Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 385 Recreating Life Forms


A stream of life flowed into the heart along the blood, and then silently invaded the lifeless micro-universe.


Life invaded, the universe was turbulent, and the endless death energy began to intertwine with life, forming a chaotic force.

Some simple rules began to emerge from that force, one, two, and three.

On this third planet in the galaxy, rules began to appear rapidly, changing the entire planet.

A few days later, a flash of green emerged from the brown soil, and the first plant in this microcosm was born.

At this moment, the entire universe began a violent reaction as if water with sodium blocks was added to it.

The chain of rules is constantly broken, and each time it is reshaped, it will be more perfect than the last time.

The evolution continues, with more and more green plants, and Ye Xun's soul turns into a silver figure, floating in the void like an eternal god.

For the first time, he felt alive in this universe, as well as those rules that seemed a little immature.

Here, we are no longer in the cold universe, in the third position of the galaxy. The planet is already covered with green, and the atmosphere appears, covering the entire planet.

It's just that there are no living organisms there, not even the smallest microorganisms.

Thousands of years passed before the power of rules in the micro-universe completely calmed down, and the plants on the living planet were completely on track and grew very lushly.

Streams, rivers, and even the sea have appeared.

But there are still no life forms in these clear waters.

When an outside creature enters this universe, it cannot survive for a long time due to the difference in its original imprint, unless it is very powerful and powerful enough to fight against the entire universe.

Or Ye Xun gave it the original brand, but he didn't realize it himself, so how could he give it to others.

"Perhaps, I can try to create life in this universe, let them be born in this world, and obtain the imprint of the original power. It depends on whether the life runes and soul runes can be integrated together."

With a thought, the power of the two runes quickly surged from his body towards his heart.

The power of the gold and silver runes rolled and entered the micro-cosmic space through the heart. Slowly, two small light groups formed in the gray starry sky, beating continuously and emitting a faint light. .

The life runes and soul runes simultaneously absorbed the power of the universe in the void, gradually forming two huge oval spheres.

One gold and one silver, and a strange fluctuation is constantly revealed from inside.

Ye Xun's soul jumped across the endless void and fell from the life planet into two giant eggs. He saw the shadow of the blood vessels of his physical body slowly condensing.

In the silver dome, a translucent shadow was also squirming rapidly, swallowing various elemental particles.

In the outside world, time continues to pass. According to Ye Xun's induction, the time flow rate in the micro-universe is the same as that in the outside world, that is, it is consistent with the accelerated space.

He tried to create an accelerated space in the micro-universe, but it lacked most of the rules and laws of time. His time control over the stars in the outer universe could not be used here.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed. In the huge golden egg, a big guy seven or eight meters tall is gradually forming in the egg shell.

Next to it, a large silver egg of the same size is also shrinking, and a soul wave bursts out from time to time.


Suddenly, a crisp sound appeared in this cold universe, and some tiny cracks began to appear on the surface of the silver dome, gradually wrapping the entire dome.

Ye Xun, who had been observing the movements of the two domes, suddenly opened his eyes. The silver figure swayed from the living planet and arrived outside the two domes.

At this time, the silver giant egg was completely shattered and turned into countless fragments with a clang, scattered in the starry sky.

Inside, a formless soul was revealed, a faint silver light leaked from its body, and a rune slowly emitted strange fluctuations to maintain the activity of the soul body.

Ye Xun's soul surged out towards the soul body. With a slight touch, the soul body was dull and motionless, as if there was no instinctive escape reaction.

"There is no response. It seems that this soul body should be checked far away. Forget it, let's put it into the body first!"

Immediately, Ye Xun's soul power stirred up, bound the unresponsive soul body, and flew towards the golden dome.

Without any obstruction, the soul body easily penetrated into the dome, and then slowly moved towards the giant's body.

Suddenly, a huge repulsive force appeared, forcing the approaching soul body to stop.

Immediately, Ye Xun mobilized the divine power of chaos and directly changed the repulsive force into suction force, and then the soul body flew towards the giant's body again.


The soul entered the body, and the calm golden dome suddenly began to vibrate. The closed eyes opened, and a gray light flashed away. Instinctively, the huge giant struggled in the dome.

The fist, which was bigger than a basketball, was constantly waving and colliding with the golden dome shell.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

Dozens of fist shadows were superimposed on each other, and the terrifying power gathered together. The eggshell was so hard that it was directly hammered open by this force.

The golden dome exploded, and a naked figure with bulging muscles appeared.

Under the hard skin, the muscles bulge high, and there is only one eye on the huge head.

This is a Cyclops.

Ye Xun's soul power wrapped it tightly, took a deep breath, and a hole suddenly appeared.

The rules of the micro-universe slowly invaded and enveloped the Cyclops.


There was no change in the void. In the perception of divine consciousness, after the power of rules came into contact with its body, it did not destroy the elemental particles that decomposed and composed the body.

His guess was established, but although this Cyclops could survive in the micro-universe, its soul was like a sluggish machine.

No matter how stimulated, there was no response.

"Still unable to obtain the original mark? It seems that the original mark is the foundation of a living body!"

The soul invaded the Cyclops' body, but he still found no trace of the original mark. Perhaps this is why the power of the rules of the micro-universe did not decompose it.

"Perhaps I should go to the Sea of ​​Stars to take a look at the origin of life. It is the origin of all planets, and life is born from the collision of planets. Perhaps, there will also be traces of the origin of life there..."

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