Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 359 Situation and Full Responsibility

The fact that the foundation-building immortal cultivating family in Longhui County could be robbed of their spiritual veins had a certain relationship with the Wei family itself.

Among the alchemy cultivating families in Zhao State, there is no one like their Li family.

Li Qianqing dared to implement the policy of not suppressing affiliated forces because he was confident that the family could develop, and he personally was the family's guarantee. His guarantee will not only allow the Li family to become a Yuan Ying cultivating family, but even becoming a deity cultivating family will have no problem at all.

In the entire mortal world, before Li Qianqing ascended in his previous life, there were only three immortal cultivating families at the level of god transformation, and the ancestors of the families were all in the early stage of god transformation.

Normally, monks in the mortal world who are preparing to ascend will cultivate to the middle stage of divine transformation, so that their ascension can be more secure. In order to seek safety, some even practice until the late stage of divine transformation before ascending, but this is very difficult in the mortal world. Due to the limitations of the world, it is easy to practice from the early stage of becoming a god to the middle stage of becoming a god, but it is difficult to go further.

Knowing more about the small worlds, Li Qianqing understood that it was very good to be able to practice normally in the mortal world to the middle stage of divine transformation. Many small worlds found it difficult to break through to the divine transformation stage. If the normal Nascent Soul peak wanted to go further, they could only ascend. Such monks from the small world who can ascend to the spiritual world are all people of great opportunity.

You can get a glimpse of Li Qianqing's future. It is very easy to win people's hearts by implementing such a family strategy. Many qi-refining families in Xiangshui County want to send qi-refining monks to give them a little help, and they all know how good their Li family is.

Even if the Ma family and Chen family in Wutong County are not affiliated with them, they don't have to pay anything for their support.

Longhui County is different. If you want to seek help from the Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivation Clan affiliated with the Wei family, you must pay something. This is the hard-earned money that the Wei family wants. Regardless of whether the matter is resolved or not, the Wei family is here No matter how much effort was put into this, the hard work cannot be less.

The affiliated foundation-building and immortal-cultivating families have allocated more resources, leaving less resources for the family's development. This is also the Longhuiwei family's method of suppressing the development of the foundation-building and immortal-cultivating families. This is the approach of many pill-forming and immortal-cultivating families.

A normal alchemy-building immortality-cultivating family does not want to see a top foundation-building immortality-cultivating family appear within its sphere of influence. If such a situation occurs, the Alchemy-forming Immortal Cultivation Family will definitely suppress it with all their strength to prevent the emergence of another Alchemy-forming Immortal Cultivation Family.

"...Senior, these are all the previous situations. The current situation is that the foundation-building immortal cultivating families in Yuemeng County, a Guan family and a Zhuang family, occupy a spiritual vein land in two places close to Yuemeng County. , these two spiritual vein places only have one miniature spiritual vein.”

Wei Zihe finished all the information he could say in one breath.

Li Qianqing nodded slightly. According to the information Wei Zihe said, the Wei family is still holding back and has not taken any action.

The main reason why the Wei family did not take action was that the affiliated foundation-building forces did not ask them to provide support.

When the land of spiritual veins was invaded, these foundation-building immortal cultivating families were confused at first. As an alchemy-forming immortal cultivating family, the Wei family should have been reminded by the alchemy-forming elders of Qingfeng Valley, but they did not seem to follow the instructions of the affiliated establishments. Fundamental forces exchange information and ask them to pay more attention in recent decades.

Wei Zihe mentioned this very vaguely in his narration, and did not even explain whether they had been informed by the Qingfeng Valley Jie Dan Elder.

Whether it is the Longhui Wei family or the Xiayong Fang family, they all cooperate with the Qingfeng Valley Jiedan elder. Although their relationship is not like that between the Li family and Yan Xuewei, in addition to the interest relationship, there are some pure relationships. , but the two parties should have communicated some information about the four major sects involved.

"Do you, the Wei family, plan to take action?" Li Qianqing asked.

At present, among the four counties, apart from Wutong County, Longhui County is in the best situation. This is a very normal phenomenon. After all, no matter what Longhui County says, there is also the Wei family, a family of alchemy cultivators, which has strong control over the county. The affiliated foundation-building forces of Zhongtian Hezong in Yuemeng County really want to grow bigger, but they cannot do it alone. They also need the support of corresponding levels of forces.

The Wei family, which has strong control over Longhui County, has not suffered any substantial losses in this incident, but for them, it is necessary to counterattack quickly, at least to ensure that there is no loss in Longhui County. A subsidiary force of Tianhe Sect.

