Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 68 Departure (please collect and recommend)

With a thought, Ye Xun extracted the remaining magic runes from the statue, forming a cloud in the air. Soon healing water dripped from the cloud and began to treat the injuries of Long Ya and the apes.

Scar turned his head and looked at the Monkey King, hesitating a little, but finally walked over.

When the apes of the Bashan tribe saw Scar coming, they all put down their weapons. They consciously moved out of the way, allowing Scar to reach the Monkey King Anshan smoothly.

"What are you going to do!" Zhong stopped in front of Anshan, preventing Scar from getting close.

"If you want him to die, just stop him!" Scar stared at Zhong and said,

Then he raised his left hand and pushed Zhong away. With what he just said, Zhong was no longer in the way and allowed Scar to lift Anshan Monkey King up and walk towards the coverage area of ​​​​the great healing technique.

Monkey King Anshan was already very weak, and Balian's impact broke his sternum and pierced his internal organs. Scar gently placed him on the ground and let the healing water scatter on his body.

Ye Xun suddenly realized and used his mental power to put the misplaced ribs of Monkey King Anshan back into place. Otherwise, even if the healing water healed the wounds on his body, the ribs would still be stuck in his internal organs.

After Anshan's ribs were back in place, he spit out a mouthful of bruised blood. The healing water fell on his body and penetrated through the skin into the wound. Soon Anshan felt a strange itching in his body, as if there were countless small bugs. Like crawling.

Soon, Anshan felt the pain in his body disappear and his spirit recovered. He got up from the ground and looked at Scar with some embarrassment.


Anshan stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Monkey King Anshan, the Ape King God is kind. Needless to say thank you, but now the totem giant beast has offended the power of the Ape King God and was killed by the Ape King God. Your tribe will no longer have a totem giant beast to protect you. I wonder what Anshan Monkey King is going to do?" Scar said.

Anshan was stunned. Yes, the totem beast of his tribe died. I am afraid that the nearby ferocious beasts will slaughter the apes in the tribe wantonly. What should I do?

He looked at the tall ape in front of him and the strange statue suspended in the air. Anshan Monkey King made a decision.

"I wonder if our tribe can worship your great gods..."

There was a hint of joy in Scar's eyes, and he nodded and said, "Yes, the great Ape King God is benevolent, and he will not refuse to protect his believers!

It’s just that this place is too far away from my god’s territory, so I’m afraid my god won’t be able to protect you all the time…”

"This..." Anshan Monkey King was hesitant. Is he really going to move his entire family? He looked up at the statue in the sky again, and then said carefully,

"Then...what does the Great Ape King God mean?"

Scar said, "You can move as a family to the tribe where the Ape King God is. It will be the safest place. Even earth-level ferocious beasts will not dare to come."

The Anshan Monkey King was shocked. According to word of mouth in the tribe, the totem beasts of their tribe were just ordinary overlord-level ferocious beasts. On top of that, there were earth-level overlords and heaven-level overlords. Each of them had Can easily kill ordinary overlords. If the mysterious ape king god is really a totem beast that surpasses ordinary overlords, then the Bashan tribe can move there as a whole, Anshan Monkey King thought in his heart.

"Monkey King Anshan, surrender to me and believe in me. I will give you endless food and keep you safe!"

Ye Xun's voice sounded directly in Anshan Monkey King's mind, further tempting him.

After a while, Anshan Monkey King figured it out. The form was stronger than the ape, so he had to lower his head. So Anshan Monkey King also imitated Scar's movements, knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly, "Great Ape King God, our Bashan tribe is willing to surrender to you and believe in you. Please ask the great ape king god to protect us and give us food..."

"Very well, Anshan Monkey King, once Pope Coster has finished dealing with the totem beast that offended the majesty of this god, he will bring you to the territory I came to..." Then Ye Xun's consciousness changed, and he was in Scar's head again. Zhong said, "Coster, go dig out the heart of that dinosaur. The tusks are almost healed. Send it back to me!"

Scar said respectfully, "I will obey the will of the Ape King God!"

After saying that, Scar walked directly towards the body of the dinosaur totem, and Ye Xun's statue also flew in the air.

Soon, with the help of Ye Xun's spiritual power, Scar successfully pulled out the heart of the dinosaur totem. It was a heart half a meter in diameter and fiery red in color. It seems that this dinosaur totem has mastered the energy of fire. .

Scar and the others left the Rock Tribe for more than ten days. Under the temper of the fire of faith, Ye Xun's martial arts cultivation directly broke through to the late stage of Huajin. Now the next stage of Gangjin is not far away. With this one The third-level energy core, combined with the tempering of the fire of faith, should be able to enter Gangjin in a short time.

