Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 40 Ecstasy Flower 1 (please collect and recommend)

In the underground space, Ye Xun was not in a hurry to leave. He still had third-level magic that he had not yet learned. In the inherited memory, there are not many third-level magics, only the fire-type Explosive Fire Pillar and the wind-type Wind Blade Flying. Among them, he has never tried wind magic, and he doesn't know if his body has wind attributes.

Of course, the best way is to learn directly. His mental power began to simulate the runes of the third-level wind magic in the air. It is composed of three different runes. Although each one looks simple, when combined together, it is very difficult.

Ye Xun was distracted and there was no way he could keep holding the dragon crystal fragment in his hand. He went to the body of the one-meter-diameter dragon snake and cut off its skin and flesh with dragon teeth. Finally, he found what he wanted near the spine, the snake tendon. He had killed some Tyrannosaurus rex before, but the level was too low and could not withstand the cutting of the dragon's teeth, so he didn't keep it.

Not long after, he pulled out a snake tendon nearly fifty meters long from the python corpse. The half-meter-diameter python's tendons are too thin and will break with the dragon's teeth. However, this tendon can be as thick as a finger and cannot be cut by dragon's teeth. This is the snake tendon he wants.

He used the energy from his mouth to cut the snake's tendons, and used the sharp edge of the dragon crystal to continuously rotate on the snake's tendons. It took a lot of effort. He just got the dragon crystal into the dragon's tendon. Then he tied up the snake tendons and tied them into a circle. An ugly but practical necklace was ready.

He put the dragon crystal around his neck and began to study the magic of flying wind blades attentively. After focusing his attention, he quickly analyzed the pattern of the runes. According to this rule, after his mental power was increased through the dragon crystal, he quickly drew the magic runes.

As the last stroke fell, the magic rune composed of three basic runes flew in the air, constantly rising and falling. In his nervousness, the magic rune began to absorb wind element particles crazily. Three seconds later, the magic was completely formed. Under the guidance of his mental power, the magic was thrown out by him and landed next to the body under the giant python.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The moment the magic bloomed, countless wind blades continued to circle within a ten-meter range, colliding everywhere. The collision with the scales on the surface of the giant python's body caused a continuous sound of metal collisions, which continued to echo in this underground space.

Soon, the wind blade dissipated, and countless small scratches appeared on the ground in the area it covered. The scales on the giant python's body were also cut with many dents by the wind blade. The white skeleton exposed in the air had countless gaps cut out. Although the destructive power of a single wind blade is not strong, there are too many of them, and at least they can cause some damage to half-step giant beasts like giant pythons. He is quite satisfied with this.

Ye Xun was grinning from ear to ear after learning Wind Blade Flying. As of now, he has not encountered any magical attributes that he cannot learn. Judging from this, maybe he is a genius who can learn all kinds of magic.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xun suppressed the excitement in his heart and concentrated on learning the magic of Explosive Flame Pillar. With the foundation of level three wind magic, he quickly mastered the runes of this magic. When the magic runes were formed, the fire element particles in the entire space rushed in crazily.


The magic took shape, and with a bang, a pillar of fire more than one meter thick spurted out from the ground, and the hot flames rushed straight to the top of the space. The hot air flow came towards him, and Ye Xun felt that when he breathed, he could feel the burning sensation in his nostrils and respiratory tract.

From the pillar of fire, there was an explosion-like sound from time to time, and some fist-sized fireballs shot out in all directions. The fireball flew about ten meters and then fell towards the ground. With a bang, a crater of about half a meter was exploded. The destructive power of this magic is stronger than the flying wind blade. Ye Xun originally thought it was a single-target magic, but he didn't expect it to be able to shoot fireballs. This was basically a pseudo-group magic.

After studying it for a while, he discovered the drawback, that is, although the mental power was amplified, the amount did not increase much. With his current mental power capacity, up to five third-level magics can consume all his mental power. This is equivalent to the consumption of two second-level magics, but its power is unmatched by second-level magics.

He also discovered that the second-level mental power could not complete the third-level magic runes without the addition of dragon crystal. Once the second basic rune is completed and the third one is carved, the entire magic rune will become extremely unstable and will soon collapse and dissipate in the air.

The experiment was almost done, Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the ground to recover his mental strength. He was going to go out and kill the Ecstasy Flower. The memories in this dragon crystal were non-renewable. This means that the memory of the combined magic and magic seeds has been obtained by the Ecstasy Flower, and the two memory balls no longer exist in the dragon crystal. He was worried that the Ecstasy Flower would get more memory balls, which would be his loss.

After his mental strength was almost restored, Ye Xun picked up the snake tendon next to him and wrapped it around his body. Before leaving, he also deliberately copied and recorded the luminous runes on the wall. When you return to the ape tribe, you can carve this kind of runes for lighting. This is more convenient and safer than oil lamps.