If they go out, they may be attacked by many parties. If the Xiangshui Li family also takes action, the pressure on their side will be much less. This is why the Wei family sent Wei Zihe to look for Li Qianqing.

"At the beginning of next year, take action immediately!" Wei Zihe replied. As the Seventh Great Ancestor said, Senior Li is really good at communicating. As soon as he finished talking about the situation in Longhui County, Senior Li asked the question that the Wei family was most concerned about. , which is also the purpose of his coming to Evergreen Mountain. "They must be well prepared this year, so early next year is a good time."

Li Qianqing did not deny it.

Many opportunities to take action next year will be better than the remaining two months of this year.

"We, the Wei family, hope that our seniors can ask the family to take action early next year." After having a clearer understanding of Li Qianqing, Wei Zihe did not say any polite words and directly stated the purpose of his visit.

After saying the words, he looked at Li Qianqing expectantly, hoping that Li Qianqing would agree directly, so that his mission to come to Changqing Mountain would be completed.

There is no problem in taking action early next year, but Li Qianqing did not agree immediately, but asked first.

"What did Qingfeng Valley tell your Wei family?"

Their Jindan Xiuxian family is nominally a subsidiary force of the Jindan Sect, but in fact the relationship between the two is more equal, with no distinction between superiors and subordinates.

Wei Zihe thought about it and said roughly, "Qingfeng Valley does not want the Tianhe Sect's subsidiary forces to appear in Longhui County, and let our Wei family take over Yuemeng County first."

"Qingfeng Valley supports Ziyun County and Biqiu County, and the senior family should not have the support of Qingfeng Valley."

Li Qianqing looked at Wei Zihe and just nodded slightly. From the situation, the Wei family learned that Qingfeng Valley and Tianhe Sect were about to have a full-scale conflict, and in this full-scale conflict, the Jindan Xiuxian family was besieged, otherwise the Jindan Sect would basically not provide support.

If the Wei family knew that the three sects might open a siege on Tianhe Sect, what Wei Zihe said now would change a little.

Yan Xuewei told him this information, meaning that it was okay for their Li family to be more radical. When the three major sects really took action against Tianhe Sect, the benefits they had previously taken would not be taken back by Tianhe Sect.

If it was just a contest between Tianhe Sect and Qingfeng Valley, the Jindan Xiuxian family that occupied more territory would undoubtedly become a thorn in the other side's eyes and flesh, making it easier to attack. Now that it has developed to the later stage, Tianhe Sect can hardly protect itself, so there is no problem of focusing on their family.

"No." Li Qianqing shook his head.

The Ma family and Chen family in Wutong County have not received any information from Qingfeng Valley yet.

The four foundation-building Xiuxian families in Longhui County are all affiliated forces of the Wei family. It is normal that they have not received support from Qingfeng Valley. The two families in Wutong County are not affiliated forces of their Li family.

However, this is what Li Qianqing hopes to see. In this way, the Ma and Chen families in Wutong County will be more loyal to their Li family, and if there is a chance later, they may become affiliated foundation-building forces of their Li family.

Li Qianqing didn't know that the current head of the Ma family, Ma Xuanzong, had such an idea in his heart. As long as there is a chance for their Ma family to become an affiliated force of the Li family, their Ma family will definitely seize it.

"What about Wutong County?"


Wei Zihe smiled awkwardly. The promise Li Qianqing made earlier was the same as what he thought, but it was different later.

The Wei family also knew the situation in Wutong County. Both the Ma family and the Chen family were foundation-building forces affiliated with Qingfeng Valley.

"Maybe Qingfeng Valley felt that Wutong County was well defended, so it did not send supporting cultivators."

"Maybe." Li Qianqing did not say much on this issue, but answered the question Wei Zihe asked before, "Our Li family can make a move at the beginning of next year."

"Great!" Wei Zihe was very happy to hear this, and then thanked, "Thank you, senior."

"No need, when your Wei family wants to make a move, our Li family can also make a move. I have the same idea on this point."

"Thank you, senior." Wei Zihe thanked again. He hadn't had such a smooth communication for a long time.

If the current Li family was replaced by the Xiayong Fang family, when their Wei family took the initiative to come to the door to talk about this matter, maybe the other party would ask for some benefits.

After Li Qianqing agreed to take action at about the same time as their Wei family, problems in Weishui County would inevitably lead to the involvement of the Xinyue County Shen family. In this way, when their Wei family took action, they would normally only have to deal with the Shang family, a Jindan cultivation family in Fengling County.

