Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 28 Practicing Magic (please collect and recommend)

Knowing his own attributes, Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the ground and chanted Buddhist scriptures from his previous life. As the chanting of Buddhist sutras came to an end, the excitement calmed down. After slowly exhaling, my heart became peaceful and my brain became much clearer.

He closed his eyes and kept chanting Buddhist scriptures silently in his heart. Under his control, his mental power once again drew the elemental rune of fire attribute. No surprise, with the loss of mental power, the runes were successfully imprinted in the air. The moment Ye Xun finished carving the runes, part of the mental power in his mind was taken away.

The characters in the air burst into light, and the surrounding fire elements quickly rushed towards the runes, and a basketball-sized fireball condensed in front of him. The fireball continued to rotate, emitting hot energy, and at the same time, it continued to absorb nearby elemental particles. The mental power in his mind was also rushing towards the fireball, and was absorbed by the fireball together with the elemental particles, making the fireball grow stronger.

Ye Xun seemed to realize in his heart that the continuous consumption of his mental power could increase the power of the fireball. Then he moved with his mental power, and the fireball also moved with it, as if it was directed by his mental power.

After playing for a while, Ye Xun decided to take a closer look at what was in the center of the fireball. It could actually burn for a long time without being extinguished. But he found that his mental power was consumed a lot, and half of the power of faith in his brain was carried into the fireball by his mental power. With a bang, the fireball expanded from the size of a basketball to the size of a washbasin, and its color also changed to light blue.

Ye Xun was shocked and quickly used his mental power to push the fireball out, and at the same time cut off the connection between his mental power and the fireball.


The fireball hit the huge stone pillar next to it, making a huge explosion and a heat wave spreading in the stone temple. Ye Xun looked up and saw that a thick stone pillar the size of a washbasin was blown apart by a fireball. The upper section of the stone pillar fell towards the dragon statue, smashing it into pieces.

Huoye Xuan walked over and took a look, and saw that the ground was covered with broken stones. The power of the fireball technique is so amazing, it is more destructive than his own fists. Is magic really that powerful? With doubts, Ye Xun sunk into his mind and searched in his memory. After wasting some time, he found what he wanted.

Fireball is a first-level magic, and its destructive power is not high. Of course, this depends on the level of the caster. The power of the fireball spell cast by a first-level magician and a second-level magician is definitely different. Ye Xun used his level 2 mental power to cast the fireball technique, which was already much stronger than level 1. He also poured some power of faith into it and increased the fireball from the size of a basketball to the size of a washbasin. This gave it a power comparable to level three magic, but at the cost of consuming half of his power of faith.

After figuring it out, Ye Xun smiled bitterly. Emotion is not about how powerful the magic is, but about how much he accidentally increased its power. At the same time, he also figured out a function of the power of faith, which can enhance the power of magic.

Ye Xun originally wanted to continue studying other fire-attribute magics, but found that one-tenth of his mental power was consumed. It was better to practice the meditation method in his mind and see how quickly his mental power was restored.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes tightly, imagining that the spiritual power floating in the air was gathering towards him as described in his memory. According to the inherited memory, there are various elemental particles floating in the heaven and earth, including spiritual particles. It's just that the mental particles are very special. It's difficult to absorb them when the mental power is full, but when a lot of mental power is lost, the mental particles are easy to absorb. Just like a bucket, if you want to continue filling it when it is full, it will definitely be very difficult. If there is only half a bucket of water, it will be easy.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like a moment had passed. His spiritual power became full again, but it was a pity that the power of faith was reduced by half. No wonder the gods value the power of faith so much. Just this use made Ye Xun extremely happy.

After recovering his mental power, Ye Xun looked around the temple. Due to the fireball technique, the stone temple had become a mess. If you want to continue learning magic, it seems you have to change your place. It would be a tragedy if you accidentally pour the power of faith into magic and collapse the temple. It's better to go outside and experiment. Anyway, the forest is so big and full of snow, so there won't be any fire.

Just do it. Ye Xun got up from the ground and followed the stone pillar outside. His mental power enveloped the two hundred meters around him and found that the long fang was no longer in the temple. No wonder the fireball technique caused such a big noise, and there was no See it running over.

After leaving the temple, the apes outside knelt down to him respectfully. Ignoring the ape, Ye Xun used his mental power to summon Long Ya over and let him stay in the tribe honestly.

In the respectful eyes of the apes, Ye Xun walked away from here. He was going to find a quiet and open place to slowly experiment with the magic in his memory.

After walking all the way in the snow, we came to an open place with sparse trees and gentle terrain. Ye Xun stood in the snow, his consciousness sinking into his mind, looking for the second fire magic, and found that it was actually the legendary magic Meteor Fire Rain. The inherited memory clearly states that Mo method cannot be cast across levels, otherwise there will be horrific backlash.

