Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 60 Shentingli (please collect and recommend)

The apes carried the sweet potatoes back to their territory. Scar and a few of the apes dug a big pit and buried the sweet potatoes and red charcoal in it just like they did in the Black Rock Tribe.

There were not many sweet potatoes harvested this time, which should be enough for the apes to eat for a whole day. They went out to bury the sweet potatoes in the fire pit, and the rest were moved to several earthen houses and piled up in preparation for making roasted sweet potatoes later.

Scar estimated the time and felt that the sweet potatoes were almost ready, so he directly picked up the wooden stick and started to pull the earthen bed pile. Tuba had been surrounding him for a long time. After half a month of training, this guy had become a lot stronger and became the strongest in the tribe. Of course, this had to exclude some scars and one, two, three, four, five.

Tuba also worked very hard to dig up the earth kang pile. Every time he dug a stick, he could dig out several sweet potatoes. Some apes were responsible for picking, and soon all the sweet potatoes in the earth pit were pulled out. Of course, the apes also prepared other food, and the apes were responsible for cooking the barbecue and broth.

Soon, it was lunch time, and this time there was a fist-sized roasted sweet potato in the bowl containing the food. Correspondingly, the roasted meat was reduced in part. Some unclear apes were depressed. The leader and the gods were back. Why should the barbecue be reduced? But the apes in the hunting team were very happy, picked up the roasted sweet potatoes and started eating.

Seeing this, Tuba followed the example of the apes, breaking open the roasted sweet potato and eating only the inside part. In an instant, Tuba fell in love with this new delicacy. Originally he was a little depressed about the reduction in barbecue, but now he is eager to replace all the barbecue with this thing called roasted sweet potatoes.

Changya also put some roasted sweet potatoes in his rice bowl, but the burnt skin was peeled off, leaving only the soft, glutinous and sweet part inside. Changya happily ate a mouthful of sweet potatoes and a bite of barbecue. Some were sweet and some were salty. According to Changya, when he ate something sweet, he wanted to eat something salty, and when he ate something salty, he wanted to eat something sweet. So this guy It's the same bite, and it's a pleasure to eat.

After eating the roasted sweet potatoes, the apes all fell in love with it. Under the leadership of Scar, the apes shouted to the Ape King God and constantly praised the delicious food given to them by the Ape King God. In the temple, Ye Xun clearly felt that the power of faith in the statue had become stronger. Now that the apes of the Rock Tribe had been brainwashed by Scar, the power of faith provided to him was much stronger, although it was not as strong as the sword. The chopsticks are as thick as scars and tusks, but they are beyond the scope of hair. In terms of the total amount of power of faith, the more than one hundred apes of the Rock Tribe provide more power of faith than the more than three hundred apes of the Black Rock Tribe.

The next day, Scar led the apes to continue to cultivate the sweet potato field. The previous piece of land would not be harvested until ten days. Scar planned to cultivate a few more pieces, so that a batch of sweet potatoes could be harvested every one or two days, and the tribe would have There was an endless supply of food.

Ye Xun was very satisfied with Scar's idea. He originally planned it this way, but now that Scar has started to implement it, he no longer interferes. So Ye Xun sat cross-legged in the temple and worked hard to practice meditation every day to increase the upper limit of his mental power.

Three days later, Ye Xun began to temper his body with the fire of faith again. This time, he was still bloody and bloody from the fire of faith, but he clearly felt that his body could last longer in the fire of faith.

With the power of faith in the idol as a backing, he directly tempered his mental power. It was not until the power of faith in the idol was almost exhausted that he felt that his mental power had reached its limit. When he recovered his mental power after meditation, he found that the upper limit of his mental power had been greatly increased, and the covered range became three thousand meters.

Ye Xun felt that he was extremely lacking in the power of faith. With how he tempered his mental and physical strength, the power of faith he collected in a month was not enough for him. This was only the early stage. Later, I am afraid that the power of faith consumed in one time would be enough. More.

Then, Ye Xun's mental power spread out, found Scar who was practicing, and called him over.

"Believer Scar, pay homage to the great ape king god..." After Scar entered the temple, he knelt down in front of Ye Xun respectfully.

Ye Xun said, "Scar, get up. Seeing you like this, I'm really disappointed in you."

Scar said respectfully, "My God, Scar is honored and lucky to meet you. You gave me a new life. Scar cannot be disrespectful to you!"

Ye Xun sighed. He originally wanted Scar to be his friend, but he didn't expect Scar to just want to be his disciple. Perhaps this is the sadness of the gods. Only loneliness can make him an eternal friend. So Ye Xun said to Scar, "Scar, since you have made your choice, I will satisfy you."

Then, Ye Xun's spiritual power spread out and enveloped the entire rock tribe.

"I founded the Ape King Divine Court in the name of the Ape King God. Scar became the first pope of the royal court. He was given the position of God's Servant and his real name Coster."

