Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 212 Market Myth

"What, this big guy from Fortune Road is only in his twenties?"

"Holy shit, I just graduated from Zhezhou University of Finance and Economics 2 years ago, and I used to work in the Yuhang Fusheng Road Sales Department of Huaxin Securities. Why don't you quit your job to speculate in stocks?"

"Wealth Road is not only the personal seat of the boss, but also the seat of the private equity fund controlled by the boss?"

"Yuhang Investment Company, 'Yuhang No. 1' Fund? Why haven't you heard of it before? Damn it... On the private equity ranking list, this fund has been established for less than 3 months, and its net worth has exceeded 2.5? Eh... …No, this public net worth is still the data from July. The increase in net worth is too explosive, right?”

"Damn it, where did you get the news?"

In the explosive discussion on Fortune Road across the Internet, some people raised questions.

"Look at the screenshot, it's the information leaked from the classmate group of this big guy on Fortune Road. It shouldn't be fake."

"Damn it, I also graduated from Zhezhou University of Finance and Economics. Is the boss so close to me?"

"I'm in Yuhang, and I'll go to Yuhang Investment Company to apply for a trader job next week. I have to stay there shamelessly no matter what. It would be better if I could meet the boss and let him give me some advice. "

"I am also in Yuhang, and I also want to go..."

"But when this news comes out, the threshold of Yuhang Investment Company will be broken by someone directly next Monday!"

"I've only graduated from college two years ago, and I'm so good at it? I've been trading stocks for 8 years and I'm still losing money. Sure enough, people's talents, joys and sorrows are all different!"

"This is not only awesome, he is simply a god in market transactions!"

"It's so explosive and shocking. Fortune Road has simply created an operating miracle in the market."

"As an investor in the fund 'Yuhang No. 1', aren't you so happy? With a big boss like Fortune Road in charge, it's easy to get huge profits from the market without any effort!"

"I don't know if the big boss will open a new fund. The next one...I will sell iron and houses. I have to pool money to buy it."

"It's so shocking, so shocking..."

"I originally thought that the big boss of Fortune Road should be at least as old as the chief rudder, a veteran in the market. I didn't expect that the big boss is younger than me. He is a legend...a real market legend!"

“Although this wave of harvest on Fortune Road makes many people hate it, but for a follower like me, it’s so exciting, so exciting.”

"In the market from now on, I will only recognize one hot money position and the path to wealth."

"Following the trend and not following the path of wealth will be in vain even if you speculate in the stock market!"

"One person can really make all the profits in the market! It's so explosive. It's so explosive. I'll leave for Yuhang tomorrow, go to Yuhang Investment Company, what the hell... I can't apply for a job as a trader, what the hell am I doing? I applied for a job as a sweeper, and there was no salary, so I had to stay here shamelessly."

"This wave on Fortune Road is simply divine. I really bow down."

"Ah... If the boss is willing to give me some advice on this record, I can just be a dog leg!"

"Although I got cut off from chasing high today, I really admire the results of Fortune Road. Damn did the boss do it?"

"I've graduated two years ago, and I'm still a social beast, but the boss is already at the top, which is extremely enviable!"

"Oh my God, I resigned and started from scratch. In half a year, can I reach this point? Such a legendary thing, I never dare to dream!"

"What the big boss did after entering the market is really more dreamlike than a dream!"

"Is this the natural stock god?"

"From Tianyu Information, to Fenda Technology, to Huaqingbao, Shanghai Steel Union, and then to this wave of Shanghai Materials Trading and Waigaoqiao, the creation of waves of bull stocks and monster stocks is almost the same as Just like a myth, he is even better than the chief rudder and leader Zhang, simply... he is really the master of the market!"

"A new generation replaces the old, and Wealth Road really fully explains this sentence."

"Envy, I'm so envious!"

"I came from a grassroots background, quit my job and traded in the stock market, started from scratch, counterattacked in half a year, and created hundreds of millions of wealth with the help of the stock market. Holy crap, crap... I feel so immersed, what should I do?"

"From today on, I will be a die-hard loyalist to the boss. I will follow him and fire him, and my determination will remain unchanged."

"Damn it, it sounds like a love motto, but... I have to agree that in the future market transactions, especially, as long as a road to wealth appears, it will be the same for both buying and selling!"

"It is better to study the road to wealth than to study the market."

"The road to wealth is the real password to wealth. Damn it... I understood it too late!"

"I want to cry. I regret it. I really regret it. I agreed to start liquidating stocks related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' when Fortune Road appeared on the Dragon and Tiger List to sell its seats. I didn't expect a hesitation..."

"Beacon, beacon, the road to wealth is the real beacon of the market!"

"Blow up, explode... I have been trading in stocks for 10 years, and since my debut on Fortune Road, this series of stock operations has to be convinced and shocking!"

"From now on, the seat on Fortune Road should be on an equal footing with the seats of Chief Rudder and Alliance Leader Zhang, right?"

"Not only that, it's really unique."

