Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 288 Becoming a legend

Facing the Queen Mother's pink tentacles, Ye Xun did not choose to confront it head-on. He naturally knew the principle of overcoming strength with softness.

Although the strength of the Queen Mother is only at the peak of the middle god, who knows whether its tentacles are as abnormal as the energy balls.

In order to save trouble, Ye Xun directly distanced himself from the Queen Mother and planned to try using Samadhi Divine Fire. After all, the souls of divine creatures are not powerful. This can be seen from the power of souls they release, so targeting souls The Samadhi Divine Fire, which also has good lethality, has naturally become the first choice for attacking the Queen Mother.

"The power of rules, soul impact!"

Ye Xun mobilized the power of his soul and released an attack spell targeting the soul. Invisible ripples were like sea water, surging towards the mother queen of the divine creature one after another.


The vibration in the void was captured by the Mother Queen, but everything was too late. Before it could make any resistance, its soul was hit by the shock wave, and its consciousness fell into a brief blank.

"The three elements of essence, energy and spirit are unified into one, the divine fire of samadhi!"

Ye Xun secretly thought of a good opportunity, and a three-color flame the size of a fist condensed from his body and floated in his hand.

Then Ye Xun took advantage of the Queen Mother's consciousness before she regained consciousness, waved her arm, and threw the Samadhi Divine Fire away.


As soon as the Samadhi Divine Fire touched one of the Queen Mother's tentacles, it was like sparks falling into dry firewood, igniting the Queen Mother's tentacles with a bang.


The severe pain instantly brought the Queen Mother back to consciousness. The mouthless Queen Mother let out a blood-curdling scream through the vibration of her tentacles.

The terrifying sound waves stung Ye Xun's eardrums. If it were an ordinary median god, his entire brain would be blown up by the vibrations of this sound waves.

The divine fire of Samadhi burned very tenaciously on the Queen Mother's body, like a tarsal maggot. No matter how it twisted its body and waved its tentacles, it could not extinguish the three-color flame.

The Samadhi Divine Fire continued to spread, and when it was about to burn the Queen Mother's round body, the front end of its tentacles opened and spit out more than a dozen light balls directly towards the burning tentacles.


As the light ball hit the tentacle, the terrifying corrosive force directly peeled the tentacle off its body.

"It's really cruel, but so what, since you want to break your wrist and escape, then I'll add some fire to you!"

Ye Xun moved at this moment, flying into the air with the golden cudgel in hand, and before the mother queen recovered, he hit the stick on her fleshy body.


With a muffled sound, the Queen Mother's body rolled directly towards the still burning tentacle.

Ye Xun felt like he had been hit by a rubber ball. The rough-skinned and fleshy Empress was not hurt at all, but his body was pressed against the Samadhi Divine Fire.


The severe pain caused the mother queen to scream continuously. Its body was directly ignited by the Samadhi Divine Fire, and the severe pain seemed to be burning its soul.

The Samadhi Divine Fire is constantly burning, and the soul power of the Queen Mother is dissipating at an extremely rapid rate. This is the terror of the Samadhi Divine Fire. It continuously extracts the essence and spirit from the attached living body as fuel, and then refines the opponent's essence and spirit. .

If you want to extinguish the Samadhi Divine Fire, you must be stronger than Ye Xun and disperse it with absolute power.

Obviously the Queen Mother does not have this strength, so she can only wait for death silently wrapped in the Samadhi Divine Fire.

The flames continued to burn for a long time, and the Queen Mother's soul was so weak that it fell to the level of a mid-level god. Ye Xun threw a soul magic directly at it, completely wiping out the Queen Mother's soul.

In an instant, tens of thousands of divinities emerged from the flesh and blood of the Queen Mother, and the token on Ye Xun's waist burst out with dark light, swallowing up all the divinity condensed after the Queen Mother's death.

Ye Xun was a little surprised. The divinity contained in a queen mother could resist almost one-third of the other divine creatures in the entire nest.

After the power of divinity was taken away, only a piece of skin was left in the Queen Mother's body. It had no bones, but its skin could protect its body better than any bones.

Even Ye Xun's golden hoop couldn't break its skin.

The entire third-level nest was destroyed, and Ye Xun left through another passage. On the way, he encountered some divine creatures digging for energy sources outside. He slapped them away with his palm. After all, these were also divine creatures, and they contained all kinds of energy in their bodies. Divine power.

Just as Ye Xun's front legs left for a moment, a team of eight people stepped into the passage through which he entered the lair.

"There are so many bones, and there is a strong smell of divinity in the air. Who is it that managed to get rid of these divinity creatures so quickly?" A man and horse god in the team said in shock.

"Come quickly, there is a big pit here!" The only female god in the team shouted from the front.

When everyone turned along the passage, a huge pit directly over 100,000 meters cut off the passage, and in the pit, countless bones almost covered the entire bottom.

"This is...the corpse of a third-level divine creature?!"

The middle god saw a skull that was a circle larger than the skull of an ordinary divine creature at a glance. He was filled with shock. He flew around the pit and found that hundreds of third-level divine creatures were silent in the entire pit. skull.

"It's terrible. So many divine creatures comparable to the median god were killed so quickly. Could it be a team of high-level hunters?" The median god was completely shocked. Hundreds of third-level divine creatures The corpse gave him an unparalleled huge impact.

Then the middle god thought of something and quickly flew towards a hole above the giant pit. However, after he entered, there was no corpse of a divine creature there.

"Did they break into the lair?"

The middle god seemed to be possessed, flying madly towards the depths of the passage, completely regardless of whether there would be any dead divine creatures at the end of the passage.

"Then...what is that?"

At the end of the passage, a huge space cuts off the passage. There is a mother queen's nest full of beehives. Under the nest, a huge biological skin is spread out on the ground, and a heart-stopping breath comes from the huge... The empty skin came.

Next to the empty skin, a flame flashing with three colors was beating continuously. The middle god instantly felt a chill all over his body. He had an intuition that as long as he was exposed to a little of that flame, he would definitely be It will end in total destruction.

Soon, the members of the Median God followed. When they saw the entire empty lair, they were also shocked. The strong fighting atmosphere still filled the entire lair space.

Moreover, the three-color flame that had not yet been extinguished made them feel palpitations, but more importantly, it was heartache. The skin of the Queen Mother was turned into ashes in the three-color flame.

Ye Xun, who had already left, didn't know that from this day on, a legend about a team of high-level hunters began to spread in this area.

According to legend, that mysterious team destroyed the nest of a third-level divine creature within two hours, and the bones of tens of thousands of divine creatures filled the entire nest.

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