When there was no problem in Weishui County, once their Wei family took action, they would probably encounter the two Jindan cultivation families, the Xinyue Shen family and the Fengling Shang family.

You should know that Yuemeng County not only borders Fengling County, but also Xinyue County.

After achieving the purpose of coming to Changqing Mountain, Wei Zihe said goodbye not long after.

After understanding Li Qianqing's character, he didn't want to delay Li Qianqing's time. After all, the time of Jindan cultivators is more precious than that of their foundation-building cultivators. Li Qianqing's ability to come to see him has already given his Wei family enough face.

After returning, Wei Zihe wanted to say more good things about the Li family, so that perhaps the two families could cooperate in depth.

Wei Zihe thought in his heart that it was basically a good thing to cooperate with the Li family led by Senior Li Qianqing.

Thinking of this, he went back a little faster.

One day later.

Li Xunting appeared in Li Qianqing's cave.

Yesterday, Thirteenth Grandfather asked her to go to Changqing Mountain today, and she left Changlin Mountain early this morning. Now there is no foundation-building cultivator guarding Changlin Mountain, so there should be no problem in the short term. After the last incident, the Tian family and the An family in Weishui County should think about how to defend instead of continuing to attack.

Attacking is more difficult than defending anyway, and defense at least has the blessing of the spirit formation.

"Thirteenth Grandfather."

"You're back, sit down." When Li Qianqing saw Li Xunting, his face was basically full of smiles. Among all the younger generations he guided and trained, Li Xunting must be the one who made him the least worried.

Li Xunting has been very obedient since she was a child, and it is still the same now.

"Okay, hehe."

Li Xunting sat directly next to Li Qianqing, holding his arm and rubbing it, like a cute little cat.

Seeing this, Li Qianqing stroked Li Xunting's head and couldn't help laughing, "You little girl, you're already over a hundred years old, and you're still like this."

"Hehe, no matter how old I am, I'm still your granddaughter, and you still call me a little girl, which means I'm not big in your heart." Li Xunting really enjoyed the love of Thirteenth Grandpa.

"Hahaha, you little girl." Li Qianqing nodded, "That's right, in the hearts of our elders, you younger generations will always be children."

"I knew it..."

The grandfather and grandson chatted for a while, and then Li Qianqing talked about business.

"This time I called you back mainly to tell you about the action at the beginning of next year."

When talking about business, Li Qianqing became more serious, and Li Xunting sat up straight.

"At the beginning of next year, the Longhui Wei family will take action, and we will also take action at the same time. You are fully responsible for this action..." Li Qianqing first briefly explained the general situation.

"After the Wei family takes action, our main opponent is only the Shen family in Xinyue County." Li Xunting responded. For the Jindan forces, the foundation-building forces are not qualified to be opponents. If Weishui County is a battlefield, the forces participating in the foundation-building are basically their pawns. "By the way, Thirteenth Grandpa, the family foundation-building cultivators assigned to me cannot be older than me."

Li Xunting meant that he was older than her, mainly in terms of seniority, which Li Qianqing understood as soon as he heard it.

"Don't worry, there are no Qian and Xing generations, let alone your fourth great-grandfather."

Among the Xun generations, Li Xunting is the eldest sister.

"That's good. This way I can take full responsibility." Li Xunting laughed.

"The Wutong Ma family and the Chen family will send at least one foundation-building cultivator and ten late-stage Qi-refining cultivators. In Xiangshui County, many Qi-refining families will also send late-stage Qi-refining cultivators to join."

In general, Li Xunting can use a lot of forces. In addition to herself, there are at least six foundation-building cultivators, not to mention late-stage Qi-refining cultivators, the number exceeds seventy, and the number of mid-stage Qi-refining cultivators is even greater.

Generally, the forces that can send a late-stage Qi-refining cultivator will basically send three to five mid-stage Qi-refining cultivators, and there are no early-stage Qi-refining cultivators. This level of cultivators basically does not participate in the battle. The reason is naturally that this level of cultivators does not have much combat power, and some are not as good as ordinary warriors.

Among the mid-stage Qi-refining cultivators, there are very few cultivators at the fourth level of Qi-refining, and most of them are cultivators at the fifth and sixth levels of Qi-refining.

"Not bad."

Li Xunting was not surprised that many Qi-refining forces in Xiangshui County took the initiative to participate. These Qi-refining immortal families knew that if the Li family could eat meat, they would have a mouthful of soup.

The Li family, led by Grandpa Thirteen, has some practices that are basically not seen in other foundation-building or dan-forming immortal families in the entire Zhao Kingdom immortal world. (End of this chapter)

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