At this time, Longtooth's body had completely recovered from its injuries, but there were still some dark red blood stains on its fur, indicating that it had been injured just now.

Scar wrapped the dinosaur's heart in fur and tied it firmly with animal tendons before giving it to Longtooth.

Ye Xun deliberately explained a few words to tell Changya not to delay him on the road. This thing has a fatal attraction to other ferocious beasts. Looking at Changya's appearance, Ye Xun knew that Changya's instinct was also to eat this heart. .

Longtooth let out a resentful cry, held the tendon in its mouth, and turned away with its heart in its heart. It was very fast, and after just a few steps, it disappeared from the sight of the apes.

Ye Xun also left, and the statue slowly fell to the ground. Scar quickly stepped forward to put it away. The statue of the Ape King cannot be lost. It is the only medium to communicate with the Ape King God.

Later, the apes of the Scar Knights worked together on the dinosaur totem, peeling off the scales, leaving behind the slightly reddish flesh.

The Bashan tribe has a large number of apes, reaching more than 400. Although this dinosaur totem is huge, it will not take long for them to be eaten up.

Under the leadership of Balu, the apes of the Bashan tribe followed them to pick up branches in the woods. It is said that the more apes are, the stronger they are. They quickly picked up a lot of dead branches and came back.

After Balu took out the fire tools and lit a bonfire, the apes of the Bashan tribe all exclaimed. Usually, their flames were spit out by the giant totem beast. They had no idea that rubbing branches with branches like this could do it. Make a flame.

What surprised them even more was that the meat of the totem beasts was not distributed directly to eat, but was also smeared with some white stuff and then placed on the bonfire.

Fili looked at the totem meat on the campfire excitedly. He never thought that one day, he would be able to eat the meat of a super powerful beast like the totem beast. At the same time, he was also shocked by the methods of the Ape King God. This Ape King God was actually able to kill the totem giant beast without showing up. It seemed very mysterious and powerful.

Soon, the first batch of barbecue was ready in anticipation of Feili, but he did not have a share. All the barbecue was distributed to the apes of the Bashan tribe, as was the second batch of barbecue, until the fifth batch of barbecue , Feili excitedly took a big mouthful and started eating.

The Anshan Monkey King also got the barbecue. He was different from Feili because he had never eaten barbecue, and he was a little sad. This was the totem beast of their tribe, but unexpectedly it became food for the apes.

Finally, Anshan Monkey King sighed and took a bite of the barbecue. Suddenly, Anshan Monkey King felt nothing but shit in his heart. He tore into the barbecue uncontrollably. His facial expression looked very sad, but that The movements of his mouth were very fast, not much slower than Fili beside him.

Not long after, a large piece of meat was eaten by the Anshan Monkey King. Now he didn't care about totems or not. He went to the campfire and took a piece of barbecue and ate it by himself. The sadness just now was gone. I don't know where he was thrown.

After he was full, he remembered that what he had just eaten was the meat of the tribe's totem beast, so the Anshan Monkey King sat there in a daze.

Other apes do not have such an idea. For them, it is best if they have food and can be full.

After almost eating, Scar led the Divine Court Knights to start practicing magical arts. With the meat of the ferocious beasts pushing them, the magical skills would improve much faster.

The speed of practice was very fast, and the sky gradually darkened. Scar took out a few luminous stones from his bag and hung them on several big trees. The white light instantly illuminated a large area.

Most of the apes of the Bashan tribe gathered around the campfire. The heat from the campfire made them feel much warmer on this cold night.

Scar and the Knights of the Divine Court are still building a platform on the tree to rest, and there is no need to interfere with the other apes. With the remaining power of the dinosaur totem, no other creatures will intrude in a short time.

For seven consecutive days, Scar and the members of the Knights ate ferocious beast meat and practiced magical arts every day. Their strength also improved rapidly. Balu's strength exceeded 450 pounds, and the other members also stabilized at 40 pounds. One hundred pounds. Compared with them, Scar's progress seemed very slow, and he only gained about ten kilograms.

Almost half of the totem beast's meat has been eaten. In a few days, the more than ten tons of dinosaur totem will be completely eaten by the apes. As soon as Scar figured it out, it was time to set off, otherwise when the totem's meat was gone, it would be really difficult to capture other prey with these more than 400 apes.

Under Scar's tissue, the meat of the totem beast was divided into hundreds of pieces and smoked over a campfire overnight. After most of the water was gone, the apes were able to take more meat.

Almost ready, Scar officially set off with the apes from the Bashan tribe. A team of more than 400 apes marched forward in the jungle.

In the original territory of the Bashan tribe, there was no trace of the apes, and there was only a huge skeleton lying quietly on the cold ground.

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