Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 663: A huge group of incremental funds!

Chapter 664 A huge group of incremental funds!

At 10:16, ‘Leiman Optoelectronics’ followed the trend and skyrocketed, and hit the daily limit in a flash.

At 10:17, 'Fushun Special Steel', a leading stock in the conceptual fields of 'special steel' and 'nuclear power', also exploded in volume, hitting its daily limit upwards.

At 10:18, Hongdu Airlines closed the board in a straight line, and the time-sharing transaction volume reached 76 million within one minute.

At 10:19, "Northern Navigation" pulled sharply upward, and the "Beidou Navigation" concept sector index also surged upward rapidly.

At 10:20, the 'Military Industry' sector index rose by more than 5% in a straight line, ranking among the top five industry sector gains in the two cities, and achieving a reversal of yesterday's trend.

At 10:21, in the field of "big infrastructure", core sectors such as real estate, steel, cement, building decoration, and building materials also rebounded rapidly.

At 10:22, ‘Dalian Heavy Industry’ closed the board straight up.

At 10:23, the straight rise of "Yingkou Port" brought out the concept of "Northeast Revitalization".

At 10:24, 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Yangtze River Delta Economic Belt', 'Pearl River Delta Economic Belt', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' ' and many other early core concepts have also launched a strong rebound, counterattacking the adjustment trend in the past few days.

At 10:25, in the real estate sector, ‘Kumho Group’ hit its daily limit.

At 10:26, ‘LeTV’ once again hit the 7% intraday increase mark, and its intraday transaction volume increased to more than 1 billion.

At 10:27, ‘Lixun Precision’ hit more than 100 million in just a few minutes, and the intraday increase also expanded to about 5%, bringing out a comprehensive counterattack in the ‘Apple Concept’ sector.

At 10:28, ‘Huaguo Petroleum’, a core-weighted large-cap stock, rose by more than 5% during the day.

At 10:29, the stock prices of the two stocks "Huaxin Insurance" and "Huaxin Securities" once again set new intraday highs and new yearly highs.

At 10:30, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose nearly 2%, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index rose more than 5%.

At 10:31, when the intraday trading volume reached 8.7 billion, Oriental Securities suddenly went on the market and sealed the daily limit.

At 10:32, the securities sector index rose by 3% during the day.

At 10:33, the stock 'Hengsheng Electronics' tried to break through, and the intraday turnover was close to 1.5 billion.

At 10:34, 'Netspeed Technology' also exploded in a straight line, with an intraday increase of 22%. LeTV, Netspeed Technology, and Oriental Fortune seem to be competing for the top market capitalization stock in the GEM Index. You are already A situation of fighting for each other and refusing to give in to each other.

At 10:35, the A50 index rose by more than 3% during the day. Only a few stocks in its sector showed a downward trend, and the number of stocks in the red market reached more than 90%.

"The market is experiencing another day of surge across the board!"

At this time, within Yuhang and Jingda Investment, in the main fund trading room, General Manager Gu Chijiang was closely watching the changes in the two markets, and he was in a very happy mood: "We have completely grasped this wave of market rhythm, and the continuous The volume is rising and the bull market is really coming."

Lin Tingzong, the fund manager standing behind Gu Chijiang, nodded with a smile and said: "As the 'bull market expectations' continue to deepen, after this continuous surge for a week, and the tyrannical drive of the entire 'big finance' main line, now the investment in and outside the market Basically, the investor group should already agree with the 'bull market' market pattern.

This successive burst of energy... is a bit unexpected!

I feel that the daily trading volume of 600 billion will be broken soon. I don’t know what kind of volume and energy height space it can reach upwards. "

"Today, the 'technological growth' line has completely caught up." Gu Chijiang chuckled, "Even the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have been adjusted for several consecutive trading days have launched a full-scale counterattack today. Situation, on the whole... The market patterns are no longer distinguishable from each other. As long as there are slightly expected and valuable stocks, they are being competed by a large number of financial groups. Ting Zong... In this market situation, you Do you think we still need to adjust positions in a timely manner and concentrate fund positions on the main line of 'big finance'?"

Lin Tingzong thought for a while and responded: "I think it is still necessary. Although the current market is experiencing a general rise, the main financial groups in the market and the core of the overall investment sentiment are still in the direction of 'big finance' As mentioned above, when the market is generally rising, there may not be much difference between the core main line and the non-core main line. However, once the market trend diverges... the difference will be huge.

