Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 314 Xing Nuo’s Road to Demigod

In the training space, Ye Xun frowned. He always felt a sense of loss for that spiritual light that suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly, as if he had lost something very important.

"Forget it, it's my luck, but it's my life. I believe it will appear one day!"

After thinking for a long time, Ye Xun finally had to give up. Faced with that illusory thing, it was better to continue practicing than to be distressed.

Maybe one day it will appear again.

This time, he planned to use up all the divine power in one go and go to the abyss world to hunt divine creatures. With more than 4 million divine powers, he could only analyze 4% of the divine power. The chain of rules, combined with the previous consumption, is only less than 7%.

"There is still a long way to go... This time it won't take more than a few hundred years to fully analyze the chain of rules!"

Ye Xun sighed, but compared to those gods who have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, his speed is undoubtedly very fast. After all, no matter how talented the gods are, if they have a sufficient amount of divine power to push them, they can't do it. Can grow up in a short period of time.

"Divine power, I need more divine power!"

Ye Xun kept roaring in his heart,

As for the huge power of faith, after he came to the divine realm, he conveyed the will message to the clone and rewarded it to the demigods in the divine kingdom.

However, the speed of time in the world of the Kingdom of God is the same as that of the outside world. Even if it is driven by endless power of faith, the progress of those demigods is very limited. So far, none of them has condensed their godhood and achieved the status of god.

Time continued to pass quietly, and Xiao Xingnuo continued to practice. She wanted to become a demigod before Ye Xun left and go on an adventure with him in the abyss world.

However, after Ye Xun completely exhausted her divine power, she was able to reach the peak of the legendary realm, and she was still far away from touching the barrier of a demigod.

Ye Xun left again. Without the promotion of divine power, the analysis of the rules was too slow. If he wanted to use the power of faith to analyze the chain of rules, it would take at least nearly ten thousand years. This was the last thing he wanted to see. Arrived.

After leaving the main city, Ye Xun went directly to the fourth layer of the abyss world. There was still no news about the Blood Tiger. He could only search and hunt the sporadic divine creatures in the fourth layer.

But every month, he would return to the main city, pay the fee for the training space, and give little Xingnuo some pointers.

Ever since the news that he killed the twelve ferocious beasts and the wolf spread throughout the abyss world, no god dared to rob him anymore. Even many gods would leave quickly when they saw him, not daring to approach.

At the same time, the risk of other apes being robbed is also reduced.

It wasn't until the third year that new information came from the Blood Tiger. The five of them once again discovered the lair of a divine creature in the third layer of the world.

Ye Xun returned directly to the third level world and spent two days killing all the divine creatures in it, but this time he brought out the skin of the Queen Mother.

In the third world, he unexpectedly met Michelle's hunting team. Everyone was wearing the same leather armor. Ye Xun could tell at a glance that it was left behind by the queen he killed last time. Yes, there is still a hint of power left over from the divine power of chaos.

This time, Ye Xun took the Emperor Mother's skin away with the intention of making a defensive wallet for Xiao Xingnuo.

When Ye Xingyu returned, Xiao Xingnuo was already in the training space and began to impact the realm of demigods.

It took more than three thousand years for Xiao Xingnuo to finally polish his physical body, and his spiritual and spiritual power was also perfected.

Qi and blood rolled through her body like thunder, constantly impacting her body.

The whole body seemed to be an oven, and the blood turned into hot lava. Not only was it very viscous, but the temperature was also terrifying.

The soil outside was directly melted by Xiao Xingnuo's hot little feet, and the fiery red magma kept rolling. Even her body sank into the magma and was wrapped by the sticky lava.

Xiao Xingnuo clenched her teeth, and the hot blood and thunderous Qi and blood in her body continued to surge. Her body was constantly injured and repaired under the wash of these two forces.

This is the first step to retreat from the mortal body. Use the power of thunder and fire to cleanse the body and melt out those magazines and filthy things.

This process is very painful, and the power of thunder and fire is very violent. If Xiao Xingnuo is not strong-willed and cannot withstand the baptism of the power of thunder and fire, then she is likely to be completely swallowed by the thunder and fire.

"I can't give up, I can't let the teacher down, I am the strongest Xingnuo, no matter what the twin calamities of thunder and fire, I am not afraid of you!"

Xing Nuo gritted her teeth and kept roaring in her heart. Her heart kept beating. Although she was not big, it erupted with extremely terrifying power, constantly transporting the hot blood to all parts of her body.

Thunder continued to surge in her body, destroying and destroying her body. Gradually, Xiao Xingnuo's body was riddled with holes by the power of thunder and fire.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a day, or maybe a year, Xiao Xingnuo felt that the power of thunder and fire in his body began to decline, and his body, which was riddled with holes, began to relax.

When the power of thunder and fire completely dissipated, a stream of clear water surged out from her heart and flowed towards the burning places in her body.

The magazines in the body are basically eliminated, and all that remains is to let this new force repair the body and complete the transformation from a mortal body to a demigod body.

The power of Qi and blood is gathered into the heart, and the beating heart is transformed into the power of a demi-god. This power is almost the same as the first-level regular divine power. In other words, Xiao Xingnuo already has the power to compete with the lower gods. the power of.

Moreover, her demigod body is much more powerful than the demigods of the rules system.

Ye Xun was always watching the transformation of Xiao Xingnuo's body, and he even gave this stage of martial arts a very impressive name, False God.

He is not a god who has completely lost his mortal body, but he possesses the power of a god.

Half a month later, Xiao Xingnuo's body completed the final transformation, and the power of the false god flowed in her body. Xiao Xingnuo, who had been silent under the lava for nearly a month, opened her eyes, and there was a faint golden light. emerging from her eyes.

The hot lava began to roll, and little Xingnuo's body gradually emerged from the lava, revealing a delicate little face.

The void in front of Ye Xun suddenly cracked, and a petite and somewhat cute leather armor made from the skin of the Queen Mother flew out from the crack, and then enveloped little Xingnuo's naked body.

Under the shining red light of the lava, little Xingnuo's little face couldn't help but blush.

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