As Ye Xun finished speaking, the apes of the Rock Tribe began to cheer for Scar. Although they did not know what the Royal Court was or what the Pope was, this was a declaration from the gods, and that was the supreme glory.

"Thanks to my god for the gift. Coster should lead the royal court to promote the glory of my god. May the glory of my god shine on the whole world!" Scar bowed respectfully on the ground. These words were from Ye Xunjiao and Scar. Originally, Scar It was just used to brainwash the apes. Unexpectedly, the first person to be brainwashed was Scar himself.

In the dark, Ye Xun felt a turbulence in the void, as if something was blessing his body, but his realm was too low now to find out what it was. But he could feel a joy coming from his soul, and a deep desire.

At this moment, a terrifying attraction came from the statue in the temple, and Ye Xun's spiritual power began to flow out of his mind and rushed towards the statue. Ye Xun felt that his vision went dark, and his mental perception also disappeared. It seemed to be a dark space, and it was also very narrow. Ye Xun felt like his whole body was being restrained. He couldn't move his hands or feet, and couldn't release his mental power.

Suddenly, his body began to fly upward. He could see that there seemed to be a white thing rolling and shrinking above him. Ye Xun thought that thing looked familiar. Isn't that the power of faith? Ye Xun thought in his heart.

Soon, his body flew into the power of faith, and countless voices were transmitted directly into his mind.

"Praise the great Ape King God, thank the Ape King God for giving us food..."

"Great Ape King God, may the glory of my god be with me!"


Countless prayers echoed in Ye Xun's mind. He felt that this was very magical. He just announced the creation of the Holy Court and the establishment of a pope. Unexpectedly, he could hear the prayers of believers. Suddenly, Ye Xun realized that maybe there was something inside. It’s the world inside the statue, but I don’t know if I can go to the statue of the Black Rock Tribe?

In an instant, Ye Xun felt the world spin and his head became dizzy. It took him a while to recover. Ye Xun looked around and found that it was still dark here. He couldn't help but want to see the scene outside the statue.

Soon, he felt as if his spiritual power had broken through the constraints and could extend outward. Ye Xun immediately controlled his mental power to radiate around, and soon he saw a ten-meter-tall ape statue in his mental perception, which was exactly the one he carved in the Black Rock Tribe.

"This...this is the Black Rock Tribe?" Ye Xun felt a little unbelievable. You must know that his body is still in the Rock Tribe, but now his mental power is in the statue of the Black Rock Tribe. For a moment, he thought of the gods in mythology, who seemed to be able to descend into the statues from a distance.

Immediately, Ye Xun suppressed the excitement in his heart and dispersed all his mental power. He didn't feel the limit until it covered a kilometer of space. He was shocked. It seemed that this kind of super long-distance arrival reduced his mental power by one level. No wonder in those myths and legends, the strength of gods would become very weak after they arrived from a distance.

But that was it, and he was very satisfied. After all, he was not a god, he was just an overlord-level ape with national martial arts and third-level spiritual power.

At this time, Buffett was enjoying the delicious food. Ye Xun couldn't help but get excited and used his mental power to roll up a piece of barbecue in front of Buffett. Buffett was startled and looked around with his huge eyes, but found no ape nearby.

It opened its mouth wide and bit into the barbecue in the air, but saw the barbecue ducked to the side. Suddenly, Buffett bit a hole, and almost broke one of his teeth with a click.

Buffett became angry, opened his huge mouth and roared, "Who is it? Who dares to tease the great Mr. Buffett?"

Then Ye Xun's thoughts moved, and two voices came into Buffett's mind, "Little reptile! You dare to claim to be great in front of me, I will punish you..."

Buffett was stunned for a moment, and then a look of fear flashed in his eyes. He was very confused, didn't that terrifying pervert leave? Why do I still hear his voice? Could it be that I am hallucinating?

"Little reptile! You actually ignore this god! I punish you in the name of the ape king god!" Ye Xun saw Buffett's dull expression, so he sent another message.

Only then did Buffett come to his senses, and quickly crawled out of his earthen house, knelt before the statue in the center of the square and shouted loudly, "Great Ape King God, Buffett doesn't know it's you, please forgive me. I……"

Buffett knelt there in fear, but Ye Xun did not speak immediately, but waited for a while before saying, "Buffett, this is the first time that this god has come. As the saying goes, he who does not know is not guilty, so I will forgive you this time." You, just go outside and dance until you fall down and then come back, take it as punishment, otherwise... this god will give you thunder!"

As soon as he heard the thunder, Buffett felt numb all over. The last time he was almost killed by the tusks, it caused a serious psychological shadow. So how could Buffett dare to go against Ye Xun's wishes? He quickly thanked the Ape King God for sparing his life, and then ran to the outside of the wall with heavy steps.

Then Buffett jumped up in the jungle under the strange eyes of the apes. Then, a strange scene appeared in the jungle. A huge beast was jumping up and down like crazy. The ground was also shaking constantly, and the rumbling sound of impact spread far away.

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