Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 305 The Fourth Level of the Abyss World

The power of supernatural powers surged, and the king's domain of tiger leader Bo Feier continued to be shattered. Without the suppression of the domain, Xiao Xingnuo's strength returned to its peak.

"How can it be……"

Bo Feier couldn't believe that an ordinary human being who was beaten to pieces by him a month ago could actually reach such a terrifying state.

call out!

The huge palm squeezed the air with a terrifying violent sound, and various runes were imprinted on the palm, constantly emitting powerful fluctuations.


Bofill's body was instantly shot away, and the huge force shattered the bones in his body. The force was unstoppable and continued to destroy its internal organs.

"You can't kill me. My ancestors are the Thirteen Iron-Blooded Tigers. If you kill me, they won't let you go!"

Seeing the little Xingnuo getting closer step by step, Bofill was completely crushed. He could only bring out his ancestors in an attempt to use them to intimidate this perverted human being.

"Those who insult the teacher will die!"

Xiao Xingnuo said word by word, her childish voice full of cold murderous intent.

"Xingnuo, come back..."

Just when Bofill thought he was about to die, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Little Xingnuo stopped, and the murderous intent in her eyes instantly disappeared without a trace. At this moment, her body was like a deflated balloon, shrinking rapidly. She lowered her head and called out respectfully, "Teacher." "

Then he went up the stairs without looking back.

"For the sake of your ancestor's dedicated efforts to serve me, I will spare you this time!"

Just as Bofill breathed a sigh of relief, the voice sounded again, and it was directly in its head.

For a moment, Bofill was stunned. The invincible ancestor in his eyes would actually work under the little beggar's teacher, which he didn't want to believe.

However, Ye Xun ignored that and directly released the healing magic to heal the half-dead tiger that was beaten by Xiao Xingnuo.

Soon, all the tigers recovered. They were a little confused, why did their physical injuries suddenly heal?

Bofill gritted his teeth and stared upstairs with a complicated expression. Finally, he left the practice hall with a few of his followers.

At this time, the guards standing at the door recovered. When Xiao Xingnuo and Bo Feier were fighting in the hall just now, they had been alarmed, but a force appeared out of thin air and imprisoned them.

It wasn't until Bofill left with the little tigers that the power suddenly disappeared. All the guards were very smart and did not chase Bofill. The power that could easily imprison them had definitely reached the upper level. God, otherwise their captain would not be like them, standing there motionless.

Only then did the demigod waiter understand Ye Xun's intention and looked up at the attic with great admiration. Xiao Xingnuo was just an ordinary person when he first came here. Even after spending nearly ten years in the cultivation space, it was impossible for him to A practitioner who has grown to the level of a king.

But this really happened, and right in front of his eyes, a sixth-level cultivator directly killed a seventh-level king, and there were also a group of fifth- and sixth-level followers.

In any case, all this means that your little Xingnuo's talent is very good, and your fighting talent is also good, so that you can win the final victory in your maiden battle.

"Xingnuo, you have a good talent. You will stay here and continue to practice. The teacher will be out for a while."

As soon as Xiao Xingnuo entered the training space, Ye Xun's voice came from all directions.

"Can't I go with the teacher?" Xiao Xingnuo lowered his head and said,

"You are still too weak now. The place where the teacher is going is dangerous for ten minutes. When you lose your mortal body and become an innate body, the teacher will take you to that place again," Ye Xun said.

"Yes, teacher, Xingnuo knows." Little Xingnuo lowered his head, with a hint of determination in his eyes, "I must achieve the innate god status as soon as possible, and I want to follow the teacher to take risks!"

Ye Xun nodded. The determination in Xiao Xingnuo's eyes made him very satisfied. His figure flickered in the void and left the training space instantly. At this time, Xiao Xingnuo raised his head and gritted his teeth on the open space. Continue to practice martial arts.

"302 continues for one month..."

Downstairs, the demigod waiter Xiao Han was busy, and suddenly a voice sounded in his head.

The void in front of him was distorted, and a terrifying amount of divine power continued to surge out. Xiao Han quickly collected the divine power to prevent it from leaking out and being taken away by other gods.

Ye Xun's thoughts came and went quickly, and his body quickly shuttled through the streets. His divine power was running low and he needed to continue hunting divine creatures. Five percent of the chain of rules had been resolved. It is estimated that within a few hundred years, all the deductions will be completed.

The divine power of two million has pushed 5%, and when fully deduced, it is almost more than 40 million. It is estimated that it should be enough to kill more than a dozen lairs of fourth-level divine creatures.

After leaving the main city, Ye Xun entered the abyss world through the teleportation array. He passed through the passages on the first and second floors directly to the second and third floors with ease. The cold aura was still very strong.

After wandering around, Ye Xun found that the number of divine creatures was very rare, and those wandering outside were only second- and third-level low-level divine creatures.

He simply returned to the passage and entered the abyss world on the fourth level without hesitation.

No one knows how many levels there are in the entire abyss world. It is said that the twelve law masters of the Kingdom of Gods once entered the sixth level, but they still have not reached the limit of the abyss world. Under the passage of the sixth level, there are still people going to The entrance to the seventh floor.

The cold breath there almost froze the entire space, and even the twelve main gods of law could not enter the seventh floor through that entrance.

The Kingdom of God has always circulated the legend of the ancient god, the supreme power who surpassed the Lord God of Law. It is said that that great existence sleeps in the abyss world on the eighth level.

Soon, Ye Xun descended to the fourth level through the dark passage. Only the upper gods could enter here. The middle gods who were not strong enough would be frozen into popsicles by the icy air that filled the void before they could complete the passage.

Ye Xun's body fell on the hard ground, and the cold breath enveloped him. Some white frost seemed to begin to appear on the golden hair.

This is the paradise of higher gods. The divine creatures that often appear in the passage are generally third- and fourth-order. As for the second-order divine creatures, they are just newborn little ones. They have no ability to leave them. nest.

Soon, a group of more than ten fourth-level divine creatures appeared in Ye Xun's perception. Although his consciousness was affected by the laws of the abyss, he was a god of the soul system, and was naturally very aware of the fluctuations of soul and power. sensitive.

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