Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 99 The Legendary War (please collect and recommend)

Several terrifying auras leapt towards this side in the distance. Ye Xun did not dare to stay any longer, so he soared onto Eric's back and flew towards the direction of the Ape Continent.

His spiritual power clone slowly condensed in the spiritual world, and half a day later, six thousand-meter giant beasts appeared in the frozen area.

Among them are two huge python-shaped creatures. Their heads have evolved like giant dragons. Their bodies are very long and narrow. There is a spiral sharp horn on the head, and three sharp claws on their four short legs. One red and one blue body exudes two powers of fire and cold.

Ye Xun was shocked. The evolution of these two giant pythons was very similar to the legendary dragons. Each foot also had three claws, but they had no dorsal fins on their backs, and their tails were as bare as the snake's tail.

Then Ye Xun turned his attention again. Opposite the dragon were two giant dragons, also reaching a length of one thousand meters. They were flapping their wings, and the strong wind kept blowing the cold air on the ice.

Two creatures covered with dragon scales were suspended next to them. They were not of the same race. One was like an octopus, with countless tentacles waving in the void, and gray scales covering its whole body.

On the other side is a Tyrannosaurus rex. Its huge mouth is filled with sharp teeth, and its back is covered with sharp horny protrusions. It looks very ferocious.

"Despicable dragons and dragons, how dare you come here?"

The giant dragon that flapped its huge wings spoke, and the huge sound shook the void.

The giant octopus waved its tentacles and said unwillingly, "You two arrogant guys, this is my sea area, it's you who should get out..."

"Giant dragon clan, you are not even a legendary powerhouse, you should go back and sleep!" The red dragon blew out a stream of hot air from its nostrils, with a hint of undisguised contempt in its eyes.

"Go back! Two against four, we can beat you into meat pies!" The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and said, while the momentum in its body continued to rise.

"You want to challenge the majesty of the giant dragon?" One of the golden dragons spat out a stream of sparks and said extremely arrogantly, its eyes full of disdain and contempt.

"Arrogant guy, do you still think it was a thousand years ago? This is no longer the era of your giant dragons. When our Yalong clan swallows the remains of the demigods, it will be your end!" The Tyrannosaurus Rex was also not to be outdone. He raised his head so ferociously that he stared at the flying dragon with contempt.

"Damn guys, you lowly species with impure blood are a disgrace to our dragon!" The dragon opened its huge mouth and roared, and breathed out at the Tyrannosaurus with a diameter of more than 100 meters, and the hot dragon breath The temperature of this cold sea area has increased a lot.

Ye Xun hid in the spiritual world and watched silently. The six legendary bosses started fighting after a disagreement. The dragon's breath hit the Tyrannosaurus rex. The guy was too close and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus rex fell on the ice, with a roar, smashing the broken ice into even more pieces. The terror of the legendary giant beast was obvious. At least the ice that Ye Xun could not shake with a single blow was thrown by them. It fell to pieces after a somersault.

Suddenly, another battle broke out in this frozen sea. Four legendary beasts fought against two king-level dragons. Terrifying magic splashed everywhere, and the hard sea ice was also smashed into craters.

"Damn you bastard, the realm of kings!"

The two giant dragons roared, and a huge light circle burst out from their bodies, directly covering a space of tens of thousands of meters. The domains of the two giant dragons were superimposed, and in an instant, the huge light shield expanded again.

The golden dragon roared, and the air in the field instantly became extremely thick. The four legendary beasts felt like they were in the sea outside their bodies, and their movement speed slowed down a lot.

"Elemental Realm!"

The legendary beasts roared at the same time, and domain masks emerged from their bodies, isolating the thick air in the void from the outside. The two golden dragons roared, and the power of the dual realm burst made the legendary beasts a little bit overwhelmed. When the field expands to more than a thousand meters, it can no longer be pushed outward.

"Damn it, they are identical twins. Not only do they have the same strength and attributes, but they also have the same domain fluctuations. The two domains superimposed together are no less than the domain of the legendary dragon!"

The red dragon supports the fire-attributed field, with magma surging inside and flames burning in the void. The hot flames collide with the dragon's golden field, gradually tending to expand.

Both giant dragons have mixed attributes of fire and earth, but they have not entered the legendary level, and the domain has not yet awakened attributes, only simple suppression and expulsion rules.

"Fire element expulsion!"

The two giant dragons seemed to be connected with each other, and controlled the golden king's domain at the same time, expelling all the fire elements within the envelope. In an instant, the red dragon's flame domain stopped expanding.

