Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 377 Living Planet

The power of Ye Xun's soul spread out and directly imprisoned this elemental elf who was comparable to a superior god.

Then the power of the soul poured into its body and began to search for runes and memories.

"So, everyone lives inside this super-gravity planet. No wonder no traces can be found on the surface of the planet!"

"But what I thought was indeed correct. The elemental elves possess soul runes in their bodies. As long as all their runes are deduced and analyzed, my soul power can at least reach the peak of the Supreme Lord!"

After exploring the memories and runes, Ye Xun directly carried the wood elemental elf towards the underground space.

Although the mass density of the soil is very high, it cannot stop the emptiness of the spirit from traveling. However, compared to ordinary soil, these very high-density soils have a huge resistance.

Spiritual bodies and elemental elves below the upper gods are unable to resist this resistance and shuttle through the soil.

Ten minutes later, the huge resistance suddenly disappeared, and there was a very huge circular space in the middle of the hard soil in front of him.

Countless colorful elemental spirits are flying and living in this space.

The moment Ye Xun came in, almost all the elemental elves looked up at him.

"Soul body?! Who are you?!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the underground space, and thirty-six tall figures rose from twelve tall halls.

"Thirty Lords of Law? It seems that the strength of elemental elves is not as good as that of monsters, but that's right, they have no body, and it is indeed difficult to break the shackles of the power of law!"

Ye Xun's mind quickly swept across the entire huge underground space, and the strength of the thirty-six giant elemental elves fell into his perception without reservation.

Suddenly, a wave similar to the divine power of chaos was transmitted from the depths of the underground space, and the gray power surged towards him quickly like clouds and mist.

"Chaos element? The supreme ancient god?"

Ye Xun's dark golden eyes moved, directly penetrating the entire gray cloud area, and saw a huge elemental elf standing tall against the sky. It was completely gray, with various runes appearing and disappearing on the surface of the body.

In its body, Ye Xun saw a silver rune, exuding a charming halo.

"Supreme Lord of the Soul Body? Which Supreme Lord in Hell are you?"

The endless gray mist suddenly disappeared, and the huge elemental spirit appeared. It lowered its huge head and showed a very respectful look.

"I am the supreme master of the ape tribe. I came here this time just to study the runes in your body. Don't worry, I will not harm you!"

Ye Xun's voice was as powerful as a rainbow, like the sound of huge bells and drums, instantly resounding throughout the entire underground space.

At the same time, the power of the silver soul surged, imprisoning all the elemental elves, including the supreme ancient god, whose whole body was suspended in the air, unable to move at all.


The void shook, and a huge time-accelerating space appeared out of thin air. Soon, Ye Xun fell into deep analysis and deduction.

Time in the entire underground space seemed to be frozen. All the elemental elves were motionless, and only the plants were growing at a very fast speed.

There are no alternations of seasons here, but the fruits on the plants mature batch after batch.

Many young plant buds on the ground struggled to grow out of the fruits, until the entire ground was completely covered in a huge forest.

The light ball located at the top of the underground space still radiates a dazzling light, and it has hardly changed at all as time has accelerated.

Thirty years have passed in the accelerated space, and the runes in the elemental elves have been almost analyzed, leaving only the thirty-six Lords of Law and the powerful Supreme Ancient God.

The time acceleration space is also getting smaller and smaller. After analyzing the soul runes, other elemental elves have been expelled outside the acceleration space.

"Using the shrunken elemental elf runes to piece together the runes of the Lord of Laws is indeed much faster. In ten years, at most ten years, these thirty-six runes will be completely analyzed!"

"However, the Supreme Ancient God is still a bit tricky. It seems to have escaped the category of ordinary elemental elves and entered a new life form. If we want to completely analyze it, it will probably take three thousand years!"

Ye Xun's heart was spinning rapidly, and the analyzed elemental runes were quickly swallowed up by the silver rune in his soul.

The ordinary elemental elves further down in life have become accustomed to it. Only when they first left the acceleration space, they tried to escape in confusion.

But now, it seems that I have become accustomed to it.

Three years have passed outside the accelerated space. The Supreme Ancient God who was imprisoned in the void was suddenly awakened by a huge force.

"Thank you for your cooperation. There is going to be a big war in the universe. You can stay here and take care of yourself!"

When the supreme ancient god of the elemental elves fully woke up and opened his eyes, the silver figure that made his heart palpitate had disappeared, as if it had never appeared again.

Ye Xun left, quickly shuttled through the soil, and then returned to the surface.

Here, the giant war beast has been completely pulled into the ground by the terrifying gravity, and only half of its sharp teeth are still exposed in the soil.

As soon as the soul moved, the position of the golden body was instantly locked by him, and a huge gap suddenly opened in the void, swallowing the soul.

When he appeared again, he had turned into a silver light and penetrated into the golden body.

His dark golden eyes opened, and the soil covering his body, which was stronger than the main artifact, instantly cracked and fell to the ground.

"The soul runes and life runes have reached their peak. Now it's time to find a place to study the path below. Chaos power, maybe this is the direction I should study next!"

The majestic voice vibrated in the void, and Ye Xun's golden figure was like a cannonball, soaring directly into the sky from the super intermediate planet and flying towards the starry sky outside.

Those hard meteorites attracted by gravity were easily shattered directly by the golden light shield on his body.

Not long after, Ye Xun had broken away from the huge black disk.

The huge soul spread out, and soon, he discovered a strange planet in the distant universe. There seemed to be an ancient feudal society, where the emperor controlled the country and warriors wandered the rivers and lakes.

"Just go there!"

As soon as he thought, the void automatically opened a gap and swallowed his figure inside.

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