Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 75 Sea Beast (please collect and recommend)

In the deep sea, a body size of more than 20 meters is not rare, and can even be said to be very common. However, the aura exuded from the body of the giant beast is extraordinary, and it has definitely reached the level of the fourth level.

Ye Xun couldn't help but show a solemn look. Even though his martial arts skills had reached the level of strength, he was in the middle of the sea and the venue was very unfavorable to him.

With a thought, Ye Xun asked the giant python to row the raft quickly and leave here as soon as possible. The distance of more than two thousand meters is neither far nor close. On land, Ye Xun only needs a few minutes. , and for the larger deep-sea behemoths, the speed should be even faster.

Ye Xun was always paying attention to the movements of the giant beasts under the sea. In his perception, the giant beast was swimming leisurely underwater and had no tendency to float to the surface. It only occasionally opened its big mouth to swallow some that were suppressed by its momentum. Ordinary creatures that cannot move.

It wasn't until the raft was far away from the sea that Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief. However, he was still paying attention to the sea surface. Maybe it was because the water was getting deeper and deeper. He didn't detect any sea creatures above the third level along the way. There were only one or two second-level creatures occasionally, but they did not pose a threat. Ye Xun just burst out with momentum and frightened them away easily.

Ten days later, a huge landmass was within reach, and the distance under the sea to the seabed was less than two thousand meters. This distance continued to shrink as the raft moved forward.

At this time, a third-order giant beast emerged from the sea. It was a turtle-like creature that had shed its shell. Its limbs were like flat long fins, but its mouth was extremely large, with sharp teeth exposed outside the mouth. , flashing with cold light.

Its huge body is covered with sharp horny scales, extending from its head to its tail and covering its entire back.

The giant beast stared at Ye Xun and the giant python, and roared towards them. The huge beast swam on the sea surface, causing waves to hit the raft.

Ye Xun's whole body burst out with a huge momentum. The giant beast paused for a moment and then continued to charge towards him. Seeing this, Ye Xun moved his feet and jumped directly from the raft to the water. At the same time, a strong energy emanated from his feet, supporting his body from sinking into the sea.

The giant python coiled around the raft and instinctively twisted its body to escape towards the island not far away.

"Damn ape! I'm going to tear you apart!"

The giant beast roared, opened its mouth and spit out a huge cold current. The sea water was instantly frozen and rushed towards Ye Xun along with the cold current.

The force at Ye Xun's feet suddenly exploded, and his body moved forward instead of retreating. A silver-white semicircular shield of strength was formed. The cold current hit the shield and was instantly dispersed.

He was very fast and rushed towards the giant beast. The strength on his body was withdrawn by him, and the shield dissipated.

It seemed that the giant beast knew how powerful Ye Xun was, and rowed his limbs directly to sink to the sea. Ye Xun stopped and tracked it with his mental strength, and found that the guy was fifty meters underwater, but Ye Xun was not good at water. , and did not pursue it.

Just when Ye Xun raised his legs to leave, the giant beast came up from the water again, opened its mouth towards him, and wanted to swallow him whole.

Ye Xun snorted coldly, his chest bulged, and he instantly spit out a flying sword from his mouth, shooting towards the giant beast in the sea.

The flying sword did not make any sound when it was submerged underwater. However, the density of seawater is much higher than that of air, and seawater still has a certain fluidity. After the flying sword withstood the force of seawater and flew for more than 20 meters, its position deviated to the lower jaw of the giant beast. .

In Ye Xun's perception, the flying sword instantly pierced the giant beast's tongue and jaw, and did not dissipate until fifty meters away.

The giant beast was in pain and roared in the sea. Streams of blood poured out from where the flying sword pierced, dyeing the sea water red.

At this time, the giant beast was a little scared, but it still did not leave. Instead, it looked for opportunities under the sea to attack Ye Xun.

Ye Xun also had a headache. The giant beast was still under the water. Although the flying sword was very lethal, the distance was a bit far and the accuracy dropped a lot after being hit by the sea water.

In the end, Ye Xun was helpless and simply ignored it, turning into a black shadow and shooting towards the coast.

At this time, the giant beast also paddled its long fins to follow. It was very fast in the sea, even faster than Ye Xun. Soon, the giant beast caught up with Ye Xun, and its huge body approached the sea. Suddenly it violently paddled its limbs, and at the same time opened its big mouth full of long teeth and bit Ye Xun.

Ye Xun had been prepared for a long time. He spurted out a burst of energy from his feet and jumped into the air instantly. At this time, a thunder exploded and fell towards the giant beast in the sea.

Ye Xun was afraid that it would not die, so he threw another ball of fire of faith at it. The giant beast was hit on the back by thunder, and a huge blood hole exploded with a bang. Red blood continued to gush out from the blood hole, dyeing it A large area of ​​the sea turned red.

