Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 88 The fifth stage of Chinese martial arts (please collect and recommend)

At the end of the war, Ye Xun led dozens of apes and monkeys to defeat a large tribe of thousands of apes, and even the fifth-level totem dragon was killed.

All the apes were captured, their weapons were confiscated, and they were ordered to dig pits and bury the dead apes and monkeys.

Zhui and Yan were sent out by Ye Xun to search for the ape slaves with the giant python. The captured apes gathered next to the giant dragon. Although Yan and Zui left with the giant python, they did not dare to escape. After all, the harmless ape-man in front of him can defeat a giant dragon with his physical body, and he also has magical power. The huge sword light can kill a large area in an instant.

Soon, in Ye Xun's mental perception, the giant python's round body stretched out by the dragon's blood appeared, followed by a group of black apes. Zhui and Yan walked at the front of the team, following the giant python towards Ye Patrol this way, come closer.

"Master God Envoy, the apes have brought us here."

Yan and Zhui came to Ye Xun's side and said.

"Very good, the great Ape King God just sent down an oracle, conferring Zhui as the Archbishop of the Ape King Temple to manage all the apes, and Yan as the Grand Knight to control the apes. From now on, the apes and apes are one clan, collectively called the ape clan. !”

"Apes! Apes! Apes!"

As Ye Xun finished speaking, Zhui and Yan cheered loudly, and the ape and ape-man also cheered.

The giant python was so depressed that it lay on the ground. The establishment of the ape clan had nothing to do with it. What it was most interested in now was the giant dragon, but the giant python also knew that this powerful giant dragon definitely had no share in it. After all, No level three monitor lizard has it.

"Little snake, you go with Yan and help him control the ape-man tribe. As a reward, I will reward you with some dragon meat..." Just when the giant python was depressed, a voice sounded in its head, and the giant python instantly His eyes widened and he looked at Ye Xun in disbelief.

Then the giant python couldn't wait to crawl towards Ye Xun. It stared at the giant dragon's huge corpse with undisguised desire in its eyes.

Ye Xun didn't say much, and directly concentrated his strength with his sword, chopping the dragon's head into small pieces. The dragon's head had less bones and more bones, so it was perfect for appeasing the giant python.

The giant python stared at the broken pieces on the ground, and saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth, dripping on the ground. It couldn't wait to crawl over and took off several pieces in one go.

The giant dragon's head is not small, and its entire body is several times larger than the multi-horned rhinoceros. After the giant python eats all the fragments of the dragon's head, its entire body will be expanded several times.

Then the giant python fell into a deep sleep and began to digest the energy in the giant dragon's head. There are two major differences between the giant python and the giant dragon. The ordinary overlord-level ferocious beast and the heaven-level overlord. The head of this giant dragon is enough for it to leap It will even reach its peak in the late third level.

"Master God Envoy, the traitor One-Eye is still alive!"

At this time, the angry Cone grabbed the hair on the top of Cyclops' head and dragged him from a distance and threw him to the ground.

"Please, Lord God Envoy, punish this traitor, he is the one who caused the war!" Yan stood aside with a spear, also very angry.

"Yan, you have to save me, I don't want to die..." The one-eyed dragon twisted his body and crawled to Yan's feet.

"Shut up!" Yan kicked the one-eyed dragon away. Originally, the ape-men under him would not die at all. It was this guy who summoned the descendants of the giant dragon, which led to the giant dragon.

Ye Xun glanced at the one-eyed dragon tied like rice dumplings on the ground. As soon as he thought about it, a vine grew from the ground and climbed up the big tree next to it. Soon, the vine hung down from the branch and happened to fall on it. In front of the one-eyed dragon.

"Master God Envoy... Master God Envoy, please spare my life. I am willing to believe in the Ape King God. Please forgive me, Master God Envoy!"

The cold vines wrapped around the Cyclops's feet, making him scream in fright. Tears and snot could not stop pouring out, directly soaking a piece of soil on the ground.

Yan and Zhui looked at Ye Xun nervously. They were afraid that Ye Xun would be soft-hearted and let the one-eyed dragon go again. However, Yan and Zhui did not speak. The divine envoy was the messenger of the gods, and they had no right to influence the divine envoy's decision. , but they don’t want the one-eyed dragon to live because he is full of sins.

"Faith? Since you have betrayed the gods, the gods will no longer accept your faith. Dirty sinner, just hang on the tree until you die..."


As soon as Ye Xun finished speaking, Teng Man began to retract, pulling the one-eyed dragon towards the tree.

"Devil! You are a devil, people, don't be deceived by the devil, he will kill all of you... He is not an ape, he is an ape, an avenger..."

The one-eyed dragon went completely crazy. He hung upside down on the tree and kept shouting. When the apes heard it, they made a commotion.

"It's noisy!"

Ye Xun frowned, and the tentacles wrapped around the one-eyed dragon's legs stretched out and quickly blocked his mouth.