He looked longingly at the magic runes of Meteor Fire Rain. This kind of high-end stuff, let alone cultivation, could backfire and kill him just by condensing the elemental runes.

Sighing, he continued to search and found a second-level magic thorn nearby. This is earth magic. It uses the power of the earth to condense hard thorns, which suddenly burst out from the ground and instantly turn the enemy into a hedgehog.

Looking at this practical second-level magic, Ye Xun was a little jealous. Didn't it mean that some people have multiple attributes? You can also try it yourself. If you happen to have the earth attribute, wouldn't you be able to use this ground stab magic?

He closed his eyes and carefully memorized the magic runes of the Earth Thorn in his mind. He concentrated on using his spiritual power as a pen and the void as the cloth to start composing the Magic Runes of the Earth Thorn. Unlike the fireball spell, the magic rune of Earth Thorn consists of two basic runes. The two runes are intertwined with each other, doubling the complexity.

Fortunately, he had the rune of fireball as a base, and he quickly clarified his thoughts and found the place to write. Mental power surged, like writing, and the first rune was successfully outlined. Ye Xun continued to use his mental power to write the second rune. No accidents occurred. As his mental power stopped, the second rune was also successfully carved.

The moment the runes were formed, a terrifying wave of earth elemental particles surged out of the earth, wrapping the two magic runes. Unlike the fireball spell, after the runes of the thrust spell are outlined, they are not materialized and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Ye Xun cut off his mental power and threw the Earth Sting Technique just like he released the Fireball Technique.


As soon as the ground stabbing technique landed, several sharp stone pillars grew out of the ground at a very fast speed. The leaves falling in the air were instantly stabbed to the core.

Ye Xun grinned. The second-level magic was really good, but it took away one-fifth of his mental power in one go. He could only cast it five times with full calculations. Converted to level one magic, it should be possible ten times.

Now that I have tried new attributes, I might as well try other magics. Maybe I have some hidden attributes. Ye Xun picked it up. In addition to fireball and ground stabbing, the only magic that can be learned now is wood and vine entanglement, minor healing, and water ball. Among them, minor healing is a second-level magic.

After the magic was screened out, Ye Xun began to experiment with magic. The first wooden vine entanglement was activated using wood element particles. They quickly grew a vine and controlled the target with mental power.

The second experiment is a second-level magic small healing technique. This kind of healing magic naturally needs to be tested on a wounded person. The one-horned deer next to him was in tragedy, being entangled and tied tightly by a wooden vine.

After scratching the one-horned deer's skin, he successfully performed a small healing technique, and a ball of white light the size of a fist fell on the one-horned deer's wound. Under the small healing technique, the wound made by Ye Xun healed quickly.

The treatment process continued to consume Ye Xun's mental energy. Ten minutes later, the one-horned deer's wound healed, and he also cut off the mental transmission of minor healing techniques. The light ball lost the support of spiritual power and disappeared after a moment.

Ye Xun released the Water Ball Technique again to see if he also had an affinity for the water attribute. The result made him happy. A basketball-sized water polo was suspended in the air, spinning constantly.

With a flash of mental strength, he threw the water balloon and hit the one-horned deer on the head. The one-horned deer was startled and kept struggling. Ye Xun sighed. Unfortunately, this first-level water polo spell has no offensive power.

Then he untied the vines that bound the one-horned deer, and the freed one-horned deer quickly fled away. Ye Xun slowly outlined the ground stab technique, and the one-horned deer had already disappeared.

He discovered that the power of magic is indeed huge and changeable, but it requires enough time to prepare. If the enemy takes the opportunity to escape or attack him, the magic cannot be cast quickly. In the inherited memory, I can only quickly cast low-level magic after reaching the king level and being exposed to the laws of elements.

It wasn't until Ye Xun exhausted his mental energy that he stopped experimenting with magic. My head feels dizzy and my eyes are fighting. If the dragon god were here, he would be surprised that someone could learn so much magic in such a short period of time.

Ye Xun originally had the insights of a Huajin master, and that kind of meticulous control has unknowingly and subtly influenced his mental power, so he can learn much faster than ordinary magicians.

Ye Xun felt that his eyes couldn't open anymore, so he forced himself to cheer up, climbed to the big tree next to him, and began to use meditation to replenish his mental strength.

I don't know how many hours had passed, but Ye Xun opened his eyes. His exhausted mental power was completely replenished, and his mental power also increased a little. It seems that meditating after using up all your mental power can increase the upper limit of your mental power.

Ye Xun stood up and stretched energetically. The sun was almost setting. He jumped down from the tree and walked towards the rock tribe.

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