Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 249 Sneaking into the caravan

Huge stars are scattered throughout the universe, but there are very few planets that can support life.

Ye Xun rode the teleportation array across countless galaxies and hundreds of galaxies, and finally arrived at the junction of the Thunder Flame God Realm and the Wind Immortal Realm.

A natural law area separates the two realms. If you want to go to Thunder Flame God City, you must cross this law area. Only in this way can you enter the divine domain.

The barrier area is full of endless crises, and some starry sky creatures that swallow up dark matter and cosmic energy live inside. Although their individual strength is not very strong, their numbers are very large, and the Lord of the Galaxy is surrounded by them. Among them, there was only one who could only run away.

Fortunately, these creatures have fixed activity areas. People who are familiar with them can pass through the barrier area almost unscathed. Once unfamiliar people break into the activity area of ​​​​the starry sky creatures, it is equal to death.

"Saudi, how are the material preparations going? We have to hurry up, otherwise after the next dark matter outbreak, the entire dark land will become a paradise for the giant beasts in the starry sky!"

"Don't worry, Miss, everything is ready. We just need to recruit a few guards and we're ready to go!"

"Okay, Saudi, I'll leave this to you! You must set off in an hour!"

Just when Ye Xun was at a loss what to do, a voice of conversation came into his perception. He couldn't help but stop. His consciousness surged towards the location of Sanye Trading Company. A young girl was talking to a housekeeper. People who look like this are discussing.

Butler Saudi Arabia walked out of Sanye Trading Company respectfully, Ye Xun followed him quietly. Saudi Arabia was just a monk at the peak of immortality. Ye Xun deliberately hid it, let alone him, even Tianxian Ye could not find it. .

Soon, Saudi Arabia walked into a remote building, but it was very lively inside, and most of the people were cultivators of the Gods.

"I need four lower gods to protect me. This time my destination is the City of Gods in the Thunder Flame God's Domain. Anyone with sufficient strength can come here..."

Saudi Arabia was full of immortal power, and his voice spread directly throughout the square with tens of thousands of people. Ye Xun's consciousness spread out, and there were about a dozen powerful men at the lower god level in the entire square.

In his perception, these people were all full of excitement. There was no doubt that they were all using the power of a caravan to pass through that dark place where even divine and immortal consciousness could not be used.

"I can only say sorry!"

Ye Xun's eyes narrowed, and an invisible wave spread out from the godhead and charged towards the dozen excited lower gods.

Without any prelude, eight of the thirteen lower gods were instantly stunned by the soul rules emitted by Ye Xun, and their bodies froze in place like statues.

"There are two more. It seems that we can only use the magical power of the rules!"

With a thought, Ye Xun's two drops of divine power tore through the space barrier. Under the cover of the soul rules, they quietly sank into the heads of the two unlucky lower gods.

This time they were directly overthrown by the divine power of the rules, and their consciousness fell into a blank for an instant. Then Ye Xun's golden divine light was restrained, and he completely turned into an ordinary brown ape-man.

"Are there only three?"

Saudi frowned. There were only three lower gods in front of him, one less than the number he expected.

"What happened today? Although it is difficult for the cultivators of the gods to ignite the divine fire and condense the divine power, there should be more than three here..."

At this moment, Ye Xun squeezed through the crowd and walked up. Although he was not short at more than two meters tall, he was a full head shorter than the other three lower gods.

"Very good. Since you are all willing to go to the Thunder Flame God Realm through the Dark Land, you should also understand the rules. If it makes no sense, then come with me!"

Saudi Arabia frowned. After Ye Xun restrained his energy and blood, his whole body momentum also dropped to a very low state. In Saudi Arabia's eyes, the other three lower gods were stronger than him.

But there were not enough people, so he could only let Ye Xun join. After Saudi left with the four people, the lower gods who had been specially taken care of by Ye Xun began to wake up.

Almost at the same time, ten angry roars came from the dilapidated building.

Saudi Arabia looked back in surprise, why did so many powerful lower gods appear just after he left? And the voice sounded very angry and unwilling.

However, Saudi Arabia just thought about it. The number of people was enough. He had to go back and prepare quickly. Otherwise, if he missed the time and encountered a dark storm on the way, there would be endless behemoths in the starry sky waiting for them.

"Miss, the person has been found, and everything has been put into the space ring!" Saudi Arabia returned to Sanye Trading Company and directed the people of Sanye Trading Company to load everything.

"Okay, let's set off immediately!" The girl nodded, but when she looked at Ye Xun, she couldn't help but frown, "Saudi, this guy is so weak, why did you bring him back? Don't be able to bring him back by then. , you just need someone to take care of you!"

"Miss, there are not many lower gods in the slums today. If he hadn't come out, I'm afraid we wouldn't have enough people this time..." Saudi lowered his head and explained.

No one noticed that among the three lower gods, a fox-like orc looked thoughtful.

"Set off!"

After a long time, the girl uttered two words from her mouth, and a group of dozens of people began to move towards the outside of the ancient city.

The entire caravan was led by a young girl and an old man. An immortal acted as the guard captain, and the others were all in the immortal realm.

Ye Xun and the three lower gods of the protoss were assigned to the front, middle and back positions of the team. The two most powerful lower gods were at both ends of the team, while he and the weaker half-orc stayed in the middle of the team.

"After arriving in the dark land, spread out the realm. Divine and immortal consciousness have no effect here. You can only rely on your divine realm to explore the road ahead!"

After the team entered the starry sky, a huge area like a galaxy cut off their path.

Saudi Arabia's voice sounded directly in Ye Xun's mind. He didn't show any signs of abnormality, he just concentrated all the energy and blood in his body into his heart as much as possible.

As for the soul godhead, he only slightly covered it up. A ray of red flame kept beating in the godhead. Through the simulation of the soul rules, he transformed his godhead into a fire attribute godhead.

"Let's just hitchhike quietly into the Thunder Flame God's Domain..."

Four huge realms suddenly descended and enveloped the entire team. The girl led the team into the dark land. The terrifying power of darkness and dark matter energy filled each other. The field of vision was suppressed to hundreds of meters here. Even the field can only detect a distance of a thousand meters.

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