"No need to pretend, I know you are a living being, and you seem to be a powerful being among the ancient gods!"

Ye Xun's voice was directly transmitted to the depths of the mountain. In his dark golden eyes, the internal structure of the mountain could be seen clearly.

"The supreme lord of the ape tribe, Gu Mo, a life form of earth and stone, wishes to greet you..."

With a rumble, a huge gap suddenly opened somewhere in the mountain. It was like a mouth, constantly opening and closing.

Then the entire mountain shook, and the earth and rocks outside fell to the ground. Some ordinary life forms were lifted up by an invisible force and flew out of the mountain.

This is a kind god.

After a few minutes, the huge mountain changed and formed a rock giant tens of thousands of meters high.

Ye Xun could see the power flowing in its body. Similarly, a rune was suspended in its body, constantly releasing a special power to maintain its body's vitality.

With a thought, Ye Xun's huge soul power surged out from the sea of ​​consciousness and wrapped around the rune in the stone giant's heart.


The golden rune that was originally silent in his body suddenly erupted with a strange frequency fluctuation, as if it was eager to get the rune in the heart of the stone giant.

"Eager to devour? It seems that the top life form is still not the final limit. Perhaps above this, there is a more perfect physique!"

Ye Xun was a little excited. With his current strength, he couldn't compete with the King of Angels. If he wanted to become stronger, he had to continue practicing.

After his body broke through and reached the top level of life form, he mistakenly thought that the life runes had reached perfection. Now it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Then his will gently touched the rune of life, making it quiet, and then scanned the runes in the body of the stone giant and began to analyze and deduce it.

The stone giant was shocked to find that its body could not move, and an infinite fear suddenly emerged in its heart.

Once a super powerful person like the Supreme Lord takes action against it, it will definitely not have the ability to resist at all.

This gap is as insurmountable as the Lord God and the Lord of Laws.

"Don't be nervous. I won't hurt you. I just need to borrow your body for research. It will be fine soon. Maybe when you wake up from a nap, I will have left!"

Ye Xun's voice sounded faintly in the stone giant's mind, and then a wave of sleepiness came over him, and the stone giant fell into a deep sleep.

While analyzing the runes, Ye Xun's soul power also invaded the stone giant's mind. It was strange there. There was no soul fluctuation, only some scattered picture fragments floating inside.

The power of the soul swept across, and Ye Xun began to read these memory images.

Starting from a stone when the heaven and earth first emerged, Gu Mo's memory was formed bit by bit. There was a huge star, a sun and a moon in the sky.

For a long period of time afterwards, there was no life form on that planet.

Until one day, a meteorite fell from the universe and hit the endless sea.

Gradually, life began to increase, and dinosaurs, giant beasts, and various prehistoric creatures appeared.

However, the stone giant's memory is very confusing, and it can be said that it spans a long time.

The last memory scene ends, and the next one may be millions of years later.

Times continued to change, and gradually human latecomers came to dominate the continent.

Powerful countries rose up one after another, and countless strong men set out from that planet and began to spread out, driving the evolution of the entire universe.

"Place of origin? Is that there?"

Ye Xun continued to browse the memory of the stone giant. Soon, he saw the abnormal ore battle. A huge angel with nine pairs of golden wings on his back led a huge beast and twelve silver-winged angels under him. Attack the planet where the stone giant is.

In the end, the planet was defeated and turned into ashes all over the sky in that battle.

The surviving strong men in the origin began to flee, taking the remaining tribesmen with them.

The stone giant is one of the surviving ancient gods.

It led the non-soul life forms to leave the cosmic starry sky and come to a land of extreme heaven and earth.

The last twelve supreme lords used heaven-defying methods at the same time, opening up the Gate of Hell, the Road to the Underworld, and the Naihe Bridge, and also opened up hell for the gods whose bodies were damaged.

Stone men also stop by here to guard the entrance to the underworld and hell.

However, Ye Xun unexpectedly discovered that on the outskirts of this heavenly land, there seemed to be a suppression of this eighteen-winged silver-winged angel, who invaded the heavenly land when the twelve supreme lords created hell and started reincarnation. It was suppressed here by twelve supreme lords.

"No wonder the place of origin is so powerful that it cannot withstand the angel clan, a king of angels who has surpassed the supreme lord, and twelve peak supreme lords. I am afraid no one can resist such a force, but that giant What kind of existence is a beast? The Supreme Lord is not an opponent?!"

"But the King of Angels just wants to leave this world. Maybe when he succeeds, this illusory universe will really be destroyed."

"Forget it, let's continue analyzing the runes. It just so happens that there are many soulless special life forms here!"

Afterwards, Ye Xun's soul power spread out, searching for creatures similar to the stone giant in the entire white world.

Soon, 72 special life forms were suspended around him.

All the creatures fell into a deep sleep, and Ye Xun's soul power invaded their bodies while analyzing the life runes.

In order to speed up, Ye Xun deliberately condensed an acceleration area. It only took him a year to completely analyze the runes that reduce life.

Only Gu Mo's life rune has been used for more than a year, and only half of the rune molecules have been analyzed.

But Ye Xun is not in a hurry, there is room for acceleration, even if he waits for a thousand years, only one year has passed outside.

Time continues to pass, and the time ratio between the accelerated space and the outside world has always maintained a flow rate ratio of one to one thousand.

Now that his soul has been elevated to the level of the Supreme Lord, he has no problem maintaining acceleration for a long time.

As the life runes continued to expand, Ye Xun's body also grew, and now he was much stronger than when he first left the hell world.

If he meets the Second Angel King again, he is very confident that he can defeat it with physical strength alone.


"The analysis is complete, it seems that the life runes have undergone some changes!"

A soft sound came from Ye Xun's body, and the rune in the stone giant's body had been analyzed.

The runes of life were beating continuously in his chest, sucking in the analyzed rune molecules crazily.

After the soft sound came out of his body, his soul and will directly enveloped his whole body.

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