The giant beast's vitality is very tenacious, but the thunder and lightning has a paralyzing nature. Its limbs are somewhat unresponsive, paddling randomly, and its huge body keeps turning in circles on the sea.

At this time, the fire of faith fell and hit the giant beast's head. The severe pain caused the giant beast to wake up instantly. Deep fear showed in its huge eyes. It quickly paddled its limbs and sank its body into the sea water.

But it was desperate. The white flame did not go out, but spread to the entire body, and some flames poured into the body through the blood hole in the back.

The severe pain caused the giant beast to roll continuously in the sea. The nearby fish were frightened and fled quickly. Some ordinary fish stained with the fire of faith exploded instantly and were hammered into a ball of flesh.

Gradually, the giant beast's body movements became slower and slower, and the entire body was tempered out of its animal shape. If it weren't for the support of bones in the body, the whole body might have turned into a ball of minced meat.

Ye Xun cut off the supply of the power of faith, and soon the white flames went out under the water. The entire sea area turned pink. Many carnivorous fish were attracted by the strong smell of blood and swarmed towards it. Soon, the corpse of the giant beast was eaten by fish, and when it sank to the sea bed, it was already a pile of bones.

Ye Xun felt a little regretful. After all, it was a third-order giant beast. Its energy core was directly exploded by the fire of faith, turning it into countless pieces of meat, which was in vain for those ordinary small fish.

Then Ye Xun retracted his mental power and shot towards the raft not far away.

The giant python pushed the raft and kept running away. It didn't know who would win in the end. In fact, in its heart, it would rather the giant beast eat some of Ye Xun's food. But for some reason, it didn't dare to put down the raft and run away alone.

Just when it was frightened, a black shadow instantly fell on the raft. The giant python was so frightened that it let go of the raft, twisted its body and was about to sink to the bottom of the sea. Suddenly it froze and realized that the person parked on the raft was not someone else. , it was Ye Xun whom it hoped to be swallowed by the giant beast.

It quickly stabilized its body, twisted its ferocious head and looked back, but all it saw was a calm sea, with no giant beasts anywhere.

In an instant, infinite fear arose in the giant python's heart. The giant beast could easily crush it to death. Unexpectedly, it was easily solved by Ye Xun. It quickly bit the raft, twisted its body and pushed towards the coast.

Ye Xun ignored it and simply sat cross-legged on the raft to recover the energy he had spent. Although the entire battle lasted less than ten minutes, a lot of energy was expended on the sea, and almost half of it was consumed.

Soon, the raft arrived at the coast with the python's desperate paddling. There was also a beach there, but in a shallow water area. Many raft fragments continued to hit the beach with the waves.

Ye Xun swept through with his mental energy and found that there were not only many raft fragments in the waves, but also some ape limbs and broken arms. He even found several corpses with long legs.

Those corpses were lying on the beach in the distance. Their hair was sparse and there was no tail behind their buttocks. They were exactly the same as the ape-men in Ye Xun's memory.

As he got closer, Spirit discovered many ape-man corpses on the beach and in the waves. Most of them were drowned in the water, and some were torn into pieces.

Thinking of the angry roar of the giant beast, Ye Xun was sure that these apes and monkeys had angered the giant beast and were all destroyed. So much so that when the giant beast saw him, it rushed over without hesitation.

Ye Xun walked all the way on the beach and didn't find anything else, so he jumped directly on the python's head and swam towards the forest.

This island has very lush plants and a lot of insects. Some mosquitoes and other things flew in the air and landed on Ye Xun's body, ready to suck blood. As a result, Ye Xun's body vibrated with force and instantly shattered those insects.

On the contrary, the python's whole body is covered with scales, and those insects that land on its body are unable to bite off those hard scales.

After walking for a long time, Ye Xun saw a series of footprints in his mental perception. Although they looked very messy, it was not difficult to distinguish them. Some of the footprints were like palms, which belonged to apes, and some It is no different from human beings, and there is no doubt that it belongs to ape-men.

Ye Xun drove the giant python to swim there. The animals along the way were frightened and fled in all directions when they saw the giant python.

Soon, Ye Xun arrived at the area. This was a water source, and there were some crocodiles lurking in the water. However, it seemed that because of the giant python, those guys were hidden in the water and did not show their heads.

At this time, a thin figure entered Ye Xun's perception range. It was an ape, running away at high speed on the forest floor. His body was covered with large and small scars. While running away, he kept turning back towards him. Look back.

Not long after, several figures walking upright caught up with them. They were wrapped in animal skins and held spears bound with animal bones. They were moving very fast, constantly shuttling through the forest, heading towards the people who had just escaped. The ape gave chase.

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