Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 301 Return to God City

"The wolf is dead..."

The horned orc said in disbelief.

"The auras of Qi'er and the others have also disappeared. The power fluctuation just now seems to be the power of the godhead being released!"

"Hurry up, that guy is too powerful. Let's go back to the divine city. Only there will he not do anything!"

The silent pointed-eared god next to him spoke.

Lars nodded. A hunting team led by a half-step true god was almost killed by one person. If he hadn't run so fast, he might have been reunited with the others by now.

Four figures quickly shuttled through the cave. They did not dare to stop and leaped directly over the heads of the gods at the entrance.

"Huh? Why are there only four high-ranking gods coming out? I clearly saw eleven entering..." A middle-ranking god stood at the entrance of the cave and said.

"It seems so..." another god said, "Will the others all die inside? The four high-ranking gods just seemed to be running for their lives."

"Xu, don't talk nonsense..." Another mid-level god continued, "The ones who went in were from the Canglang hunting team. The worst ones were all high-level gods, and their captain, Mr. Canglang, was about to enter the realm of true gods. The situation is over.”

"Okay, you are so confident, why don't you go in and take a look to confirm it?!" A god next to him suggested.

"This..." The god was frightened for a moment, but he said a little stubbornly. "The higher gods even risked their lives to escape, so if I go in, I'm going to die? I haven't lived enough!"

At this time, a golden figure came instantly from the depths of the cave entrance and passed over the heads of the middle gods.

It was so fast that few people could see clearly who it was.

"Huh? That figure just now, why don't I remember when he went in?" A middle god clasped the back of his head and tried to remember, but he couldn't remember it.

"Perhaps you entered through another entrance!" it comforted itself.

"Everyone, why don't you go in quietly? I haven't seen this divine creature's lair before..." A voice rang out, and everyone turned to look, but it was a middle-level god with a weak aura. He was very big and looked like Silly, I guess he must have just been promoted from a lower god.

But the other gods all looked at each other, and no one dared to stand up.

The weak and somewhat silly middle god spread his hands and said, "You guys are too timid. Forget it, I'd better go and see for myself..."

After saying that, he directly raised his feet and walked into the dark passage.

"Here we go, we were actually despised by a Kami clan member. Forget it, he can go and die if he wants. I haven't lived enough yet!" A middle god muttered unhappily.

Soon, the god of the Kami tribe disappeared from everyone's eyes, and only some ticking footsteps came from the cave, indicating that it was still moving deeper into the passage.

Unknowingly, the god of the Kami tribe had already reached the place filled with bones in the passage. When it saw those huge skulls more than ten meters tall, it couldn't help but open its mouth.

"This is a fourth-level divine creature. The skull is too big, several times bigger than my body..."

"Oh my God, this place is almost sealed by bones. There are probably tens of thousands of bones of divine creatures. How much divine power does this require..."

With the movement of the gods of the Kami tribe, its weak mind was almost numb, especially after passing the pile of bones, the extremely huge circular space completely stunned it.

The remaining breath frightened him. When his feet moved, he kicked something cold into the huge circular space. There was no sound of landing for a long time.

The god of the Kami clan lowered his head and saw that his little heart that had just calmed down jumped up again.

"This...this is the token of a senior hunter. There are...six of them in total?, I seemed to have kicked one down just now..."

"Oh my god, doesn't it mean that seven high-level hunters have died here?"

It was completely stunned, and all the tokens in its hands fell to the ground with a clatter.


At the entrance of the cave, a sound of footsteps slowly approached from a distance, and the middle god who had not yet left pricked up his ears.

"Could it be that guy from the Kami tribe who came out?" A god with four ears guessed.

"Who knows, maybe that guy has left somewhere else..." Another big-mouthed god continued.

"Stop arguing, we'll find out later!" A ferocious-looking god next to him said, his whole body vibrating with energy, suppressing all the sounds.

After a while, the god of the Kami tribe came out, and the gods saw that it was holding a large number of hunter tokens in its hand. After counting carefully, there were no less than six, and each one seemed to have... Four shining stars.

"Oh my god, senior hunter's tokens? There are so many..."

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Including the four high-level gods who left in the first place, there are exactly eleven. Could it be that Master Canglang also died inside?"

"Impossible. Master Canglang must have left through another exit. How could the Half-Step True God fall here..."

However, just as the gods were making random guesses, the god of the Kami clan spoke, "In addition to these seven tokens, there is a pile of huge bones inside, and there is no other hole. I have to go back to the pile of bones." return……"

In an instant, all the gods were stunned, "There is no other exit, but the eleven high-ranking gods of the Canglang team entered inside, and only saw four escaping, and only a blurry golden figure was seen behind. Could it be that the entire Canglang team Were all the members of the wolf team killed by that golden figure?"

At this time, the god of the Kami tribe threw the token directly to them and said, "The divine power in it has been drained, and it is useless to hold it. I will give it to you to study slowly!"

Then, the god of the Kami tribe turned around and quickly fled towards the exit passage.

"Damn, that guy ran so fast, he must have gotten something good!"

One of the gods reacted and quickly chased down the passage. The other gods also reacted and quickly followed.

For a time, dozens of middle gods on the third level mixed together and quickly chased a middle god whose aura was not very powerful. And as time passed, more and more gods joined the chasing team.

At the gate of the main city of God's Domain, Ye Xun walked out of the teleportation array in the abyss world and looted seven hunter tokens from the Blue Wolf Team. His divine power had accumulated to more than 2.5 million.

Such huge divine power was enough for him to practice for a long period of time. In order not to be disturbed, he decided to return to the main city of God's Domain and deduce the chain of analytical rules in a safe area.

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