The other three legendary behemoths are of the water attribute and the spit attribute. The blue dragon and the octopus behemoth are both of the water attribute. Only the Tyrannosaurus rex is of the earth attribute.

The two giant dragons controlled the golden king's domain and continued to expel elemental particles. The four legendary beasts instantly lost the support of elemental particles, and their domains stopped expanding. The legendary beasts controlled the elemental domain and fled towards the edge of the dragon's domain. The thick air made them move very slowly.

Suddenly, the two giant golden dragons were covered with light, and huge lines appeared on their bodies. Terrifying fluctuations spread in the King's Domain. The two giant dragons opened their mouths at the same time, and two golden rays of light spewed out, in the void not far away. They collide with each other and merge together.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex let out a scream as it came, and the dragon's fused natural magic instantly penetrated its body. A huge hole was pierced by the golden light in the Tyrannosaurus Rex's soil and stone domain, and it shot straight towards the frozen sea in the distance.

With a bang, the golden light pillar collided with the iceberg, and the hard ice flew everywhere, blasting out a huge circular hole.

The other three legendary beasts successfully escaped from the dragon's domain, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex was left in the domain. Its earth and stone domain had dissipated. Its ferocious head was hit by the dragon's natal magic and disappeared directly into this world. superior.

Red dragon blood spurted out from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's neck wound, and after being suppressed by the domain, it formed a large blood ball with a diameter of tens of meters, constantly deforming and surging in the void.

The three legendary beasts were frightened for a while. The twin dragons' natural magic was too terrifying. Even if they were not suppressed by the domain, they did not have the confidence to withstand that blow.

"Orff, go get the demigod corpse out, and we can resist these two damn dragons!"

The red dragon roared and took the lead in releasing its natal magic. A fire dragon the same size as it rushed out of its mouth and plunged into the dragon's king's domain.

At the same time, the blue dragon also released a water dragon, which followed the fire dragon and plunged in.

The domain of the giant octopus shrank back to its body surface, wrapping its body inside, and quickly fell towards the giant ice pit on the sea.

"Despicable bitch!"

The two giant dragons roared at the same time, controlling the domain to resist the impact of the fire dragon and the water dragon. At this time, the two elemental dragons swam together, entangled with each other, and water and fire constantly collided.

A terrifying wave came from the place where the two dragons of water and fire were entwined. A huge explosion tore apart the king's domain of the giant dragon. The two giant dragons flapped their wings and quickly retreated backwards. The corpse of the dead legendary beast Tyrannosaurus Rex became riddled with wounds. hole, countless pieces of meat scattered on the white frozen ocean.

The fluctuations of the explosion spread in all directions, and Ye Xun's mental clone that he had just condensed was shaken out by ripples. If this terrifying power were stronger, his mental clone would be scattered again.

Two red and blue dragon fields radiated out. The field of more than 10,000 meters could not envelope the dragon inside, but it could prevent them from repairing the damaged field.

In the huge ice pit, the giant octopus fell to the bottom. It waved its scaly tentacles and whipped the hard ice. With a bang, a crack appeared in the ice that Ye Xun could not shake.


The giant octopus roared angrily, and a large pattern appeared on its body surface. At the same time, its body collided violently. All its tentacles became half thick, and the gray scales became thicker.

The giant octopus waved its tentacles and collided with the ice. A trace of blue energy flashed through its scales, and with a bang, a large piece of ice was blown away by it.

Outside the ice pit, dragons and giant dragons were constantly fighting. The giant octopus beast concentrated on digging out the meat pieces of the demigod sea beast. In a short time, it dug out all the meat pieces.


The giant octopus's tentacles wrapped around pieces of meat and flew out of the ice pit. After making a sound, it quickly fled in the direction behind the dragon.

The red dragon released a large magic and left with the blue dragon. The two huge dragons roared continuously in the air, and their roaring sounds spread far and wide.

The battle caused by the demigod's corpse ended. The two giant dragons did not get any benefits. They flew in the direction they came from, and the sea and land along the way were destroyed by their violent power.

Ye Xun's true body has returned to the Ape Continent. The figure of the giant dragon caused great panic. The apes all gathered in the statue square and kept praying to his statue.

As the dragon flapped its wings and slowly landed, the apes picked up their weapons and prepared for battle.

"My people, don't be nervous, this dragon is just my mount..."

Ye Xun's voice rang in the minds of the apes, and the dragon's body slowly landed. Soon, the dragon landed in an open space, and Ye Xun's armor-clad figure emerged from the dragon's back. .

Before I knew it, this book had already written a hundred chapters, and the world was about to end.

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