Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 251 People’s hearts are unpredictable

A few days later, the team came to an area with dense nests, which was the central area of ​​the entire dark land. As long as they passed through this area, the nests of the starry sky beasts would become fewer and fewer.

"The fluctuations in dark matter energy are getting stronger and stronger, and it is estimated that a dark storm will erupt in up to seven days!"

The girl took the crystal and carefully searched for the gap in the nest. After feeling the increasingly dense dark matter energy in the void, she couldn't help but frown.

"Miss, as long as we don't encounter a starry sky monster, there should be no problem at this speed!" Saudi said comfortingly.

"Okay, everyone, cheer up. The dark storm is expected to come in seven days. Let's leave the dark place before then!" The girl nodded, and her voice rang in everyone's minds.

"Yes, miss, we will definitely be able to leave before the dark storm!"

The people in the escort team worked up their spirits, and the speed of the team increased a lot at this moment.

"I hope there won't be any surprises!"

Ye Xun frowned. There were many starry sky beasts, and the dark land was very wide. If the team dispersed, I am afraid many people would get lost here and eventually be swallowed by the starry sky beasts.

"Everyone, be careful, there are three star beasts' lairs nearby!"

The girl's eyes were fixed on the crystal ball. Near the red light spot, there were three dark green light spots blocking the front.

In an instant, everyone in the team held their breath, not even daring to take a breath.

"Miss, be careful!"

Suddenly, a huge meteorite flew out of the black mist in the void and hit the girl.


The lizard god waved his palm and directly collided with the meteorite. He discovered the meteorite in advance through special induction, and there was a huge roar. The meteorite was broken into pieces before it hit the girl.


At this time, a huge roar echoed through the void in the endless black mist. Apparently, the nearby starry sky beasts had been alarmed by the sound of the lizard god smashing the meteorite.

"No! A giant starry beast has been disturbed. We have to get out of here quickly!"

Saudi Arabia put up a protective shield to keep out the meteorite fragments, and the somewhat dazed girl finally came to her senses.

"Peru, where did that starry sky beast come from?" The girl looked up and stared at the lizard god. She needed to know the specific location of the starry sky beast so that she could plan her escape.

"No, the dark matter is getting thicker and thicker, and the distance I can sense is getting closer and closer..." The lizard god shook his head.

"Let's go, it's too late!"

The girl was a little disappointed, so she could only choose a direction with few nests, and led the team to leave quickly.


The roars of the giant beasts in the starry sky were getting closer and closer, surrounding them from all directions, as if they were already surrounded.

"Damn it, it's coming from the left!"

The lizard god frowned, and there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. He could feel that this starry sky beast was very powerful, several times more powerful than the one killed by the guard captain.

"Go around to the left and don't confront him head-on!" the lizard god reminded.

"No, it's too late, prepare to fight!"

The guard captain suddenly stopped, and the long sword on his waist came out in response. Everyone followed his line of sight, and saw three sharp spiral horns piercing through the black mist not far away.


The starry sky beast once again let out a deafening roar. The terrifying momentum directly aroused the dark matter energy in the void and strangled it in all directions.

"Damn, its fourth horn has grown out..."

The guard captain let out a solemn roar, and the immortal power in his body stirred up. At the same time, the long sword in his hand erupted with a terrifying sword light.

"In formation, this is a lord-level starry sky beast, don't take it lightly!"

The escorts in the team responded and flew towards the starry sky beast. In an instant, only the god cultivator, the girl and the housekeeper were left in the team.

“Food…delicious food…”

An unlucky guard bumped into the waving claws of the starry sky beast, and was then thrown into its mouth, chewing it open and closed, and emitting intermittent fluctuations.

"Damn you guys, they actually treat us as food!"

The guard captain was furious, and he thrust the kilometer-long sword in his hand toward the starry sky beast's mouth that was constantly opening and closing. Compared to the body covered with hard scales, the guard captain wisely chose the weakly defended mouth.


The sword gleam passed through the void and pierced directly into the starry sky beast's throat. A jet of black blood spurted out from its mouth. At this moment, the sword gleam was bitten into pieces by the starry sky beast's terrifying bite force.

The guard captain withdrew his sword and quickly dispersed to the side. A slow-moving immortal was instantly hit by the jet of black blood. His armor was quickly corroded, and finally the immortal turned into a puddle of pus. Blood floated in the void, exuding a disgusting smell from time to time.

The starry sky beast with its injured mouth went completely crazy. Its huge body kept rolling in the void. The formation that had not yet formed was shattered at this moment. Several members of the escort team were rubbed by the starry sky beast's huge body. The armor covering his body seemed to be made of glass and shattered into countless pieces.

"Quick, use the domain to suppress it, we don't have any extra time!"

The guard captain dodged, grabbed the fox orc, and threw it towards the starry sky beast. The gap between the heavenly immortal and the lower god was really too big. The fox orc could not break free at all. It could only expand its territory as much as possible and cover the entire starry sky. The beast is wrapped inside.

For an instant, the starry sky beast's movements slowed down a lot, as if there were some invisible shackles that sealed it.

"Sure enough, the realm of the gods can restrain these ugly guys!"

The guard captain showed an expression that was indeed true, and the hand holding the fox orc loosened his grip at this moment.

"Open the field to the maximum, and I will kill it!"

The guard captain said, but his figure quickly retreated. At this time, the fox orcs realized something was wrong, and all the fairy people also flew towards the girl's location at this moment.

"What are you doing? Is this how you treat it?" The lizard god gritted his teeth. It was also a cultivator of the divine race and strongly disapproved of the actions of the immortals.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!"

The girl did not answer the lizard god's words. The guard captain fell down at this moment, and the sword in his hand was instantly pressed against the lizard god's neck.

"Damn it, you did this to me!"

Anger surged in the eyes of the fox orc. Seeing the lizard god leave under the threat of the guard captain, it gritted its teeth and closed down the territory.

"Go, kill those ungrateful guys, and call your companions over. I want them all to die miserably!"

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