Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 349 Meteor Collision The Origin of Life

In the endless starry sky, a huge vortex is constantly swallowing the power of the elements, and another star, not much smaller than the whirlpool, is constantly rotating around it.

Several translucent light curtains separated this area with only one star from the starry sky outside.

A small meteorite was flying in the starry sky, and then accidentally plunged into the light curtain. However, at this moment, the flying speed of the meteorite became thousands of times faster, just in the blink of an eye. The time passed through the area covered by the light curtain.

What's even weirder is that after the meteorite left the light curtain area, its speed slowed down very strangely, just like before it entered the light curtain area.

Moreover, from the outside, the planet in the light curtain area also moves very fast, almost a thousand times faster than the ordinary sidereal day.

Only after entering the light curtain area, the planet's speed seemed to return to normal.

Outside the light curtain area, another star was suspended there, with a huge palace standing on it. At the same time, outside the palace, there was a huge beast.

Some ordinary lives were active in a forest outside the palace.

"I didn't expect that the runes of ordinary life forms actually contain the runes of time. If I hadn't discovered it by accident, I would have missed out on such an amazing ability!"

In the palace, Ye Xun sat quietly on the high throne, watching the progress of the mask area with cold eyes.

That light curtain was when he was studying ordinary life and accidentally discovered that the runes would change with time. The shorter the life span of a creature, the faster the runes would change. The more powerful the creature, the longer its life span. The speed of rune change will also be slower.

After grasping the direction, Ye Xun accidentally researched the runes that control the flow of time. Compared with normal time, it can speed up and slow down a thousand times.

This is not far from the main gods who control the law of time, but there is a big gap compared to the Lord of Time. After all, the Lord of Time has completely controlled the law of time. They only need to smelt the law of time into their own bodies. , you can reach the sky in one step and achieve the supreme position of the Supreme Ancient God.

A year after the outside world, thousands of years passed in the light curtain space. The huge star finally stopped changing completely. The rich fire element particles dissipated, and a huge fireball floated in the middle of the light curtain acceleration space.

The fiery red magma continued to roll on the star, emitting blazing energy, which was continuously transmitted to the star named No. 2 by Ye Xun through a special wave band.

In order to allow the planet to evolve life, Ye Xun used the heaven-defying magic to condense a huge water ball and released it onto the second star.

It's just that the temperature emitted by the star is too high. It didn't take long for the water ball to be evaporated into water molecules. Then a large part of it broke away from the constraints of the star due to the repulsive force between the molecules, and quickly dissipated in the into the universe.

Some of the remaining water molecules will only condense into ice on the dark side of Planet No. 2. When exposed to direct sunlight, they will quickly decompose into water molecules and go to the dark side to condense into ice again.

Ye Xun kept trying various methods, but was still unable to create an environment suitable for plant growth.

He did not use the energy core to directly transform the planet, but wanted to see how those ordinary life planets were born and how the most primitive life came from.

Time continues to pass. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed in the outside world, and millions of years have passed on the planet in accelerated space. On Planet No. 2, the land is still very dry, and the water is constantly transforming between solid and liquid, but it cannot Liquid water is formed.

As for the life form that Ye Xun was looking forward to, there was no trace at all. Even the tenacious plants showed no signs of being born.

In the distant starry sky, a meteorite fragment was moving slowly in the cold vacuum. Soon, it flew into Ye Xun's perception range.

Suddenly, an idea popped out from the depths of my brain.


The incomplete voice kept echoing in his mind. It was a scientific image about the origin of life. He undoubtedly heard this image on the Aqua Blue Planet.

"Could it be that...this is one of the conditions for the birth of a living planet?"

Without the slightest hesitation, he used the power of his soul to change the trajectory of the meteorite, and quickly hit the No. 2 planet in the accelerating space.


Along with this huge roar, Planet No. 2 was instantly shrouded in thick dust, and the huge force erupted the volcanic lava in the core area of ​​the planet.

For a time, the entire Planet No. 2 was filled with an unpleasant smell and gray dust.

The entire planet became dim, and the temperature in the air seemed to drop a lot at this moment.

After the meteorite collided with the stars, it turned into fragments scattered in various areas of the earth. A strange wave of power flashed from the meteorite fragments. Even Ye Xun's soul power, which was comparable to the Lord God, could not catch a trace.

As the temperature dropped, some liquid water finally began to appear on Planet 2. Half a month later, the first rain began to wash away the smoke-filled planet.

The dust suspended in the power of the void gradually fell from the sky under the wash of rain, and then gathered in the sunken areas on the ground, forming a total of large and small lakes, but now the water in this lake is not clear, gray. Very turbid.

After the rain, the sun finally cleared up again on Planet 2. Dark lava rocks covered the earth, and an unpleasant sulfur smell emanated from some of the lava rocks.

The originally high surface temperature finally eased at this time. Ye Xun estimated that the highest temperature on the planet's surface now does not exceed fifty degrees, and the lowest temperature does not exceed minus ten degrees.

Although such a temperature illusion is still very scary for ordinary lives, it has given Ye Xun hope and the right path.

The water on the planet was still very insufficient. Ye Xun used his magic to put a huge water ball down again. This time, the water balls did not vaporize quickly and then broke away from the shackles of the planet.

Instead, it lies honestly on the planet's crust, constantly precipitating and precipitating.

As time in the accelerated space continues to pass, the environment on Planet 2 has been greatly changed. The temperature has become more and more stable, and the temperature difference between day and night has become smaller and smaller. Even the temperature at night has returned from below zero to zero. How many degrees?

Moreover, the low-lying areas of the continent are all covered by water. In some unknown corner of the water, a constantly twisting single-cell life struggled from a stone and swam into the boundless water.

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