Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 34 The oriole is behind (please collect and recommend)

The underground space was filled with the smell of burning barbecue, the plants were reduced to ashes in the flames, and the flames gradually extinguished. The body of the giant python kept twisting and struggling out of the flames that were about to go out. The high temperature burned the body of the giant lizard beast, and the ground was scattered with hard scales.

The giant python roared and announced its victory with a loud roar. Its huge eyes revealed exhaustion. Fighting with the giant beast consumed a lot of its energy. Hot blood was dripping from the abdomen. The lizard beast's claws were still deeply embedded in its body, and the back section had turned into charcoal.

The python's abdomen contracted and crawled deeper into the space. At this time, it felt a strange breath coming from behind, and a terrifying wave oppressed its back with a dull pain. It roared, turned its ferocious head, and looked behind it.

Ye Xun leaped into the air, locking his mental power on the wound on the python's abdomen. He deliberately leaked his breath, waiting for the python to notice and turn around. In an instant, the wound on the python's abdomen fell into his eyes, and his right hand struck there with strong fluctuations of force.

The giant python's eyes widened, showing a trace of anger, and twisted its body to avoid it. Ye Xun moved faster with his hand, waving an afterimage in the air and instantly hitting the burned claws of the giant lizard beast.


Under Ye Xun's huge strength, the broken claws pierced the body of the giant python, shot out from behind, and hit the stone wall in the distance, making a crisp sound.

When the sharp claws penetrated the body of the giant python, the force poured in everywhere, madly destroying its muscles and nerves. Compared with the giant beast controlled by the Ecstasy Flower, the giant python has terrifying energy in its body, and fiery red energy bursts out from the snake's gallbladder. A large amount of hot energy surrounded the power in its body. Both of them were extremely domineering and collided with each other. For a while, no one could do anything to the other.

Soaring in mid-air, Ye Xun felt a fishy wind coming and quickly twisted his body to dodge. There was no place to rely on in mid-air. Although he avoided the python's sharp teeth, his body was hit by the python's ferocious head.

A terrifying force pressed on his body, and the huge force pushed him away, hitting the earth and stone wall behind him. His internal organs felt like fire, and a fishy-sweet liquid in his throat wanted to spurt out. Ye Xun quickly performed the breathing method to reversely decompose the energy in the body, generate repair energy, and rush towards the damaged organs.

The giant python did not pursue, but stood alert, mobilizing the energy in the snake's gallbladder to surround and suppress the body's strength. Taking advantage of the home court, the scorching energy quickly suppressed the destructive power everywhere to a corner, preventing it from causing any more damage to its body. The two forces canceled each other out, and the endless stream of hot energy quickly wiped them out.

The giant python roared, twisted its huge body in the air, raised its tail from the ground, and with a whistling sound, pulled out an afterimage in the air and whipped towards Ye Xun.

Ye Xun endured the severe pain in his internal organs, exerted force on his feet, and forcibly moved his body ten meters laterally. The python's tail fell heavily to the ground, and the terrifying force caused the ground to shake. After the terrifying loud noise, a burst of gravel flew on the ground, like a bomb exploding there. Dust gradually fell to the ground, and a ferocious crack appeared on the ground.

Ye Xunfei dodged back hundreds of meters and distanced himself from the giant python. His breathing method continued to operate, decomposing his strength and turning it into repair energy. At the same time, the spiritual power in the air surged, carving a magic rune in the air. The moment the rune was formed, the elemental particles in the earth rushed towards the rune crazily, and the power of faith in the mind also surged towards the rune.

The power of faith in Ye Xun's mind was drained, and the runes floating in the air suddenly burst out with a terrifying attraction, and the elemental particles in the earth rushed toward it. In Ye Xun's mental perception, a huge magic rune floated there, constantly erupting with waves that seemed to destroy the world.

The giant python felt the magic fluctuations in the air, and there was a trace of fear in its huge eyes. He opened his big mouth and spit out a rocket towards Ye Xun. At the same time, his ferocious head followed closely behind, forming a fierce wind in the underground space.

Before the giant python's attack came, the violent wind blew over first. Ye Xun calculated the movement trajectory of the giant python in his mind, and his mental power pushed the magic to fall towards the calculated location. The rocket flew through the air, followed closely by the giant python. It had no mental power and could not detect the magic runes hidden in the ground. In an instant, magic runes erupted under the python's belly, terrifying fluctuations came, and the ground shook continuously. The ground stab technique covering a ten-meter radius roared and pierced the giant python's body.

Ye Xun leaned down and dodged the incoming rockets. After a burst of hot energy hit the earth and stone wall, it exploded violently. A strange wind blew, dust fell to the ground, and a terrifying pit appeared on the wall.

