Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 70 Expanding the Tribe (Please collect and recommend)

The night in the jungle was very peaceful, but it was completely opposite inside the tribe. The apes hunted a lot of blood food, and there were a lot of sweet potatoes piled on the ground. They celebrated the addition of new members of the tribe.

Anshan sat in the bonfire square and watched the apes in the rock tribe singing and dancing. They circled around the bonfire, holding hands and dancing, and occasionally kicked their legs. Everything looked very novel.

Gradually, some apes from the Bashan tribe also joined in, but the square was only so big, and they could only make two more circles.

"Why don't you go in and play together? Look how happy they are." An ape as tall as Anshan came over and sat down next to him.

Anshan turned around and said, "My name is Anshan. I'm not used to doing that."

"Are you the monkey king of the Bashan tribe? No wonder you are sitting here. You must be embarrassed." The ape laughed and said, "My name is Tuba, and I am the logistics manager of the tribe."

Anshan lowered his head in embarrassment. He was indeed a little embarrassed to play with ordinary apes. Normally, he would be aloof. It would be like now, just staying in the corner and no one would pay attention to him.

Later, Tuba directly dragged An Shantong into those big circles regardless of whether he agreed or not.

But Anshan was uncomfortable with it at first, and soon his body began to swing with the apes. And he also had a strange feeling in his heart, which was completely different from before.

"How's it going? Doesn't it feel strange?" Tuba grabbed Anshan's hand and waved it. He liked this feeling very much, and they all played happily together.

Anshan nodded, "It's completely different from usual. I feel very comfortable physically and in a happy mood."

The apes played happily together. While enjoying themselves, they also silently thought about the Ape King God in their hearts. All these were given by the God.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the welcome ceremony at the Bonfire Square has ended. The apes have returned to their houses. Now there are three apes in each mud house. Two apes were just right before, but now they seem to be very crowded. .

The fused apes from the Bashan tribe looked at everything in the earthen house curiously. They had already seen the luminous stone, but they were still confused as to why the stone-like thing could glow.

Finally, when they all lay down on the soft deerskin bed, they were surprised again. The soft and warm bed was much more comfortable than the hard ground and tree trunks before. After nearly half a month of long-distance migration, they all felt comfortable. They were very tired and soon fell asleep.

On the second day, the apes got up very early and started to get busy. The female apes were making breakfast, while the male apes were practicing the magic given by the Ape King God. Some were practicing Tongbei Fist, and some were exercising the triangle pile. , and some were exercising their strength. They were lifting stones in the corner of the square. Among them, Tuba picked up a stone with a diameter of one meter and lifted it with difficulty.

There are many large and small stones here, ranging from tens of kilograms to one or two tons, but most of the apes can only lift stones of one to two hundred kilograms.

Scar had eaten the meat of a third-level ferocious beast for half a month, and his strength had increased a bit since the last time he lifted the stone. This time he still wanted to challenge the huge stone. He moved his body, hugged the bottom of the stone directly, and exerted force on his waist, the stone began to rise from the ground.

The apes of the Bashan tribe looked dumbfounded, and Zhong also had a dull look on his face. He claimed to be the strongest man in the tribe. Although he lost the battle with Scar, he did not think that he was not strong enough, but that his speed was a little worse. Now, Zhongsuan has completely understood. I am afraid that the Pope gave in to him in the last battle, otherwise with this strength, he would definitely be killed with one punch.


Scar placed the stone on the ground and made a loud noise. All the nearby apes stopped what they were doing and shouted loudly.


Then Scar waved his hand, and the apes fell silent instantly.

"Now that the Bashan tribe has integrated into us, there is a serious lack of space in the territory. After breakfast, we will work together to expand our home!"

"Expansion! Expansion! Expansion!"

The apes cheered. They slept crowded together last night. Many of them were not used to it. When they heard that the Pope wanted to expand the tribe's mud houses and walls, they were naturally filled with joy.

The apes then began to enjoy breakfast, which was just a bowl of sweet potato soup and a piece of barbecue, which they quickly finished.

Tuba arranged for the people to start working. This was the Pope's order, and no ape dared not to obey it.

It's just that among the more than 400 apes in the Bashan tribe, most of them are old and weak, women and children, and there are only more than 100 strong male apes, so unfortunately, they were assigned to build walls and expand their territory.

