Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 380 The vicissitudes of life

Sarutobi woke up from his ice sculpture state, and what he saw was an endless green forest. Various fruits were hanging on the branches. The pulp was thick and looked very tempting.

"Where is this place? Is it inside the wooden house?"

After looking around, Sarutobi found no living beings, no exits, and no sun in the sky.

It's boundless, as if this is a huge forest world.

Suddenly, a message appeared in its head, along with some graphics of action poses.

"What is this? A method of cultivation?"

Sarutobi's heart couldn't help but beat violently, and his body unconsciously swayed according to the movements of the graphics in his mind.

Suddenly a sour and astringent feeling swept through the whole body, but within half a cup of tea, its body had reached its limit and fell to the ground with a thud.

"It's so uncomfortable. Does this posture need to be maintained for an hour to be considered qualified?"

Sarutobi rubbed his butt and got up from the ground. He felt that his whole body was very sore, and there was a burst of pain whenever he moved.

"No! I can't give up! I must practice and practice again. As long as I achieve the realm of magical powers, I can leave!"

Gritting his teeth, Sarutobi continued to assume that very tortured posture. In that mass of training memories, the method of leaving this world was clearly recorded. As long as its strength reaches some level of magical power, it can leave this forest. world.

Otherwise, it will always be trapped here and unable to leave.

Ye Xun's consciousness was always paying attention to the changes in the runes on its body. Even the soul runes that could not be discovered before appeared in his perception this time.

Threads of silk threads spread out from the life runes, and then slowly flew towards the soul in the mind.

This is a process of exercising the body to enhance the strength of the soul, which may be called the feedback of the physical body.

Sarutobi didn't know that he would be a guinea pig, raised in a dimensional space by a great being, practicing day and night every day, all in order to become stronger and then leave this boundless forest world.

Every day, Sarutobi changes the place where he lives. He is looking for, maybe one day he will leave this world?

Day after day, year after year, Sarutobi has forgotten how long he has been in this boundless forest world. He only knows that his strength is getting stronger and stronger now. A big tree that cannot be surrounded can withstand Can't resist the power of its punch.

The body has also become more and more flexible, and it is no problem to jump up to a height of tens of meters.

A ray of Ye Xun's consciousness has been attached to it, observing the relationship between the body and the changes in the runes.

Unknowingly, Sarutobi's strength had increased to a strong level, and he was getting closer and closer to the realm of magical power he had left.

A full fifty years, Sarutobi vaguely remembered that he had been here for a full fifty years, and the time had passed so long that he had even forgotten how to speak.

It has a lot of hair and beard, but its appearance has not changed much. It is still the same as when it first entered this world.

No matter how powerful the acceleration of time is, it cannot change the traces of time imprinted on living bodies by the will of the universe.

With a thousand-fold acceleration, a hundred years would only last more than a month, and a fifty year period would only last less than twenty days in the outside world.

This little time was not enough for Ye Xun to even take a nap.

In the end, Sarutobi stayed in the accelerated space force for a hundred years and spent more than thirty days in the outside world. Its strength successfully entered the realm of supernatural powers. Ye Xun also kicked it out of that accelerated world as agreed.

After a sudden spin, Sarutobi found that the familiar forest world was gone, replaced by a snowy world.

The not-tall wooden house still stood in the snow, just like when it left, not much changed.

It was as if the forest world it experienced was a dream.

But is that world really just a dream?

Sarutobi clenched his fists and felt the power contained in his body. He could no longer tell which one was the dream.

Maybe that endless bonsai world is a dream, or maybe this snowy world is.

"Thank you, unknown existence..."

Sarutobi walked towards the wooden house and was shocked to find that with his current strength, he still couldn't push open the small wooden door.

In the end, it could only kneel respectfully in the snow and express its gratitude into action.

"The world has changed, and it's been a dream for a hundred years. It's time for you to leave! Remember our agreement!"

Suddenly, a huge voice sounded in Sarutobi's mind. The scene changed and Sarutobi found that he was no longer on the top of the mountain. A large frozen river was at his feet, and many people were on the solid ice on the surface of the river. slide.

"I...went down the mountain?"

Turning his head, Sarutobi looked at the nameless mountain behind him. Slowly, strands of mist rose up from the white snow, covering the entire mountain.

After a few breaths, the entire snow-white mountain disappeared.

"Is this... the legendary god?"

Unknowingly, Sarutobi thought of the gods passed down by word of mouth, those powerful beings who could break mountains with one hand and lift a leg to create a flow.

Combined with the strange moving methods, it became more and more convinced that this was the sacred mountain where the gods lived.

Only gods can quietly send oneself to the forest world, and only gods can keep one's appearance the same even after a hundred years.

"Who is this man? Look at his hair and beard. They are so long. Could it be that he looks like an uncivilized savage?"

"I think it's very possible. I heard that a month ago, the leader of the Wolf family went up the mountain to hunt down the apes and never came down again. I heard that they were all killed by the monsters in the mountain!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, that guy is looking at us!"

Not far away, people who were digging holes in the ice for winter fishing were whispering to each other.

Sarutobi was stunned, "One month? Is it really a dream for a hundred years? But what about my strength?"

"By the way, the wolf tribe seems to be targeting our ape tribe. I have to return home as soon as possible! I hope nothing happens to my family!"

Immediately, Sarutobi's exercise book moved, and his figure instantly disappeared from the glacier.

The fishing worker who was just chewing his ears was instantly frightened.

"Ghost! That man is a ghost!"

In a swarm, everyone on the ice fled towards the shore, not even bothering to pack away the fishing tools.

Soon Sarutobi arrived at the ape family. At this time, the werewolf was leading a large number of troops and surrounded the entire ape family.

"Suffer death! Ape clan, Sarutobi is dead, your entire ape family is extinct, so destroy it in despair!"

A tall werewolf wearing armor stood at the front of the team. Behind it, countless werewolf cavalry exuded a terrifying aura of murder.

At this time, a dirty figure escaped from a distance and landed directly outside the gate of Yuan's house.

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