By then, ‘big finance’ will definitely continue to further siphon off the active capital groups in the two cities.

Other non-core main line areas will inevitably suffer blood loss.

The so-called market trading principle of ‘the strong will always be strong’ is by no means an empty phrase.

I feel that taking advantage of the overall rebound of the market, "Technology Growth" has finally kept up with the rise of the "Big Finance" main line. It is just an opportunity for us to eliminate the weak and retain the strong, adjust positions, and further focus on the core main line.

If you don't take advantage of this time to adjust your position.

Once this extreme hot emotion subsides slightly.

Then, we will fall into a passive situation again, and it will be difficult to find a more suitable time to adjust positions than the current one. "

"Okay!" Gu Chijiang nodded, trusting Lin Tingzong, "Then according to what you said, at this time point, we will take the opportunity to reduce our holdings of the stocks in the main line of 'technology growth' that we bought some time ago on a large scale. , increase the holdings of stocks in the main line field of 'big finance', and also increase the position weight of our fund products in the direction of 'big finance'.


Gu Chijiang paused and then said: "There is no need to reduce all our holdings in the 'technological growth' line, such as 'LeTV', 'Netspeed Technology', and 'Enlight Media'." I think we can continue to hold core stocks.

After all, Mr. Jia clarified the check for ‘’.

Its current expectations, not only have not weakened, but have strengthened a lot, it has a strong expectation gap.

Coupled with this stock, there were constant negative rumors in the early stage, and the stock price was greatly suppressed by the market. At the same time, many core institutional groups that originally held this stock also carried out large-scale reduction of positions during the period of low stock price, resulting in this stock. The current number of institutional positions in checks is not large.

However, this check is always the weight of the GEM index's core stocks.

Coupled with the shift in expectations, the market is headed for a bull run.

The main institutional groups from all parties will most likely increase their bargaining chips on this stock on a large scale.

According to my analysis, regardless of the subsequent expectations, the response of funds, and the strength of the current trend... this check is not weaker than the core securities, stocks and Internet finance concepts in the main line of 'big finance' stock.

So, I think we are on the overall investment strategy.

We must stick to the core main line of the market and increase the weight of our positions in the main line of "big finance".

However, this does not mean that there cannot be core component stocks in other core main areas that also have strong expected logic and hype value. "

"Yeah!" After hearing Gu Chijiang's words, Lin Tingzong nodded and said, "I am also quite optimistic about the three core stocks mentioned by Mr. Gu just now. Indeed, specific issues and specific analysis will play a decisive role in the change of our overall investment strategy. Under such circumstances, its trading rules and position holding patterns do not need to be too rigid.”

After saying that, Lin Tingzong no longer needed Gu Chijiang to give instructions.

He continued to glance briefly at the current market changes in the two cities, then quickly turned his head and ordered the two trading groups behind him to quickly implement the investment strategy and trading strategy just agreed upon with Gu Chijiang.

When the two of them discussed the market conditions and made appropriate strategies to adjust their positions.

In the Magic City, at the same time, most of the positions were focused on Yinghui Fund Company, which was focused on the main line of 'technological growth'. In the Yinghui No. 2 fund product trading room, fund manager Shao Xiaoyun had already made a plan to liquidate positions in 'technology' without thinking. The investment strategy is to hold shares in the growth sector and pursue the main line of 'big finance'.

But this moment.

When he saw the trend of the main line of 'technological growth' in the market, it seemed that it was not weaker than the main line of 'big finance'.

Moreover, the trend of a number of core stocks in the main line of "technological growth" seems to have made a comprehensive breakthrough, and there are signs that major funds are paying attention to them one after another.

For a moment, I couldn't help but hesitate again.

After all, the main line of 'big finance', especially the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, has been rising sharply for more than 5 consecutive trading days. The rebound from the bottom has exceeded 20% on average. Even at present, the market outlook for the main line of 'big finance' Expectations, as well as positive expectations, remain strong.

It is adjustable and is very likely to appear at any time!

On the other hand, looking at the line of ‘technological growth’, it already lagged behind the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index in the early stage, and there is a need to make up for the increase.