The remaining old, weak, women and children followed other apes in the tribe to learn other things, such as picking sweet potatoes and planting. Moreover, the apes of the Bashan tribe also need a large number of leather clothes, which is also their job.

This time the expanded tribal settlement is in the east, where the terrain is flat and easier to build into a settlement. Moreover, extending outward along the east gate not only saves the process of demolishing the wall, but also saves some time.

As for the water used for casting the walls and the earthen huts, it was all fetched from the river not far away. The source of life was released from the well and used to stimulate the growth of sweet potatoes. Moreover, the water the apes drank was also from the well. If it was taken After building the wall, the apes ate and drank whatever they wanted.

It took more than half a month before the new residential area to the east was successfully built. For the convenience of passage, the gate between the two residential areas has been removed. There will be no carnivores in the wall. Come in.

Of course, if it is a creature above a ferocious beast, the wall will be just empty. They are all very large and can easily jump over the wall. Moreover, any ferocious beast is not weak in strength. At least it can have two teeth if it has long tusks. Slap down a wall.

After more than half a month, the apes of the Bashan tribe have completely integrated into the rock tribe. They all put on warm fur clothes, and all the earthen houses were built. As before, two apes lived together, the male ape and the The female ape is separated.

Anshan has lost his position as the Monkey King, but Scar appointed him to manage the tribe's sweet potato cultivation, and Anshan happily accepted it. What the apes lacked most in the past was food, especially in winter. If there were not too many fruits stored, they would be hungry every winter. Many people would starve to death, and then their bodies would be sacrificed to the totem beast in exchange for its protection.

As for the gods of the tribe, Anshan could only see them once every day during prayers. Every time, the gods would sit cross-legged under the statues and accept the worship of the apes. He doesn't understand why the gods can't leave the temple again. Wouldn't he be tired of it? These questions have been lingering in Anshan's mind, but he doesn't dare to say them out and can only think about them when he has nothing to do.

Today is the time to harvest sweet potatoes again. Anshan led the picking team out of the gate. Now the temperature has begun to rise, the snow has completely melted, and some grass has sprouted from the ground.

A large area of ​​green sweet potato vines were spread out on the jungle floor. There were not many gaps. Several wild boars that were eating sweet potatoes in the sweet potato field heard the footsteps and quickly started to run away with their short legs. As a result, Before running two steps, a huge figure rushed out from behind the apes and quickly caught up with the wild boars. With a roar and several screams, the apes knew that those wild boars were doomed.

After a while, a group of apes passed by with spears. They carried a wild boar weighing nearly a thousand pounds back from the sweet potato field.

Longtooth walked in front, moving very carefully for fear of trampling on the sweet potatoes.

After this episode, Anshan led the apes of the picking team to collect sweet potatoes. The first team took the lead in cutting off the sweet potato vines, the second team removed all the vines, and the third team consisted of some male apes. They have great strength. Can easily pull out sweet potatoes from the soil. The fourth team is responsible for collecting the sweet potatoes pulled out by the third team.

Anshan was directing from the side, and everything was going on in an orderly manner. Soon, a large field of sweet potatoes was excavated by them. The four teams of apes were divided into two teams. One team began to carry the sweet potatoes back to the tribe, and the other team Plant sweet potatoes into the soil.

After working for a long time, all the sweet potatoes were transported to the special storage earth house. The sweet potatoes were replanted in the soil. After watering with the water of life in the well, all the apes returned to the tribe.

At this time, the apes of the hunting team also came back. Today's harvest was also very good. They were carrying a huge mammoth and were blocked outside the gate. It was not that the apes refused to let go, but that the mammoth was too big and the gate The width was not enough, so the apes had no choice but to break it into small pieces and then carry it into their habitat.

Three apes covered in blood were carried back by their fellows. They were close together, and it was impossible to tell whether they were dead or alive. The apes in the settlement consciously made way for the apes in the hunting team to carry them back. Entered the temple.

The apes in the territory followed, and after the hunting team entered the temple, they stood outside and prayed. To them, the apes in the hunting team are all heroes, hunting meat for their fellow tribesmen.

Soon, the apes that entered the temple sideways came out. Except for the black blood scabs all over their bodies, no injuries could be seen on them. After they got the well water to wash their bodies, they seemed to be uninjured. Same.

All the apes looked in the direction of the divine eagle with admiration and respect in their eyes. It was their god, the god of the ape clan. He selflessly protected the clansmen and continuously improved their strength.

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