Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 383 An epiphany

Twelve months have passed in a row, and most of the people who chose a hundred years or a thousand years have already left the accelerated space.

For a time, there was a craze for high-level martial arts in the martial arts world. Almost everyone who came out of the sacred mountain had fighting abilities no weaker than Sarutobi's.

However, not many people dare to provoke the apes.

The figure that appeared when they left had already dispelled their thoughts.

The great god on the sacred mountain is also a member of the ape tribe. He is covered in golden hair and is calm and powerful.

That imprint was deeply imprinted on their minds and could not be removed.

New sects appear one after another, and the warriors who used to be the strongest in the Great Power Realm have now been reduced to living in the world.

The powerful men in the supernatural realm have taken over the positions of heads of all sects.

And those who have practiced for thousands of years have some kings and some legends in strength.

These people have broken away from the category of mortals and begun to follow the footsteps of gods. They have greater ambitions and want to become true gods!

Ye Xun was still in seclusion in the wooden house. The snow melted and piled up again.

There are twelve months in a year, and the seasons change in turn.

Now, it's winter again.

More than a dozen people who have chosen Ten Thousand Years are still practicing hard in the accelerated space. Among them, a young boy from the Fox tribe has reached the peak of legend. He is following the magic route. It takes a lot of faith to ignite the divine fire.

For the purpose of research, Ye Xun was not stingy and extracted tens of thousands of divine power and sent them to the acceleration space.

For him, the research was all worth it.

Another month passed, and the young men of the Fox tribe began to attack the realm of demigods.

A large amount of divine power ignited the divine fire very easily.

Ye Xun's consciousness enveloped the entire body of the Fox clan boy, and he carefully sensed and figured out the transformation of the life runes and soul runes.


Thunder surged from the sky, and a large ball of flames continued to burn in the void.

The two runes slowly rotated in the body of the fox tribe boy, and wisps of energy fluctuations emanated from the two runes, and then merged and merged in the body.

This power is constantly transforming, strengthening, and transforming the body of the Fox clan boy.

Finally, the divine fire was ignited, beating steadily in its mind.

At this moment, the hidden soul began to emerge from the body for the first time.

Wrapped in silver soul runes, it was then strung into the divine fire.

"The divine fire never ceases, the soul never that's what it's about!"

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared, and Ye Xun seemed to see the road in front of the cliff, but the image flashed away, and he still couldn't catch it.

"It seems that's not enough, you have to watch the transformation into a god!"

Ye Xun muttered in his heart, and the fluctuations of his spiritual consciousness gradually calmed down, and then returned to the fox tribe boy's body, dormant quietly, waiting for its next transformation.

The second group of ape-men sent by Sarutobi had already gone up the mountain. Four of the twelve young ape-men from the last time chose the training time of a hundred years, a thousand years and ten thousand years respectively.

Regarding this, Ye Xun felt that they were very smart.

But this time, all twelve ape-man youths chose to practice for ten thousand years.

Ye Xun is naturally open to all comers. He has almost mastered the transformation of low-level runes. What he lacks now is the transformation of igniting the divine fire and condensing the divine personality.

After a period of time, more people in the accelerated space began to attack the demigod realm, but this time some people were not so lucky.

When he rushed into the demigod realm, he was too eager for success, causing his body to collapse and his runes to break.

But this time, Ye Xun experienced the destruction of the runes and felt the attack method of another power.

This is a power that directly crushes runes. Its attributes are somewhat similar to the power of chaos, but it is more domineering and violent.

"This...maybe the pure power of chaos, life and death! But, how can I give the power of life and death to the divine power of chaos?"

Ye Xun frowned. The rise and fall of demigods made him see the two sides of chaos. There is death in life, and life in death.

The two complement each other, that is, they are opposite and interdependent.

Time flies, and five years have passed. Ye Xun has been troubled by this problem for more than five thousand years, and the acceleration in the wooden house is still passing by a thousand times.

He sat cross-legged on a big tree, motionless, as if he had merged with the tree.

On this day, an accelerating space suddenly vibrated. The fox boy's petite body soared from the ground. Dark clouds continued to roll in the sky.

The will of the universe invaded the accelerated space and began to test the creatures who were about to become gods.


Thunder exploded, and the fox boy's face couldn't help but turn pale. Although the surging thunder did not fall, it brought greater pressure to it.

Ye Xun's consciousness attached to its body revived, slowly spread, and then enveloped its whole body.

In his perception, the life runes and soul runes began to emit bright light at this moment, gold and silver, intertwined with each other in the body of the fox boy, condensing into a force that broke through the barrier.

The two are intertwined with each other, showing a spiral shape. Viewed from a cross section, it looks like a Tai Chi pattern, except that the two yin and yang fish eyes are missing.

"Tai Chi! Yes, why didn't I expect that the fusion of divine power is unstable? Why is it not a structural problem? I have been looking in the wrong direction all along!"

"The balance of divine power is only one of them. A stable structure is the basis for their integration!"

In the space of the wooden house, Ye Xun smiled. The thing he had been chasing for thousands of years was finally laid out in front of him like a beautiful woman who had taken off her clothes.

In the accelerating space, the young man from the Fox tribe is still condensing his godhead. Before the godhead is successfully condensed, the will of the universe will not impose thunder punishment.

This is the supreme law. Once it is touched, it must go through the judgment of thunder and punishment.

The sign of touching the restricted area is whether the divine personality is condensed.

Endless divine power flows in the body of the Fox clan boy, surging towards the sea of ​​consciousness in his head, where a ball of divine fire is constantly burning, gathering the divine power and repeatedly tempering it.

The life runes and soul runes also flowed with gold and silver power, continuously gathering towards the divine liquid above the divine fire.

Soon, some liquid began to condense, slowly forming an uneven polyhedral spirit stone.

This is the rough embryo of the Godhead.

"Next, it's time for the power of rules to appear!"

Ye Xun murmured to himself, and the power of the rules that the fox boy had understood emerged, and slowly flew towards the godhead. Every time the power of rules was integrated into the godhead, the uneven marks on the outside of the godhead would appear. .

Eventually, the entire godhead turned into a multi-faceted crystal with a smooth surface. At this time, thunder and punishment also began to come.

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