Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 65 Traces of the Apes (Please collect and recommend)

Scar moved his feet and jumped off the back of the multi-horned rhinoceros. He leaned over to hold the spear and pulled it out with force. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was getting closer and closer, and Scar couldn't help but feel a little solemn. After all, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was too huge. In terms of pure strength, he would definitely not be an opponent.

At this time, Longtooth stepped over the body of the multi-horned rhinoceros. It roared domineeringly, with a hint of contempt in its eyes. Although this Tyrannosaurus rex was stronger than an ordinary first-order ferocious beast, it did not step into it after all. The second level masters special energy, and Longtooth can still defeat it easily even without using magic runes.

The running Tyrannosaurus stopped and tilted its head to look at the apes. It was a little confused as to why these weak apes were not afraid of it. Then the Tyrannosaurus rex's eyes stayed on Long Tusk, and its instinct told it that the guy who was smaller than itself seemed to be very dangerous. The Tyrannosaurus Rex hesitated for a moment, but was finally overcome by his appetite and walked towards the body of the multi-horned rhinoceros with heavy steps.

Changya roared and rushed over with agile steps. Since the big guy wouldn't leave, he could only move his body. Thinking of this, Changya couldn't help but feel excited in his heart, and the strength under his feet also increased unknowingly.

In Fei Li's surprised eyes, Long Ya rushed over and nimbly dodged the bloody mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then Long Ya seized the opportunity and raised his claws to slap at the Tyrannosaurus Rex's lower limbs. More than two tons of power concentrated on one point and hit the Tyrannosaurus Rex's right leg. With a click, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's calf twisted to 90 degrees.


The Tyrannosaurus rex was injured and lost its balance, and its body fell in the direction of the broken leg. Longtooth moved its limbs and quickly dodged to the side. Before the Tyrannosaurus Rex had reached the end and still hadn't reacted, Longtooth took a few more steps to cross it. In the past, the cat's claws, which gathered two tons of power, slapped the Tyrannosaurus rex's nose hard. The Tyrannosaurus rex screamed and scarlet blood spurted out from its nostrils.

Changya wanted to take advantage of your illness and kill you, so he directly supported his body with his hind legs. However, his two front paws pointed at the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he opened his bow from left to right. The blow made the Tyrannosaurus Rex look confused and almost forgot about it. Who am I?

Feili's eyes almost popped out of his head. Although he guessed that the saber-toothed cat would definitely win, he didn't expect that it would win so easily. The huge Tyrannosaurus rex had no ability to resist at all, and was killed with just a few claws. Shoot down.

Soon, the Tyrannosaurus rex passed out happily. The long teeth were not enough, so he waved a few paws at its forehead. Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus Rex still didn't respond, he turned around and walked towards the ape. From the beginning to the end, Long Ya did not use the special energy in its body. Otherwise, if it sprayed out a wind blade, the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have moved its head.

Feili and Long Ya looked at each other and shuddered involuntarily. He quickly moved his gaze to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, only to see that the Tyrannosaurus Rex's face was covered in blood and its head was swollen. It was completely invisible. There is no trace of dragon-like appearance.

"Balu, cut off some meat and take it away. Let's make barbecue tonight!" Scar wiped the blood on the spear in the snow, and then said to Balu.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Balu responded, pulled out the dagger from his back, raised his leg and walked towards the multi-horned rhinoceros.

Soon, the meaty parts of the polyhorned rhinoceros were cut off. The apes took some of it one by one and easily got rid of the meat. Fili also took some, but he was not very strong and could only pick up dozens of them. Jin, otherwise it would be too heavy and it would not be able to keep up with the speed of the ape knights.

Scar rode away on Tusk, and the apes all carried rhinoceros meat, so the Tyrannosaurus rex was lucky enough to escape and was not cut into pieces by them.

The team of apes walked in an unknown direction. Fili followed the team and felt that his feet were numb. If Balu hadn't taken out a hand to lead him, Fili would have fallen behind a long time ago. .

Gradually, night fell and the temperature dropped a lot. Scar waved his hand to stop the team and prepared to light a fire and rest on the spot.

Fili put down the meat on his shoulders and sat down on the ground completely tired. He leaned on a big tree and looked at Balu squatting on the ground not far away, holding a strange thing in his hand. He didn't know it. doing what.

Unknowingly, Fili fell asleep. Suddenly, he felt something falling on him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Scar who had covered him with a piece of animal skin.

"Fili, it's so cold out here, these deerskin clothes will keep you warm," Scar said.

"Clothes? Kara, I see you are all wearing furs. Don't they stink?" Fili asked, holding the fur clothes.

"No, these furs made into clothes have been treated and they no longer stink." Scar explained.

Then Fili put on the deerskin clothes in his hand. The weak heat emitted by the deerskin made him warm instantly. He couldn't help but look at Scar gratefully. With this fur, the night would not be too long. cold.

