, so that they have a slow development in language.

They had been slow to speak, and Liang Yulan also blindly took them to seek medical treatment, causing them to protest against speaking.

They need to teach them patiently, and then use some methods to seduce them to make them realize that they want to have something and talk to them in order to have it.

Children of this age, dog and cat eggs, should like toys and snacks the most?

Seeing their lack of awareness of toys, Tang Huai asked again: "Do you like to play with guns?"

When they heard the gun, their eyes lit up and nodded hard.

Tang Huai made a sighting gesture with his hand and looked at them with a smile: "Like Jing Xuan's brother, he wears a military uniform and is equipped with a real gun. Do you think?"

They nodded.

Liang Yulan and Liang Shi will chat about Jingxuan when they are idle.

The little dog and cat eggs know that Jing Xuan is a hero, a hero in military uniform and a real gun.

Liang Yulan often presupposes Jing Xuan in their face, and describes Jing Xuan's heroic character perfectly in the minds of children.

Although they are small, they already think in their hearts: when they grow up, they must become like Jing Xuan's brother!

Tang Huai asked them if they wanted to wear military uniforms and real guns like Jing Xuan, and they thought their eyes were bright.

"But if you want to be like Jing Xuan's brother, you have to speak. Whoever said" want to listen "first, the sister would take the one to buy military uniforms and guns." Tang Huai seduced them again.

"Ah ... ah ..."

"Hi ... hi ..."

When dog eggs and cat eggs are heard, they must say two words before they can have military uniforms and guns, and they both open their mouths to speak.

The tongue cannot be rolled up, and the pronunciation is very difficult.

Tang Huai looked at them and moved his mouth, teaching them to "think--" "listen--"

Dog eggs and cat eggs looked at her mouth and followed her pronunciation.

Dog eggs make "ah" sounds, cat eggs make "joy" sounds.

Hi is different from Xiangyin, but compared to the "ah" of dog eggs, it's better.

"Don't worry, take your time, you look at my mouth and follow my sister's pronunciation. I want to ... listen ..."

Dog eggs still make ah sound, cat eggs make a crosstalk.

"You are all great. Come again and tell your sister, want to ... listen ..."

After teaching it dozens of times, the dog no longer made the sound of "ah", rolled his tongue, and made a "suck".

Cat eggs are still "phase" sounds, they are close to thinking, they are pretty good, they have language barriers, there is another reason, they are lazy.

They usually asked for nothing, and did not open their mouths. When they took anything, they all took Liang Yulan's finger and gestured for it.

Where to go is also to pull Liang Yulan in the past, never to say what I want, where I want to go.

Now, if you want them to take the initiative to speak diligently, you have to seduce them with what they are most interested in but can't get.

After practicing dozens of times, they still couldn't say the words "want to listen" clearly. Tang Huai taught them word by word and let them say "listen".

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