After looking around, Ye Xun lifted his legs and left, walking out along the dark stones. He didn't take any of those gold vessels, at least it wasn't the right time yet. After the Ecstasy Flower was dealt with, he would bring the apes over to get it. This would be the wisest thing to do. Otherwise, he alone wouldn't be able to get much if he wanted to.

With the help of his spiritual power, he quickly left the underground space, and it was already daytime outside. In the vast white world, the pink flowers of the Ecstasy flower are very conspicuous. Occasionally, a gust of wind blows, and the snow on the trees falls, making a snapping sound.

Ye Xun exuded spiritual power through the dragon crystal and rotated 360 degrees around himself. It was determined that within a radius of two kilometers, there was no other living creature except him. No, the Ecstasy Flower is considered alive, even though it looks like a plant.

Ye Xun also breathed a sigh of relief as there was no longer the puppet beast of the Ecstasy Flower nearby. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable if two puppet beasts came out to help at a critical moment. Although the puppet beasts have no energy in their bodies, their bodies are very powerful. With the combined magic arranged by the Ecstasy Flower, their lethality is doubled.

At this moment, the Ecstasy Flower bloomed, and several dark green vines grew out of it. Its spiritual power spread out and it instantly spotted Ye Xun in the distance.

"Damn intruder! Destroy me!"

The angry voice of the Ecstasy Flower passed into Ye Xun's mental perception, and a terrifying magic wave came from the Ecstasy Flower. Ye Xun cursed secretly and began to condense third-level magic. Soon, the magic of the Ecstasy Flower took shape and evolved into countless fist-sized fireballs, flying towards Ye Xun.

Feeling the hot air coming towards him, he moved his feet and moved more than ten meters to the side, instantly breaking away from the meteor-like rain of fire. At the same time, Ye Xun's magic was also completed, and he used his mental power to guide it and threw it towards the Ecstasy Flower.

The mental power of the Ecstasy Flower extends and intercepts it in the air. Ye Xun's mental power was instantly shaken, and the magic he controlled fell to the ground. Whoosh whoosh... Countless wind blades took shape, forming an invisible sphere with a diameter of twenty meters, shrouding a bush.

Countless wind blades flew wildly, frantically cutting through the shrouded bushes. Soon, the magic energy was exhausted, revealing a messy ground inside. All the shrubs had disappeared, leaving only a pile of branches of different lengths piled in the center of the area.

At the same time, Ye Xun pulled out the dragon's teeth tied with snake tendons on his back, moved his feet, and rushed towards the Ecstasy Flower. Against magicians, long-range attacks are the stupidest thing to do. With inherited memory, he naturally knows the weakness of the magician, which is that the spirit is strong but the body is weak, so close combat is the best choice.

When the Ecstasy Flower sensed the enemy's approach, the flower core contracted and sprayed a stream of pink gas in the direction of Ye Xun. Ye Xun quickly held his breath. He had seen the horror of things. The overlord-level ferocious beasts were controlled by it and turned into puppets. I'm afraid it had something to do with this gas.

As the air flow got closer and closer, Ye Xun's energy flowed into his feet. With a bang, he stepped on a big hole in the ground. His body swayed, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

The pink air flow quickly roared past, and the afterimage disappeared there. At this time, Ye Xun's figure appeared more than 20 meters away on the right. So fast. It's terrifying.

Ye Xun concentrated on locking the Ecstasy Flower to prevent it from secretly condensing magic, and his feet began to move. With the blessing of energy, he can leap hundreds of meters in just a few steps.

The Ecstasy Flower was not idle either, condensing two magic spells at the same time, one on the left and one on the right. Ye Xun sensed the constant riot of fire element particles and wood element particles. I saw two magics flying towards him at the same time under the control of the Ecstasy Flower.

Ye Xun's mental power moved and hit the mental power that controlled magic. He and the Ecstasy Flower were shocked at the same time, and their mental strength was greatly shaken. The fire magic controlled by the Ecstasy Flower went out of control and exploded directly on the spot, forming a fire wall more than ten meters high. The scorching flames caused heat waves one after another, and the hot air continued to wash away the nearby trees.

At this time, the Ecstasy Flower triggered wood magic in mid-air, and a huge vine grew in the wind, quickly reaching a length of more than thirty meters. With a whistling sound, he whipped towards Ye Xun.

With a snap, the vine hit the big tree behind Ye Xun. The huge force caused the tree to sway continuously. Ye Xun jumped lightly and landed on the vine. Before the Flower of Enchantment could react, it treated the vines like a single-plank bridge. It quickly alternated its steps and rushed towards the Flower of Enchantment along the vines.

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