At this time, he discovered another strange thing. He saw Balu and other apes gathered around a fire, constantly turning over the meat he had brought today. He was a little curious as to what this was actually doing.

Fili leaned directly over. As he got closer, he smelled a strong fragrance in his nose. The fragrance tempted him to drool. When he walked to the bonfire, he was sure that the alluring smell came from those changes. The color emanates from the flesh.

"Balu, what are you doing?" Fili asked curiously,

"Dinner, this is our dinner today. We have raw sweet potatoes in a hurry at noon. We must have something good tonight." Balu said with a smile.

At noon, they only rested for a while while on the road. Each ape gnawed two pieces of sweet potatoes. At that time, Feili felt that raw sweet potatoes tasted good, much better than raw flesh and blood, but in this season, they tasted a bit cold.

Only then did Fili nodded. He was looking forward to something that Balu admired. He was curious, would the multi-horned rhinoceros meat taste delicious if it was placed on the flame like that?

Balu took off two pieces of barbecue and gave them to Scar and Longtooth. Fili swallowed his saliva. The rhino meat placed on the fire was so fragrant that it gave him an unbearable feeling.

When Balu came back, Fili finally got a piece of barbecue. He couldn't help but tear it into pieces. He didn't care whether it was hot or not. He chewed it a few times and swallowed it. Fili hadn't eaten for several days. , I just ate a few raw sweet potatoes for lunch. Now that I had this delicious barbecue, I couldn't help it. I finished a piece of barbecue that was as big as a palm and three fingers thick in just a few seconds.

Afterwards, Feili ate several more pieces of barbecue of the same size, and then sat contentedly leaning against the tree next to him.

Balu led the knights to cut off some small trees and carry them back. He found two large trees nearby, broke off the branches and leaves of the small trees, and put the trunks on top.

Fili was also helping, but with his more than two hundred kilograms of strength, it was of no use to him.

After Balu and the apes of the Cavaliers prepared a resting platform, they pulled up all the things under the tree, and then Scar moved onto the platform.

The statue of Ye Xun was placed on the platform, and Scar knelt there to pray. Now that Feili has joined the Knights of the Divine Court, he still doesn't know how to use back fists and triangle stakes. He needs to ask the Ape King God for instructions. After getting the oracle, he can Teach Feili how to practice.

After hearing Scar's prayer, Ye Xun's spiritual power came silently, and the statue slowly floated up and stayed in the void. Ye Xun's voice penetrated the void and sounded directly in Scar's mind.

"Coster, why are you calling me?"

Scar lowered his head and said respectfully, "Great Ape King God, the new member Feili is too weak. I beg you to give him the method of cultivation."

Ye Xun was silent. This was not the first time that Scar asked him for instructions. In the past, Ye Xun didn't pay attention. Now that Scar is in the position of the Pope, it is time to give him some rights.

"Coster, from now on you will make the decision on this matter. You are now the Pope of the Holy Court and have the right to make decisions."

Hearing Ye Xun's words, Scar quickly lay down on the ground, "I will obey the oracle of the Ape King God..."

"Very well, Coster, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Then Ye Xun's mental power converged, and the statue slowly fell on the platform, falling into a dead silence again. At the same time, Ye Xun's mental power also disappeared into the statue.

After a while, Scar got up from the ground.

"Feili, the Ape King God sent an oracle, giving me the right to give me the method of cultivation.

Tomorrow, you will practice with us! "

"Really? Kara!" Fili said excitedly,

He had seen Scar's strength. An ape easily killed a multi-horned rhinoceros. Before that, Fili never dared to think that an ape could kill it.

With excitement, Fili lay on the platform until very late before falling asleep.

The next morning, Fili was woken up by Balu and climbed to the ground along the big tree.

Scar was already standing on a triangular stake under the tree, but Fili didn't understand. He only thought Scar's movements were strange.

Then Scar explained to him alone, and he finally understood why the Divine Court Knights were so powerful. Everything stemmed from this practice called divine magic.

When Ye Xun proclaimed himself a god, he called the national arts the divine arts. After all, in his opinion, there was no country here anymore and there was no way to go back. Naturally, the national arts were no longer called the national arts. Moreover, this national art is the foundation of his foundation. Now that he calls himself the Ape King God, this national art has naturally been renamed as divine art.

When the practice was over, Feili collapsed on the ground.

At this time, a group of fully armed apes appeared from a short distance away. The leader was a strong elite ape, holding a spear sharpened with a wooden stick, followed by more than twenty apes, also holding spears. Holding some weapons, he walked towards this side.

"You are from that tribe! Why are you here?"

The leading ape asked. The twenty or so apes behind him spread out with wooden sticks, stones, and crude weapons, surrounding Scar and the others.

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