"Yes, yes, the only one, Fortune Road, has created monster stocks and bull stocks in the past quarter, and the various market trends it has driven are really amazing."

"A true battle to become a god!"

“In the future domestic hot money market, no one will be able to ignore Fortune Road.”

"The key is that the big boss is only in his twenties. His future potential... is really unimaginable. Leader Zhang and the chief helmsman, they are in their twenties, but they should still be slowly exploring and losing money in the market, right?"

"The trading talent of Fortune Road is so explosive."

"It's simply a myth of wealth. From now on... I'm afraid many businessmen and bigwigs from other walks of life will look for help with wealth management, right?"

"That's for sure. Who wouldn't be jealous of Fortune Road's mythical ability to make money? Who wouldn't fawn over it!"

"Yes, this is the real God of Wealth!"

"As for the CEO Zexi's private equity fund, several big guys almost got into a fight to grab a share. Let's see... If Wealth Road opens a new private equity fund in the near future, the competition will be fierce The intensity and the size of the funds will make everyone dumbfounded.”

"Who wouldn't want to win over a top trader in the market who has a 100% winning rate record since starting from scratch, a trading legend who has accumulated a net worth of over 100 million in half a year?"

"Holy shit, shit, based on Fortune Road's record, the premium of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund's share in over-the-counter market transactions at this moment should have completely exploded, right?"

"Have you seen the performance of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund on the private equity fund rankings? It's so scary!"

"How scary?"

"It was established in June. In July, which was the last time the net worth was disclosed, the net worth soared to more than 2.5 in one month. What is the concept of giving? The initial capital scale was 400 million. In one month, the net worth soared. To more than 2.5, the increase is more than 150%. This is the net value of the fund, not a monster stock! And I took a look and found that in the position data released by this fund in the early stage, the positions are still relatively dispersed."

"Everyone knows what the market conditions are like in June and July, right? With this market trend, a profit of 150% is achieved in one month."

"It's so explosive!"

"Raising money, everyone, what kind of stocks are you speculating on? In the next wave, directly grab the shares of the fund managed by the big boss of Wealth Road. This is no more certain than stock trading, and... the high probability is still huge profits. .”

"What? Is that a monthly net worth record? I was so confused, I thought it was a quarterly record?"

"Then... based on the wave of speculation on Fortune Road on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', what kind of news will it be when the new wave of net worth is announced?"

"Look at today's Dragon and Tiger List! Wealthy Road sold over 1.2 billion in total on Shanghai Wuhuo Trade and Waigaoqiao in a single day. Calculated, this 1.2 billion alone is three times the net worth. It is absolutely impossible for this fund to only invest in these two stocks. It seems that the total capital volume is likely to exceed 2 billion."

"3 months, 5 times?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid it's far more than that!"

"Damn it, what kind of profitability is Fortune Road?"

Amid the heated discussions among retail investors, at this moment, all topics and breaking information related to Fortune Road are still like a hurricane, sweeping the entire domestic market, the entire financial circle, and even... Amid the explosive topic heat, many domestic business circles The big bosses also noticed some information about Fortune Road, and developed a strong interest in 'Yuhang Investment Company' and Su Yu.

Of course, at the same time...

In the circle of people with Su Yu as the core, such as the group of classmates who knew his identity, the hot money group, and even within the two domestic first-class securities companies, Huaxin Securities and Huashang Securities, there was an explosion of discussion.

"Oh, my God, why didn't you realize that our classmate is so powerful before?"

In a small private group, a girl who was a college classmate of Su Yu said in extreme surprise.

"Hey, if I had known it earlier, I would have thought about joining some rich second generation, big boss or something like that. I could just attack our classmate Su directly."

" can't see the real gold!"

"I used to laugh at him for being rustic, but I didn't expect... He is now a billionaire. If we meet again, he probably won't even look at me seriously, right? After all, there are so many beauties in the financial industry!"

"I heard that he opened a company and brought Li Meng and He Qian over?"

"Is it possible that Li Meng is getting along with him?"

"I heard that the two of them were originally from the same place and were classmates in high school. It's possible!"

"Then Li Meng is really getting a big deal."

"Hey, in your previous class, there were not even ten people who were better than Su Yu, but there were eight, right? How come... Su Yu succeeded?"

"Oh my haven't seen the discussion on the Internet about our student Su. That is really...tsk tsk...famous all over the world!"

"Hey, I'm jealous!"

"Are you jealous of Li Meng?"

"Isn't it too legendary? In my previous memory, our classmate Su Yu was nothing special. Why did he... change so much?"

"We've been apart for three days, and I'm so impressed!"

"Think about it, we are still working hard for a monthly salary of four to five thousand, dreaming of marrying a rich man and buying a house in Shanghai, but unexpectedly... people are compared to each other, it's so annoying!"

"Wow...that's so enviable."

"Sisters, tell me...if I go after you now, is it still too late?"

"Xiaoyan, don't you have a boyfriend?"

"My boyfriend, hey... forget it, let's not mention it, I'm ready to break up."

