Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 298 Encounter with the Wolf


The huge palm enveloped the entire space, and the Queen Mother was forced back into her lair. The terrifying power destroyed everything in front of the palm.

A huge handprint was stamped on the hard wall.

The figure of the Queen Mother has disappeared, completely covered by the huge palm in the void. The huge violent aura is constantly venting in the entire huge space, like a terrifying invisible blade, cutting countless lines on the wall.

Ye Xun was also thrown away by this force. The huge new fused divine power was extremely unstable. After it exploded, it was completely out of his control. The terrifying power cut his body in half almost in an instant.

Fortunately, his body was extremely powerful, and he was able to block the power that almost crossed into the true god.

Soon, those terrifying divine power fluctuations dissipated, and Ye Xun was suspended in the void with a wry smile. He was almost cut into two sections by the remaining power. If he was hit from the front, he would probably be It was crushed directly into minced meat.

With a thought, Ye Xun extracted the divine power from the token. As his chest rose and fell, the golden divine power was quickly swallowed by him, and then converted into repair power. , and quickly rushed over the ferocious wound on his abdomen.

Soon, the blood in the wound began to coagulate, and the huge wound continued to grow in a clear stream, slowly reconnecting.

After consuming thousands of rays of divine power, the wound on Ye Xun's abdomen finally fully recovered. If it weren't for the fact that the basic divine power composed of this power was his own, it would have been difficult to remove the violent power remaining in the wound.

After his body recovered, Ye Xun's figure flashed and came to the Mother Queen's lair. Maybe it shouldn't be called a lair now, because the entire lair had been smashed into pieces by a huge palm, and only the walls were left. A giant palm print.

The ugly body of the Queen Mother was firmly embedded in the wall, and the tough skin broke several huge holes. Although its body's ability to resist blows was very strong, the palm condensed by the new divine power already possessed The power of the true god realm, even the lowest level of true god power, is not something that a creature with half a step of the true god realm can bear.

"You're not dead yet, your vitality is indeed tenacious!"

Ye Xun felt that there was still some vitality in the Queen Mother's body, and couldn't help but sigh at the powerful vitality of a creature like the Queen Mother. If it were an ordinary half-step true god, once it was hit by this power, it would definitely be destroyed instantly. It was shot to pieces.

Ye Xun then released his soul power and surged towards the Queen Mother's body, completely killing the last trace of soul power in her body.

As the Queen Mother's soul disappeared, its body finally began to disintegrate, and millions of divine powers quickly spurted out from the holes in its skin, like a fountain formed by divine powers.

The gold medal hanging on Ye Xun's waist automatically detached and flew towards the divine power that was constantly erupting. Gradually, the figure of the token was engulfed by the golden divine power, gradually forming a golden vortex where it continued to flow. Rotate.

"This token is really extraordinary. Even with the power of a true god, it can't be damaged at all. I don't know what the special origin of this token is!" Ye Xun looked at the token in the golden vortex and thought in his heart. .

As the Queen Mother's body decomposed, its body began to wither quickly, and gradually, only a piece of skin was left embedded in the wall.

When the last trace of divine power was absorbed by the token, it automatically flew back to Ye Xun's waist and hung there automatically.

Outside the Queen Mother's lair,

"Damn it, where is that hateful golden ape? It's been three days and there's no clue at all! This is completely delaying our hunt for the divine creature!"

A superior punched the stone wall, and a huge roar echoed in the passage.

Suddenly, the wall not far away disappeared, revealing a dark hole at the back, and cold and violent breath spewed out from inside.

"Entrance? This is the entrance to the lair of a divine creature. It suddenly appeared. The Queen Mother inside must have died, otherwise the hidden entrance would not have appeared..."

The upper god opened his mouth wide, obviously frightened.

"Who could it be? Wait, could it be that damn ape-man? If he finds the lair of a divine creature, he will definitely go in and hunt the divine creature. But it has only been three days, and he has the strength to kill the divine creature in the lair. Slaughter all the sexual creatures together with the queen?" The superior god was confused, and finally slapped his head fiercely.

"Don't worry about him, let's pass the news to the captain first. Even if it's not the ape-man, we can still take advantage of the opportunity to rob him and make a fortune of divine power."

Thinking of this, the superior god directly sent a message to an unknown space.

Soon, Canglang, who was searching for Ye Xun's traces in the passage, stopped, and his cold eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Is it the lair of a divine creature? Since it has appeared, let's go in and take a look. Even if it's not the damn ape-man, you can't miss it!"

In an instant, Canglang's figure began to shuttle faster through the underground passage.

As several high-level gods from the third layer of the world gathered towards the entrance of the Mother Queen's lair, the ordinary middle-level gods who were hunting divine creatures were almost stunned. The high-level gods who usually only appeared in the fourth layer of the world were stunned. , actually ran into the third layer of the world, and there were several of them at one time.

"What a terrifying momentum. Are these people all high-level gods?" A mid-level god said in shock after killing a third-level divine creature.

"Yes, I heard that the Wolf Hunting Team is looking for an ape-man god. I guess that guy has been found!" Another orc god said.

"Ape Man? I've heard about this too. It's said that Master Canglang's younger brother Bailang was killed, so Canglang sent out the entire team to the third layer of the world to search for that guy." In the team, a man with a long hair said the pointy-eared god.

"Oh my God, that guy must be too brave. He dares to touch Canglang's younger brother..."

The other gods exclaimed.

"There is a powerful high-level god in Canglang's team, and Lord Canglang is also very powerful. It is rumored that he has reached the realm of half-step true god a hundred years ago. I think that ape-man is going to be unlucky. His soul is probably I will be pulled out by Master Canglang and tortured slowly!"

More and more middle gods were alerted, and some guys who were not afraid of death slowly followed them, preparing to go over and take a look at the excitement.

Soon, eleven figures appeared outside the Queen Mother's lair. A gray werewolf walking upright stared at the dark hole, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Very good, it is indeed a level four lair. Let's go!"

As the green wolf snorted coldly, ten high-ranking gods followed it and quickly rushed into the dark cave.

When the middle gods who followed arrived, they saw only a dark cave entrance, with some heart-stopping and powerful aura rushing in.

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