Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 303 Powerful Training Room

"Guest, what kind of room do you want?"

Ye Xun walked into the hall with Xiao Xingnuo. A demigod quickly ran over, took a look at the token on his waist, and quickly lowered his head respectfully.

"Hundred times training room... come here for a month!" Ye Xun said calmly,

The demigod next to him was stunned for a moment, and the gods passing by in the hall couldn't help but stop and look at him twice.

"What? Is there a problem?" Ye Xun was not angry, but a terrifying aura spread out, so suppressed that even the demigods did not dare to express their anger.

" adults, little...little one will make arrangements for you right now..." the demigod swallowed hard and said,

Behind Ye Xun, Xiao Xingnuo stared at the demigod with great curiosity. The demigod who was fine just now suddenly stuttered when speaking, and even his face turned pale.

"Sir, the room is 302, the fee is three...three hundred thousand divine power..." After a moment, the demigod waiters came over with wooden signs, their bodies pressed very low, and they came to Ye Xun and said respectfully to the young man.

Ye Xun didn't waste any time. He directly extracted 300,000 strands of divine power from the token and handed it to the demigod attendant. Then he seemed to have thought of something else and pulled out another thousand strands of divine power and handed it to the attendant and said , "Take her to give her a good wash, and then deliver three meals to 302 every day. This thousand divine powers should be enough, right?"

Enough... that's enough, sir, you won't need so much..." the demigod waiter lowered his head and said.

"I'll reward you with the extra!" Ye Xun said nonchalantly, "After you're done, send her to the training room."

After saying that, Ye Xun turned around and walked towards Room 2 on the third floor. The demigod waiter smiled charmingly and led Xiao Xingnuo into the side hall next to him. A month's worth of ordinary food, not to mention a thousand rays of divinity. The strength is enough, even ten strands are enough for a year.

Even if the acceleration in the training room can be increased by a hundred times, in less than ten years, a hundred rays of divine power will be enough.

There is no doubt that the demigod waiter made a lot of money, so he directly regarded little Xingnuo as a little ancestor.

The other gods in the hall exploded into flowers.

"A hundred times acceleration in one month, this is really a super rich man, and he can give him 300,000 divine power at will." A god said,

"I wonder what the identity of that human child is, that he can tie up such a strong man." Another god said with envy,

"Identity? Maybe it's just the food of that being. I've heard that some beings have very weird personalities and like to devour the flesh and blood of living things..." Someone said in a weird way,

"No! This is the main city. Who dares to be so bold..." Another person said in disbelief.

"That's why we chose the place in the cultivation space, which is isolated from the world and will not be discovered by the power of the laws of the main city..." The man with a strange aura continued.

At this time, the demigod waiter appeared with little Xingnuo. After taking a bath, little Xingnuo changed into clean clothes. Her little face was white and clean, and she looked very cute. However, due to long-term malnutrition, she Her body is very thin.

Soon, the demigod waiter sent Xiao Xingnuo to the room where Ye Xun was on the third floor with a smile.

As he came down, a swarm of curious God Bees came over.

"Xiao Han, look at you smiling so happily, who is that little girl?" asked a god.

"You don't have any identity? What's wrong?" the demigod waiter asked confused.

"I heard some people say that certain beings like to devour flesh and blood. Have you heard of it, Xiao Han?" The god continued, while intentionally or unintentionally glancing at the god who just spoke in a strange manner.

The demigod waiter couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, "This is what everyone is here for. I can guarantee that this is a rumor. The little friend just now is the new disciple of the adult, so everyone should not talk nonsense and anger that person. The adults are not as good as you. I guess that the adults are at least a high-level god, or even a half-step true god..."


Everyone took a breath of cold air. Half-step True God, such a strong man is not something they can chew on.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on that strange god.

"What are you looking at? I was just joking, you guys are taking it too seriously..." The man quickly denied.

However, the others simply refused to buy it, "You deceived us and want to end it like this? This matter is not that simple. Let's go, start walking in the tavern..."

"Jealousy is the original sin..." The god cried directly, and was resisted by dozens of people and left the hall.

The demigod waiter shook his head. He was already used to this group of mischievous guys.

After this episode, most people in the training hall knew that a rich man had directly booked a hundred times the training room for a month.

Not even a few high-ranking gods could achieve such financial resources. Many people speculated whether that person would be a powerful true god, or a descendant of a certain powerful force.

Ye Xun had no idea about this. He was deducing the chain of advanced rules in a training room surrounded by birds, flowers, mountains and water.

Xiao Xingnuo was polishing his body next to him. Ye Xun directly taught him how to practice Chinese martial arts. He has a strong and determined will. Even if his qualifications are not good, he is still an excellent seedling to practice Chinese martial arts and follow the path of martial arts. What's more, Xiao Xingnuo's qualifications are not bad. .

An eight-winged angel's heart was suspended above Xiao Xingnuo's head. She was constantly practicing boxing stances. Even if her body was numb and stiff, she still clung to it and persisted.

The speed of time in the cultivation space is a hundred times that of the outside world. Six months per month is equivalent to ten years. Xiao Xingnuo's will is very strong. She spends almost all her time practicing except eating and sleeping.

Similarly, her progress was also very rapid. With the blessing of Angel Heart, Xiao Xingnuo broke through the first level within half a year, reached the second level the next year, and took a year and a half to reach the third level. time.

Ye Xun occasionally gave her some pointers. For this young disciple, Ye Xun was quite satisfied. He did not use the mutated breathing method to encourage others, but allowed Xiao Xingnuo to practice on his own and accumulate bit by bit.

The divine power in Ye Xun's token was also being consumed rapidly. By the fifth year, one million strands of divine power had been devoured by the godhead, and the chain of rules was only deduced. one tenth.

According to this consumption rate, once the time limit for reaching the training room is up, there will be very little divine power left in the token.

On this day, Xiao Xingnuo was practicing her boxing skills as usual. Suddenly, there was a soft sound in her body, and the barrier that had troubled her for half a year was broken through at this moment.

Unlike Ye Xun at the beginning, Xiao Xingnuo's size has not increased due to the increase in strength, and is still about the same as when he first started practicing.

Ye Xun was also surprised by this. He didn't understand why after several years, little Xingnuo still looked like a child.

In the end, he could only blame it on the fact that although the flow of time in the training room has accelerated, the power of the law has been isolated, but the imprint of the law imprinted on the body of the creature still flows at a normal speed.

This means that even an ordinary person can have a life span of thousands or even tens of thousands of years in the cultivation space.

However, how can ordinary people get so much divine power to stay in the accelerated cultivation space?

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