Rebirth of the Little Military Wife

Chapter 437: Scared to pee

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update rebirth 80: wife is a little bit of the latest chapter!

Upon hearing the police station, Peng Cai panicked. She crawled over and wanted to hug Peng Dong's thigh. Peng Dong stepped back and avoided her.

She hugged an empty space and fell to the ground. She looked up and cried with tears and nostrils: "Cousin, you save me, you want to save me, I really didn't set the store on fire!"

Even if you set fire to the store, no one can bear such a vicious person.

At present, the country is gradually becoming stronger and the economy is gradually improving.

The government attaches great importance to doing business and stimulating people in the economy.

The county governor heard that Happiness Food had a fire, and his heart hurt.

Although it is not a loss of his money--

Who wants to see this happen?

If this happened, go to the superior, and the superior came over to check, and the problem would be serious.

Peng Cai personally admitted that he set fire, will he let her go?

His eyes were cold, and he screamed at Peng Cai: "No one can save you! Secretly in love with his brother, jealous of other shops, the business is booming, and the arson of the shop, causing the innocent to be injured, he must be severely sentenced and arrested!"

The lively people watched the magistrate and widened their eyes in surprise.

Ouch, even like your brother?

What is this abnormal feeling?

Heavy sentence?

Peng Cai was scared to pee, really scared to pee.

She sat on the ground, a paralyzed wet, an unpleasant smell filled everyone's nasal cavity.

Under Peng Dong's glasses, those deep eyes were deeper and more disgusting.

Although he is a doctor, he is very familiar with the structure of the human body.

College students with higher education, but the mind is not open to this level.

Knowing that Peng Cai likes him, he also likes Peng Cai.

Peng Dong had discovered Peng Cai's strangeness, so he didn't go to her shop to eat porridge.

Peng Dong's breakfast has always been light.

A bowl of white porridge and a green vegetable are the best for him.

Peng Cai's porridge shop can satisfy him.

Over time, he found that Peng Cai looked at his eyes and the tone of his speech became like a little girl, which made him very disgusted.

Therefore, he avoided her as much as possible, and no longer went to her porridge restaurant for breakfast. It wasn't what she said. He took a fancy to Tang Huai or something before going to the happy restaurant for breakfast.

She even set fire to hurt people for this perverted emotion, Peng Dong will not forgive her, but will only disgust her more.

Peng Dong's heart is a little high, let alone Peng Cai is his cousin, even if not, he would not be able to look at her.

The magistrate said that he would catch her back. In his eyes, there was no sympathy, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

Recall that last night, the girl who was sent to the hospital and was innocently burned, he hated Peng Cai.

As a doctor, he knew what scars the girl ’s feet would leave.

Girls all like beauty. That girl is so tall and has such long legs. She must look good in a skirt.

However, since last night, inferiority complex should follow her.

Peng Cai is really vicious!

This is Peng Dong's view of Peng Cai!

The famous policeman who came with the magistrate came over to set up Peng Cai.

Peng Cai only knew at this time that he was finished.

"I did not set fire!" Peng Cai struggled desperately, crying and shouting again: "I just put the fire water behind the house, but I did not set fire!"

"Who believes your gibberish? Do you know Dah got burnt? You ruined Dah's legs, you venomous woman! You like your cousin, just like your cousin, are Tang Huai and Daya guilty of you? ? The porridge you boil is terrible, which guest will come to you to eat porridge? There is so much time thinking about your cousin, why don't you take the time to improve the technology of porridge? All the legs are scarred. This is a matter of a lifetime! "Gu Jiajia hated and came forward to punch Peng Cai's abdomen.

The county magistrate and Tang Huai did not stop her.

Lin Weiqun hurried over when he received the news that Happiness Restaurant was on fire.

Today, Saturday, her son Zhong Xing did not have to go to school, but also followed.

When they came in, Zhong Xing saw Gu Jiajia stepping forward and punched Peng Cai coolly.

Zhong Xing suddenly felt that Gu Jiajia was so handsome and looked at Gu Jiajia with blinking eyes.

I don't know if Peng Cai was too scared. She didn't feel how painful Gu Jiajia's punch was on her.

She was trembling with fear, and her heart was trembling.

After peeing again and again, the whole soul seemed to be scared away.

The only consciousness made her look at Tang Huai: "Tang Huai, I was wrong! You saved me, I was wrong!"

Peng Dong looked at her eyes to make her clear, but Peng Dong would not save her.

Now, what she can ask for is Tang Huai.

Tang Huai looked away and saw Lin Weiqun and Zhong Xing walking in.

Tang Huai said coldly: "The sister group is the boss. If she will save you, I will save you. I don't have that power."

Lin Weiqun came over, looked at Peng Cai with a cold face, and she played the role of the boss very well: "A fire caused me such a heavy loss, and also injured innocent guests, my employee Dah I was also burned. Do you think I will save you? I will sue you and let you sentence you to the maximum sentence! "

"No!" Peng Cai's expression became terribly terrified because of fear. She cried and cried, "No! I haven't! I didn't set fire! I just mentioned the fire water there, and finally I was afraid of being caught, I I did n’t dare. I wanted to bring the fire water back, but I heard footsteps from the path behind the bamboo forest, and I ran away quickly. I was very surprised that there was a fire in Happy Dining, I did n’t set fire, you Trust me! "

Peng Cai saw that everyone was a face that did n’t believe her, and she was panicked and scared. A despair came to her heart. She turned to Peng Dong and cried, "Cousin, you have to believe me! I really did n’t arson , I had this idea, but in the end ... finally I counseled ... Cousin, you have to believe me! "

Peng Dong's expression was cold, and his voice was like ice slag: "I only believe in the evidence, and you have admitted it. In front of all the evidence, your statement is useless."

"I didn't! I didn't ..." Peng Cai cried out in tears: "I didn't--"

The whole building became shaken because of her cry.

Everyone's eardrum was shocked. Tang Huai frowned, looking at Peng Cai lightly.

Peng Cai's mind was a bit perverted. The reason why Tang Huai knew she was free was thinking of Peng Dong because she was looking for clues in the back of the kitchen when she saw several papers in the ditch that were not contaminated with sewage.

Looking for evidence on the spot, of course, is not afraid of dirty, you have to look at everything.

Tang Huai picked up the paper and looked, it turned out to be a "love letter" written by Peng Cai to Peng Dong.

Very nasty words.

Tang Huai now thinks of those words and feels abnormal.

Brother, I dreamed of you last night. I dream of you one by one, stripping my clothes.

You pressed me on the bed, nibbling my whole body, you praised my beauty.


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