"No one can let him down, and no one can give him food or water. Anyone who violates this will be guilty of the same crime!"

Ye Xun's momentum suddenly exploded, and then he immediately calmed down. The apes were quiet for an instant. What the one-eyed dragon said was no longer important. If the envoy really wanted to kill them all, it would be as simple as moving his fingers. After all, the dragon They were also killed by the angels, not to mention these weak ape-men.

After the traitor was punished, Zui took the apes back to their place of residence. They wanted to expand their territory, but the giant python was sleeping again, and the apes could not leave. They followed Yan and took the tools to build a wall with the apes.

Ye Xun began to devour the dragon's flesh and blood. The transformed Gangjin weapon cut open the dragon's scales, exposing the white and tender flesh and blood. Ye Xun began to devour it without ceremony.

Ten days later, Ye Xun, driven by abnormal breathing methods, finally ate more than half of the dragon's flesh and blood, and his strength was cultivated to the state of Dzogchen.

Then Ye Xun began to devour the dragon's heart. Because the dragon's body was too huge, the heart was bigger than a one-horned deer. Ye Xun could only eat a fifth of it after he was full.

Ye Xun ran the breathing method to squeeze out the heart energy. When his stomach was empty, he continued to devour the dragon's heart. This time, Ye Xun did not stop, and ate while running the breathing method until his meridians were almost gone. He stopped when he couldn't hold it anymore.

Ye Xun put aside the remaining piece of dragon heart in his hand and began to guide the power of the dragon to compress the energy in his dantian.

In his body, the power of the dragon's heart transformed into a giant dragon, soaring through his meridians. Every time it flapped its wings, its speed would become a little faster.

Ye Xun controlled the Gang Jin to huddle in his Dantian, and at the same time compressed the Gang Jin. However, the power cultivated by the ape body was too overbearing, and it could only be compressed a little and stopped moving. Just like a militant, there must be something else Only by participating in the battle with it can it break through and become stronger.

Soon, energy in the shape of a giant dragon poured into the Dantian. It roared angrily and surged towards the Gang Jin in the center of the Dantian.

At this time, Gang Jin rolled and turned into a huge ape. It also roared and faced the giant dragon.

Then Ye Xun heard a loud noise coming from his dantian. The energy transformed by Gang Jin collided violently with the power of the giant dragon. In an instant, both of them retreated, showing a trend of half a pound. This was Ye Xun's initiative to suppress Gang. Strength, otherwise the blow just now would probably shatter the dragon's power.

In Ye Xun's dantian, the giant dragon roared angrily. As a dragon, it is the king of beasts. Even if the dragon dies, its power will inherit this will.

At this time, the ape screamed, erupted with a terrifying wave, and rushed towards the dragon. Ye Xun secretly thought that something was wrong. This Gang Jin's instinctive resistance was too terrifying. He quickly concentrated his will and gathered all his strength to suppress Gang Jin. Otherwise, if the power of the giant dragon is defeated, then his advancement this time will fall short and completely fail.

"seal up!"

Ye Xun's mental power surged, and he forcibly controlled the violent energy in his dantian. The ape suddenly stopped and froze in his dantian. The giant dragon, which was unaware of it later, roared and charged towards the ape. past.

"Work harder. If you can't beat Gang Jin even though it's restrained, it's useless!"

Ye Xun gritted his teeth and conveyed a feeling of contempt towards the dragon's power. In an instant, the proud dragon was drawn into infinite anger, directly ignited itself, and then charged towards the sluggish ape.


There was another loud noise in his dantian, and at this time Ye Xun smiled. The ape was bombarded by the flame dragon and shattered into countless fragments.

Then Ye Xunkuang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the internal organs in his body were traumatized again. He smiled bitterly, and he tried his best to break through every time. If he didn't have enough strength, he couldn't break through, and if he was too strong, he would be injured.

Ye Xun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then sat cross-legged on the ground, preparing to guide the remaining power of the dragon to flow out of his dantian, so that the breathing method could be converted into repair energy and heal the injuries in the body.

"No, can I have a happy breakthrough in the future?"

After Ye Xun's mental power re-entered Dantian, he happened to see the reorganized force collide with the power of the dragon. In an instant, the remaining power in the dragon's heart disappeared and was swallowed up by the force.

At this time, the ball that had swallowed the power of the dragon began to spin, and then spit out a soft power, following the meridians and flowing to all parts of the body.

Power flowed through his internal organs, and in an instant, the burning pain disappeared. Before he could be happy, another sharp pain like shattering bones came.

He could even clearly hear the sound of the bones in his body exploding, and the muscles and skin all over his body were torn apart in these explosions. At the same time, red blood mixed with some black oily substances flowed out through the torn wounds.


Ye Xun screamed in pain, all the bones in his body burst, and his whole body collapsed on the ground, like a puddle of flesh, without the slightest support from his bones. If it weren't for the rich vitality in his body that supported his body, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground. He is dead now.

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