Now, as the early negative shadow of 'LeTV', a core leading stock of 'technological growth', has been cleared away, and expectations have changed, it is very likely to lead the main line of 'technological growth' out of a continuous breakthrough trend, and have a positive impact on the main line of 'big finance' Switch high and low to form a short-term mainline market rotation.

"Manager Shao, let's..."

Seeing Shao Xiaoyun hesitate, his trading team leader Liu Changling couldn't help but remind him.

Shao Xiaoyun looked away from the two markets, glanced at Liu Changling, and said, "Do you think we should decisively adjust our positions and shift the focus of our current positions to the main line of 'big finance'?"

"Of course." Liu Changling said, "Although the 'technology growth' line has launched a strong rebound, whether it is emotional reaction, the intensity of the attack on funds, or the positive expected feedback from market news, the majority of retail investors The intensity of following the trend of the group is still far less than that of the main line of 'big finance'.

There is an essential difference between rebound and reversal!

From the current point of view, there are expectations for the line of 'technological growth', but there has never been a unified market effort.

Under this situation, once the market sentiment is exhausted, the general rise disappears, and the main line of 'big finance' begins to siphon off active capital groups in the market on a large scale, the line of 'technological growth' will return to a weak and volatile situation. middle.

In my opinion, the line of ‘technological growth’ has not yet turned around.

We have made misjudgments in the selection of the core market line before. At this time... Mr. Shao, I think we should not hesitate. "

"But what if..." Shao Xiaoyun hesitated, "At this time, we have launched the core chips of the 'Technological Growth' main line and pursued the 'Big Finance' main line, but we have stepped into the wrong market rhythm again? Even though the current expectations of the 'Big Finance' main line are still It’s very strong and the emotional reaction is hot, but in the short term, many core stocks have risen by more than 20%.”

Liu Changling said: "Even if the market rhythm is wrong in the short term, it doesn't matter. As long as the expectations and emotions in the direction of 'big finance' are still the strongest among the core threads of the entire market, then even if it is a short-term adjustment, the stock price will be very fast." It will recover its losses and return to new highs.”

"Even so..." Shao Xiaoyun thought for a while and said, "Let's take another look. The current net value of our fund is already far behind the 'Yinghui No. 1' fund. If we make another mistake... if we want to achieve the goal within two months at the end of the year, Here, it will be very difficult to keep up."

"Okay!" Seeing Shao Xiaoyun's persistence, Liu Changling sighed helplessly.

And with different institutions, different trading strategy choices...

The market trading time has reached 11:30 before you know it, when the two markets close at noon.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index finally settled at an increase of 89%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index both increased by about 6%, and the half-day turnover of the two cities reached more than 350 billion.

As for the major core main areas of the market.

The main line of 'big finance' still led the gains in the two cities, with the securities sector index rising by 65% ​​and the Internet finance sector index rising by 53%.

Behind the main line of ‘big finance’ is the main line of ‘technological growth’.

This morning, the main line of 'Technology Growth', supported by the strong rebound of stocks such as 'LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Huayi Brothers, Enlight Media, Ciwen Media...', became second only to 'Big Finance' The strong main line, especially the 'film and television media' industry sector in the field, also saw a half-day increase of more than 3%.

Other main sectors include ‘big consumption’, ‘non-ferrous cycle’, ‘petrochemical industry’, ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Even though it did not completely keep up with the rise of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, it still achieved a comprehensive red market surge.

Among them, in the main line of 'military industry', except for several heavyweight stocks such as 'China Airlines Optoelectronics, China Airlines Shenyang Aircraft, Aircraft Power...', the small and medium-cap stocks in the sector are all rising sharply, and 'Hongdu Airlines' , China Airlines Heavy Machinery, and Northern Navigation's three checks have even strongly sealed the daily limit.

Facing an overall general rise, the two cities closed at noon.

Especially when everyone sees that within half a day, the transaction volume has reached more than 350 billion, the investment emotion in their hearts has become like a flame, causing people to unknowingly invest funds in the market, and make countless investments. The investors group, looking at such market performance, their eyes are as fanatical as gamblers.

Amidst the continued emotional reaction, there were countless incremental funding groups outside the market.

Regardless of whether it is large institutional funds, small institutional funds, retail investors' funds, or leveraged financing funds... they are all rushing to enter the market at all costs, preparing to grab high-quality stock chips in the market, hoping to capitalize on this huge investment after more than six years. Take advantage of the bull market trend and gain huge investment returns and profits.

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