Ye Xun breathed out, his breathing method stopped, and the energy in his dantian instantly surged toward his feet. He kicked the ground hard with his right foot, and the terrifying force created a deep pit in the ground. His body swayed and disappeared in an instant.

The giant python was hit by Ye Xun's mutated second-level magic. The sharp stone pillars collided with the hard scales, and many of them were broken. The two fish that slipped through the net accidentally stabbed into the lizard beast's torn wound. The two-meter-long stone pillar instantly penetrated its body and was exposed from behind.

The giant python twisted its body and struggled continuously. The ground thorn stone pillars were like molten iron, and they remained motionless. Hot blood gushes out from the wound and drips to the ground, forming a mist.

Ye Xun's body fell to the ground, tiptoed a little, and suddenly disappeared. When his body reappeared, he was already in front of the giant python.

Terrifying power surged through his body, and his hairy arms clenched their fists and hammered the python's head. The severely injured giant python had already lost its mind. Faced with Ye Xun's attack, not only did it not dodge, but it even faced him. The huge mouth opened, revealing two sharp tusks inside.

With a cold snort, Ye Xun did not dodge or dodge, his body turned dreamily in the air, rotating 360 degrees, swinging his left foot with a terrifying force, and kicked it in the jaw. With a bang, the giant python's head fell to the ground, and the fiery red fragments collided with the bluestone on the ground, making a huge roar.

The giant python's jawbone was dented, and the scales on its surface shattered and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound. Hot blood continued to flow out along the fractures of the scales, dripping on the ground.

After landing, Ye Xun meandered along the python's body. The steps under his feet were heavy and full of destructive power. Every step he took could crush the scales on the surface of the python's body.

The severe pain allowed the giant python to regain some consciousness. Hot energy surged in its body, and the temperature of its scales gradually increased. The air is constantly distorting under the influence of high temperature, and the scales seem to be burning at any time.

Ye Xun felt a burst of heat under his feet, kicked off his legs, and flew back. As soon as it left the giant python's body, a fire snake instantly enveloped the giant python. Orange-red flames burned on the giant python's body, emitting terrifying heat.

For a moment, Ye Xun didn't know how to attack. He had not yet broken through to transforming energy. He could not convert the dark energy in his body into transforming energy, and could not separate the energy from the body. Although his spiritual power is still abundant, it is a pity that he has only reached the second level. Without the blessing of the power of faith, the second level magical earth stabbing technique cannot break the defense of the giant python's scales.

The giant python raised its head swayingly, and a spark spurted out from its nostrils and dissipated in the air. The flames surrounding its body did not cause any harm to it.


A roar like a dragon's roar came from the mouth of the giant python, and the flames surrounding its body burned more fiercely, and crackling sounds continued to sound from its body.

The successive battles have consumed too much of its energy, and now it wants to make a desperate move, bursting out the energy in its body and tearing apart the hateful opponent in front of it.

The giant python mobilized most of the energy in the snake's gallbladder to burn on the surface of the body. The huge body was instantly enveloped in rich flames and disappeared from Ye Xun's eyes, turning into a veritable fire snake.

The terrifying heat wave hit with the python's twisting body. Ye Xun's heart skipped a beat. Behind him was a wall of earth and stone, with no way out. Gritting his teeth, he stared closely at the charging fire snake. All the energy stored in the Dantian surged out and flowed to the whole body along the connected meridians.

Huge strength surged through Ye Xun's body, and his body began to expand, becoming more and more full, and his body suddenly became ten centimeters taller.


With a roar, Ye Xun burst out with terrifying power and rushed towards the giant python, locking the python's head in flames with his mental strength. If you want to kill with one blow, you must crush the giant python's skull and smash its brain with all your strength. Otherwise, with the huge vitality of the giant python, even if you cut off the head, you may not die immediately. He has seen the head cut off before. An example of a poisonous snake biting a person to death.


Ye Xun punched the giant python. The fierce punch blasted the air, and an invisible wave erupted from his fist. Invisible air waves surged, extinguishing the flames surrounding the python's head, and the python's ferocious head instantly appeared in front of Ye Xun's eyes.

The flames on its head receded, and the giant python was obviously stunned. It couldn't figure out how the flame armor on its head went out.

Ye Xun seized this opportunity and punched the python's nose hard with his fist. With a click, the fist containing three tons of power shattered the protective scales on the python's nose. The soft bones were dented, but not broken. It was just the huge force that made it lower its proud head.

With a twist of his body, Ye Xun took two steps into the air, drawing out the remaining strength in his dantian and converging with the power generated by the three-step moving pile. As soon as he took the last step, there was an explosion in the air, and the scales on the python's head were blown away, revealing the bloody skull.

Ye Xun's right foot trampled heavily on the red and white head with great force, and a terrifying force instantly crushed the skull. The force took advantage of the opportunity and penetrated into the python's head through the gap, destroying its central nervous system.

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