Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 390 Chapter 392 The Origin of Life

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Xun slowly sank into the Samsara Pond. The transparent bead was in the water and it was impossible to detect too many things with his soul, so he entered the pond directly, stretched out an arm, and connected with the bead. touch.

Without the isolation of the pool water, this time, Ye Xun's soul easily entered the bead.

At the same time, a soul body was also absorbed into it.

The beads began to glow at this time, emitting another wave of lawful power.

Ye Xun's eyes widened and he was ecstatic at the same time. He felt the breath of life.

The soul body that entered the bead seemed to be attached to the same spherical shape, and the power of the law was also attached to it.

Then, the screen disappeared!

Ye Xun was stunned. Some of the monks Zhang Er were confused. Wasn't everything fine just now? Why did it suddenly disappear?

Once, twice, three times, hundreds of times in a row, Ye Xun never saw the picture of the soul attached to the round sphere.


"Could that be the place where the fetus will develop?"

In an instant, Ye Xun understood what was going on. The reincarnation pool was only responsible for transmitting and distributing the soul body and the power of the law to the paired organisms. After attachment, the rest only needed to wait for the most primitive cells to divide and grow. .

After figuring it out, Ye Xun's body took off directly from the Samsara Pond, turned into a golden light, and shuttled towards the entrance of Huangquan Road.

Half a month later, Ye Xun left the underworld and the land of heaven, and once again set foot on the life planet floating in the starry sky of the universe.

The huge spiritual consciousness spread out and enveloped the entire planet. He was waiting, waiting for the arrival of his soul body and the power of law.

During this period, Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the clouds, slowly observing the transformation of the souls and bodies of the pregnant creatures.

The law he failed to master is called the law of life, which includes the power of time.

Gradually, Ye Xun found a clue and found the chain of laws from the bodies of the fetuses that were forming.

Although the analytical deduction was not complete, it was of great help to Ye Xun's improvement.

On this day, the two people who had just finished their work were busy as usual, and a strange fluctuation came across the long river of time and space.

The breath is very familiar, it is the soul body and the power of law that shuttled through the pool of reincarnation in the underworld.

Different from those life forms that have already taken shape, this one is still the life outside of cells, surrounded by a complete chain of laws.

Without hesitation, Ye Xun locked the object of analysis on this chain of laws.

However, as the living body develops and cells divide and grow, a large part of the chain of laws is soon consumed and becomes dilapidated.

Ye Xun even discovered that the original imprint in a living body was imprinted from the soul by the law of life.

This is why, after taking away one's body, one has to practice extremely slowly and unaccustomedly. After the death of many powerful gods, they would rather become ghosts and gods than be possessed and reborn.

Everything is caused by the original imprint.

Not long after, another pair of creatures completed the task of carrying on the family line. In the woman's body, the soul body had already moved in. Ye Xun was not slow, seizing the time to quickly analyze the laws of life.

This time, time is very long. Hundreds of years have passed, and the entire chain of laws has only been analyzed less than one-tenth.

In desperation, he could only activate the divine power of chaos to wrap the entire living planet in the time acceleration zone.

In this way, a hundred years passed in the outside world again, and thousands of years passed in the accelerated world. Ye Xun finally deduced the law of life to the last moment.

At this time, if an analysis is terminated or interrupted, the entire analysis and deduction project will be wasted in an instant.

Time still passed quickly by itself, and one soul after another was transported to the planet, and the endless chain of complete laws came to them as if they were free of capital.

Then Ye Xun realized it, and the final law of life was successfully analyzed. In an instant, the life runes began to transform rapidly after swallowing the power of the law.

The body of the Supreme Lord, which had almost broken through, completely broke through at this moment. Terrible power flowed through his body, and all the muscles and veins in his body seemed to have turned into a dragon, twisting in his body.

At this moment, the physical strength also broke through the limit and entered the realm of half-step supreme.

Slowly, the two powers of gold and silver surged toward the Tai Chi Diagram in his mind. The Tai Chi Diagram, which originally had no yin and yang fish eyes, began to have a touch of gold appear in the silver area.


The divine power of Chaos rioted, and the huge power almost tore apart the last shackles, but at a sudden critical moment, the subsequent power disappeared.

Everything began to dissipate again, returning to the beginning.

The golden fish eyes on the Tai Chi diagram disappeared, and the fluctuations in divine power also calmed down. The body, soul, and chaotic divine power were finally stuck in the realm of half-step supreme, unable to move forward even a little bit.

"Why is it still not working? My body and soul have already reached Great Consummation, why can't I boast about the last step!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that the supreme position cannot be shaken! I want to become the supreme! I am the strongest god!"

With a roar, Ye Xun continued to control the two forces to surge towards the Tai Chi Diagram. According to the situation just now, he only needed to complete the missing yin and yang fish eyes on the Tai Chi Diagram.


However, just like the first time, only one golden fish eye can be gathered on the Tai Chi diagram, and the silver one cannot be lit no matter what.

Then the Tai Chi diagram vibrated, rebounding the two forces back again.

Unable to hold back, a mouthful of golden blood surged out of his throat.

The terrifying force of the shock shook his body.

"Damn it! It's only the last half step. Am I going to be trapped here? Like the King of Angels, trapped in the half-step supreme realm and never able to break through?"

"No! It's impossible! There may be something missing. There must be other runes and laws hidden in the one hundred and eight heavenly places. As long as I continue to absorb the power of runes and laws, one day I will step into Supreme!"

Ye Xun almost fell into madness, and his figure disappeared directly from the living planet, traveling towards the heavenly places scattered throughout the universe.

The universe is so big, and he wants to see it and find more strange creatures to make up for the lack of life runes and soul runes.

Soon, he came to the area near the Thunder God's Domain, where there was a dark place with a wisp of the Supreme Will sleeping inside.

Tearing, the void shattered, and his figure appeared directly in the center of the dark land, where there was still an extremely huge star. The power of the soul surged past, and soon he discovered the body of the starry sky beast.

At this time, it was entrenched in the core of the planet and fell into a deep dormancy.

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