Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 339 Traveling in the Kingdom of God

The divine world ended, and Ye Xun traveled through various levels of the abyss world. A few gods did not enter the world of the divine spring.

As long as there are races whose runes have not been analyzed by him, he will use the power of his soul to immobilize them, and then slowly analyze them.

As for the divine power in the token, Ye Xun directly gave 100 million to Xiao Xingnuo. With so much divine power, Xiao Xingnuo should be able to squander it in the main city for a long time.

The rest remained in the token. He had not left the Kingdom of God, and he could not send anything to the Kingdom of God.

The Thirteen Cold-blooded Tigers have all been resurrected. With his current strength, he no longer needs their help, and he no longer needs divine power. He only needs to continue to search and analyze new life species.

This is an unusual path that requires traveling throughout the universe and galaxies to find all living beings. Only in this way can the body map be completely completed.

In the fourth level of the abyss world, Ye Xun entered a mother queen's lair, and he pinned the overwhelming divine creatures to the ground.

Level 3, 4 and even 5 divine creatures have been analyzed by him. This time, his target is the Level 5 Mother Queen deep in the lair.

An invisible force surged in the void. As soon as the Queen Mother, who was sleeping in the nest, noticed it, she was completely imprisoned by that force.


The sharp sound vibrated throughout the lair, and the huge one eye was filled with fear. This power made it instinctively feel scared.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but the premise is that you cooperate well..."

Ye Xun's voice rang in the Queen Mother's brain, and huge soul power continued to pour out, shrouding the Queen Mother's body.

Half a month later, the power that bound the Queen Mother disappeared, and a golden incomplete rune was swallowed by Ye Xun's body.

Feeling the surge of power, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

"The analysis of the life forms in the Chaos God Realm has almost been completed. The rest can only go to the other twelve God Realms. With my current strength, as long as I don't encounter the ancient gods, even the Lord God of Law can't do anything to me!"

Feeling the power in his body, Ye Xun dodged and left the Mother Queen's nest. He followed the agreement and did not kill the Mother Queen or the divine creatures in the nest.

For Ye Xun, the power of divinity is no longer useful. His path is different now. Understanding the true meaning of life and analyzing the essence of the soul is a path that leads directly to the supreme law.

All Tao and law are derived from these two forces. Without life and soul, even if it has terrible power, it can only be regarded as a puppet of laws and rules.

Just turn to the power of nature, the black hole of the universe, and the endless sea of ​​stars.

Ye Xun began to wander around the various divine realms, constantly pursuing the true meaning of life and the essence of the soul. However, he traveled almost throughout the entire kingdom of gods and found no living organism with a soul.

It took him a hundred thousand years to travel through the entire Kingdom of God, and his physical strength had reached the level of a half-step Lord God. His strength was even more terrifying than that of the Lord of Laws, but his soul power was almost unstoppable. Before that, without soul rune replenishment, no matter how much he practiced, he could not improve the power of his soul body.

"Maybe it's time to leave the Kingdom of God. The starry sky in the universe is so vast. I think I can definitely find soul life again!"

Ye Xun looked into the void of the universe, where one galaxy after another was constantly surging and changing across the sea of ​​stars.

At the port where the ancient divine ship docked, Hiller stepped off the ancient divine ship. It came from a race with few people. There were not many stars in the entire universe. It didn't take long for it to become a god. It took a lot of effort for it to survive. Obtained the God's Token to go to the Kingdom of God.

However, not long after it got off the boat, a huge aura locked it. The power was so terrifying that it couldn't resist at all.

"Who is it? How dare you defy the will of the Lord of the Twelve Divine Realms and take action here?"

Just when Hiller felt that he was going to die, a huge and majestic voice vibrated in the void.

A huge shadow appeared above the entire port, the terrifying momentum continued to roll, and the power of the law surged in the void.

All the gods looked up at the phantom, their eyes filled with deep fear.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to study its body structure and I won't cause any harm to it!"

Ye Xun's voice appeared directly in front of the main god guarding the port, and the main god's pupils shrank sharply.

"Sir, please do as you please, I am too reckless..."

He felt the dormant power in Ye Xun's body, which was even more terrifying than when he faced the Lord of Laws. Although he and the Lord of Laws were the same gods, the Lord of Laws was the master who controlled the laws of heaven and earth. Every law For all laws, there will only be one Lord of the laws.

There are only twelve law lords in the entire Kingdom of God. Unexpectedly, he saw the thirteenth one today, as if he saw the rise of another law system.

Ye Xun nodded. After spending 100,000 years in the Twelve God Realms, he naturally knew the difference between the Lord of Laws and ordinary gods. Although they were both in the same realm, the Lord of Laws controlled the absolute power of laws.

With his current strength, it would be almost effortless to kill an ordinary Lord God.


Ye Xun waved his arm and brought Hiller directly from the port. There were many gods there, and Hiller had been fixed there for too long, which might cause some unnecessary trouble.

Hiller, who was in fear, felt that the world was spinning for a while, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of it. However, when it came back to its senses, it realized that it was in a strange place.

A golden figure stood in front of him, and a majestic power continued to overflow from that figure, making Hiller feel like surrendering.

"Relax little guy, I won't do anything to you, just take it easy..."

A majestic voice sounded in Hiller's head, like thunder exploding, making his whole head dizzy.

Then a force surged into its body. Just as it was about to resist and struggle, it suddenly thought of the voice in its head just now, so it gave up its resistance and allowed the force to move around in its body.

Time passed little by little, and more than half a year had passed without realizing it. The golden runes wrapped in Ye Xun's soul power stopped growing. As she analyzed more and more life runes, he could clearly feel it. The speed at which I analyze the runes has dropped a lot. Even if the person being analyzed does not resist, it will still take more than half a year to complete the analysis. If they resist, this time will probably take several years.

"Little guy, as a reward for your cooperation, I will give you one hundred thousand divine powers. I think you will need it!"

The power that imprisoned Shearer suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, an inconspicuous small black wooden sign suddenly appeared in front of it.

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