Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 353 Trying to Create Life Forms

The breakthrough failed, and Ye Xun's soul fell into deep conscious calculations.

Sitting cross-legged in the palace of Planet 2, he was like a golden statue, motionless.

Time flies by, ten years, hundreds, and thousands of years, without any movement.

In the accelerated space of the experiment, various creatures are evolving and developing at a high speed, forming huge civilized tribes and even kingdoms one after another.

Gradually, humans began to appear on this experimental planet and evolved rapidly.

Under the rise and collision of humans, various tribes gradually lost their status as rulers, and their territories were also rapidly reduced.

In the end, the entire experimental planet fell under the control of the human race.

"It's not complete enough. The life rune is still a little bit missing. What is missing?!" Ye Xun was still silent in the deduction.

The last step had stuck with him for nearly a thousand years, and he still couldn't understand it, and successfully broke through to his current state.

Gradually, he lost patience, and part of his consciousness broke away and entered the world of the Kingdom of God, wanting to relax and find answers.

The Kingdom of God, which was originally the middle god, has now grown to the point where it is almost the main god. The huge spherical barrier protects the Kingdom of God, so that the entire Kingdom of God will not be destroyed by turbulence in the chaos.

The huge will enveloped the entire kingdom of God. At this time, the clone was still refining the godhead of the main god in the hall.

This was obtained by Ye Xun by killing the evil Lord God when he was traveling in the Kingdom of Gods.

It has been a long time since I handed it over to the clone.

At this time, the clone is at a critical juncture. Ninety-nine percent of the divine personality has been integrated. There is only one last step left before the clone can enter the realm of the main god.

Scar and Longtooth have left the Kingdom of God, and they have gone to the Kingdom of God. A truly powerful god requires not only training, but also endless baptism of fire.

Three huge statues of gods are erected on Dragon Island, Ape Island and Human Island.

It accepts offerings and worship from believers.

The overall strength of the entire Kingdom of God is getting stronger and stronger. In terms of gods, it already has no less than ten gods.

Most of them are strong men of the dragon ape clan, who have broken the limits of life, shed their mortal bodies, and forged the bodies of true gods.

Next is the Dragon Clan, which has three gods.

As for the Yalong clan, there is only one god each for sea and land.

Including the four major human races, there are already more than hundreds of demigods and space demigods in the entire Kingdom of God world.

This time, Ye Xun's target is the World Tree located in the middle of the Kingdom of God. It is an ordinary living object. He has almost analyzed it.

Since the life runes are not complete enough, perhaps what is lacking is various strange substances or life forms.

The huge will quickly descended to the center of the world, and the World Tree that towered above the sky became even taller, at least dozens of times higher than at the beginning.

The broken core space has been reopened, and apart from plants, there is no other life form inside.

As Ye Xun's will approached, the World Tree seemed to sense it, and its thick branches continued to tremble, expressing his inner joy.

Slowly, Ye Xun's will wrapped up the World Tree. In his eyes, the World Tree was like a beautiful woman who had taken off her clothes, without any secrets.

A huge golden rune was quietly suspended in the tree, constantly rotating, exuding a strong vitality.

As his thoughts moved, Ye Xun's will enveloped him and he began to analyze the rune structure of the World Tree and the special rules contained within.

Layer by layer, those useless rules and regulations were stripped away, and what was left were some obscure and difficult-to-understand special rune molecules.

The analysis began, and Ye Xun concentrated on analyzing the structure and arrangement of the rune molecules.

Everything obtained is transferred to the body of the main universe based on the connection between consciousnesses.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The life runes contained in the World Tree were completely analyzed by him.

not enough!

Still not enough!

Ye Xun felt that part of the life rune was still missing.

Sighing, his will receded like a tide.

Before leaving, a new life was born in the ape-man tribe, and a flash of light flashed from Ye Xun's mind,


I can try to create a living body to test what is missing in the life rune!

Soon, his will left the Kingdom of God.

No one knows, no one can feel it.

main universe world,

Ye Xun's will returns,

He opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed away.

The power of the life rune was activated by him, creating a rune imprint of a life form out of thin air.

The power of will flashed, wrapped around the rune mark, and flew through the air towards the space acceleration test area.

On the week of the experiment, Ye Xun found a safe place and used his divine power to release a huge protective light shield to protect it.

All life forms in the mask area were squeezed out.

Various elemental particles in the void began to surge crazily, converging towards the life rune.

A huge, elliptical egg over one meter long stood quietly on the ground covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Life begins to be created,

Ye Xun didn't know if any god had ever succeeded, but he had to try.

To search in experiments, to look for what is missing, and what is missing.

Through the translucent protective light film, Ye Xun could clearly see that with the runes as the center, some slender blood vessels and meridians began to appear.

The bones of the living body are also gradually condensing.

What he created was based on humans as a template, adding the rune characteristics of fish and some beasts into it.

Time keeps passing by,

When the nearby intelligent races were isolating the inside and outside of the forest, they had already discovered the anomaly here. Orcs, humans, elves, and even the Kraken team appeared in the area blocked by divine power.

Ye Xun didn't bother to pay attention. Those guys didn't have the ability to travel through, so there was no need to worry about being disturbed.

"Orcs! Elves! Sirens! What are you doing here?! Don't forget, you were defeated, but you signed a treaty to retreat into the endless forest!"

Outside, a large group of human knights looked at the other three tribes and asked loudly.

"Humans! Don't go too far! This light curtain appeared out of thin air and occupied part of the endless forest. Who are you to let us leave!" A beautiful female elf stood up.

The orc also nodded, while the siren chose to remain silent.

"Very good, a miracle has come. Let us each rely on our abilities!" said a tall short-haired man in the human team.

Behind them, a large group of armored knights were ready to move.

The war is about to break out at this moment.

At this time, the earth shook, and a huge black shadow that was more than several thousand meters, or even tens of thousands of meters long, crashed towards the shore not far away, like a huge mountain.

It's hard to see what the hell it is.

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