"Don't think about it. When they founded the company, they attracted Li Meng and He Qian, and the others didn't pay attention to them at all. Xiaoyan, if you want to pursue them, you have to go back in time to college, but really time When you go back to college, you may not look down on others again."

"Speaking of which... Su Yu is actually quite handsome. Why didn't I fall in love with him back then?"

"I was blinded by lard, and I only wanted to find a rich man."

"Then I want to find a rich man. Is it wrong? I also want to settle down in a big city and don't want to go back to my hometown."

"Well, I saw on the Internet that the company founded by Su Yu, which is Yuhang Investment, has posted a lot of recruitment positions. There is a large demand for traders, market researchers, network technicians, etc. You say... for the sake of my classmates Come on, if our sisters go to him, will he accept it?"

"Xiaoyan, do you still want to get closer to the water and get the moon first? Are you still thinking about chasing after me?"

"The man is unmarried, and I am unmarried, so why can't I think about it? Li Meng and He Qian can go, why can't I? In terms of figure and appearance, am I worse than them? Hey... Mainly because of this company now, I I really don’t want to stay here anymore, I work overtime every day, and my boss insists on dragging me along to socialize…”

"Since you want to, why don't you submit your resume and give it a try? Anyway, among the sisters in our dormitory, you are the one with the best conditions. If you have no chance, then all of us can't even think about it."

"Yes, Xiaoyan, in today's society, muster up the courage to pursue her. I support you."

"If you become the future boss lady, then we sisters will all depend on you."

"Then what should I invest in, a trader, a market researcher, or..."

"Is there an administrative secretary position? A kind of personal secretary. Anyway, your temperament is quite suitable. If Su Yu is a normal person, he will definitely accept it."

"There is no such position in the recruitment brochure..."

In addition to this private group, which is also part of the Su Yu University classmate network, there are also heated discussions in other male groups, with many envious and jealous people.

"Damn it, Su Yu has reached the pinnacle of his life this time!"

In a certain boys' group, Su Yu's former college classmate said in shock: "I'm so envious. When and when will I have this day?"

"When I looked at the Dragon and Tiger ranking data, I was so shocked that I almost knelt down."

"I'm already on my knees. The price is 1.2 billion. What's the concept? We all went to the same university and came from the same class. How can we be so far apart?"

"It's only been two years since I graduated. Su Yu's wealth accumulation is so fast."

"If I had known earlier, I would have followed him."

"I used to look down on this and look down on that, but now I really understand that in this society, only money is the most real thing. I wonder if it's too late... to follow the past?"

"It's really too exaggerated. How could you do it?"

"This is called life opportunity. Su Yu has really cheated his life in the past six months."

"I heard that Li Meng and He Qian are also in his company. They really have wealth and beauty in his arms. They are at the peak of their lives. They are at their peak."

"Hey, I chased He Qian for a long time in college, but I couldn't catch her. Now...the goddess is no longer a stranger."

"Let me tell you, let's not lose face. Look at this guy Huang Luolin. He used to be sarcastic towards Su Yu in the group of classmates, but now he is like a licking dog. In the online forum, he claims to be Su Yu's A college classmate and best friend tied himself up with Su Yu and boasted to the heavens. His attitude was simply..."

"It's not a question of shame, the key is that now... I'm afraid they won't even look at us."

"No, I heard that he also hired Mr. Yao to be the company's financial director."

"Teacher Yao? Who did you listen to?"

"Didn't that guy Wang Can also come to Su Yu's company? I heard what Wang Can said, hey... I never expected that the company opened by Su Yu would grow so fast."

"But now that we go there... we can only be relegated to the bottom of the staff. Even Wang Can might become our leader."

"No, if you really go through with it, your skin will be torn off, and you will be completely shameless."

"Yes, although money is important, you still have to fight for it. Anyway, if you ask me to call my former classmates "leader", I can't do it. I always feel awkward."

“Money is more important, or face is more important?”

"Look at the people on the Internet who are chasing wealth. We have this kind of relationship, why don't we use it? Forget it, if you don't go, I will! I will ask Wang Can tomorrow and ask him to help me find out. Su Yu’s tone, after all, they are the only ones who have a good relationship in college.”

Of course, except in private small groups, everyone is discussing this topic with each other and thinking about a way out.

In the large group of classmates at this moment.

Everyone was also discussing fiercely about Su Yu.

It's just that unlike in a small group, where everyone has their own plans, in a large group, what everyone says to each other are compliments, and they are basically called President Su and President Su.

In the past, it was because of Su Yu’s family background.

In other words, the phenomenon of being ignored or ridiculed by everyone in the group because they have no money or power has completely disappeared. Several girls who consider themselves to be in good condition have even begun to take the initiative to @Su Yu, or chat with Su Yu privately, wanting to After being mercilessly beaten by society, those who climbed up this branch have squeezed into the elite class and achieved a high level of wealth and class leap.

Of course, Su Yu ignored these private messages and the information from @in the group.

On his current chat software, there are 99+ message notifications every day, which has left him with less time to reply to these less important messages one by one.

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