Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 239 Departure

In the endless phantom void, there are countless galaxies, many galaxies will form huge galaxies, and one thousand and eighty galaxies will converge into a huge star field, and in each star field, there are There will be powerful beings who will build huge divine cities to control and reproduce all living things.

The powerful immortals control only seventy-two of the one hundred and eight star domain worlds. Of the remaining thirty-six, twenty-four are in the evil domain, and only twelve are in the rule system. The gods rule.

After absorbing the memory of the Cyclops, Ye Xun knew that it was not that the rule system was not strong enough. On the contrary, a long time ago, the entire universe was under the control of the immortal clan. The cultivators of the rule system suddenly appeared from the sky and quickly The speed has grown.

As the saying goes, things must be reversed at their extremes, and the rule system soon dominated the entire universe and starry sky. A battle called Ragnarok suddenly broke out, and the pattern of the entire universe and starry sky was rewritten. The starry sky was shattered, and the Kingdom of God was inexplicably exiled to the sea of ​​stars. Only beings above gods can successfully enter through the Sea of ​​Stars.

This caused the practitioners of the rule system to almost disappear during that period. It was only later that they discovered the secret of the Sea of ​​Stars, entered the Kingdom of Gods, and slowly recovered again, but they were weaker than before Ragnarok. There are just too many.

The starry sky in the universe became dilapidated in the battle at Ragnarok, and there were some flaws in the rules and laws. The strongest in the rule system here can only cultivate to the realm of true gods, that is, beyond the lower gods and middle gods. , the realm after the higher gods.

The masters of the twelve divine cities are all beings in the realm of true gods. They are subordinate to the twelve main gods in the Kingdom of Gods, and they are not fixed. Someone will be handed over to become the new city master every one hundred thousand years.

Their mission is to let the creatures in the star field thrive, and then grow up step by step. When they reach the realm of lower gods, they enter the sea of ​​stars and go to the kingdom of gods.

This is also one of the reasons why the immortals dare not completely break up with the rules-based gods. Perhaps before the twelve star regions are conquered, many strong men from the Kingdom of Gods will come to the ruined world, even if the former glory is not restored. , it can also lead to a lose-lose situation, which is a situation that no one wants to see.

And in the memory of Cyclops, there have been legends of ancient gods circulating in the Kingdom of Gods. According to the legend, he is one of the oldest gods and has always been sleeping somewhere in the Kingdom of Gods. Although he does not know this. It's not true, but it suppresses the saints of the immortal clan who dare not go beyond the thunder pool.

It is precisely because of the legend about that ancient god that the entire starry sky world has been in peace for nearly tens of millions of years. Their common enemy is the angel clan created by relying on this technology. No one knows how the angel clan was born. During the battle at Ragnarok, the entire angel clan seemed to appear out of thin air and began to frantically plunder the resources in the universe and stars.

The final result was that the Kingdom of God was banned, and the fairy race, Zerg race, and rule-based god race were all driven to the border areas of the universe. The products here were far inferior to those controlled by the angel clan.

After the Twilight of the Gods, all the powerful ones disappeared, the universe and the stars took a breather, everything revived again, and ordinary creatures began to spread across the living planets again, but the number of living planets was countless times less than before the war.

This also leads to the fact that there are not many living planets in a cosmic river system. At this point, Ye Xun thought of the Aqua Blue Star. Indeed, no living planets were found in the nearby galaxies.

In the Kingdom of God, Ye Xun looked at the universe through the space barrier of the Kingdom of God. Countless stars were twinkling, emitting charming light spots.

"In the Sea of ​​Stars, it seems that we can only go to the Twelve Gods City first. Only there can we get the pass to the Kingdom of Gods!"

Ye Xun sighed, after the Cyclops became a lower god, he struggled in the divine city for a hundred thousand years before using his huge amount of faith and divine power to buy an opportunity to go to the Kingdom of God.

It is not very powerful and cannot stand out among the many gods. It can only go through the back door with the power of belief in the gods. However, after it enters the Kingdom of God, good times have come. It can form a team to hunt a kind of beast on weekdays. Special ferocious beasts called divine creatures contain attributeless divinity in their bodies, which can be used by gods to absorb and analyze rules or laws, and can also condense divine power.

The number of divinities in divine creatures varies. With luck, it is not impossible to kill one and obtain ten divinities.

Ye Xun licked his tongue. Fighting to support fighting was his path to martial arts. As early as on the Aquamarine Star, he traveled thousands of miles of mountains and rivers by himself, challenging dozens of master-level masters one by one, and won the A fighting title.

"Divine creatures, semi-mechanical beings that appeared at the same time as the angel family, I really don't know who created them, but they can definitely increase the speed of practicing rules and laws!"

Ye Xun thought in his mind, two thoughts emanated from his mind, one was passed to Ye Yun who was far away in the alliance star field, and the other was passed into the brain of the golden ape clone who was still absorbing the memory light ball.

The world of the Kingdom of God has been refined, and the golden ape clone has also refined the godhood and achieved the status of a lower god. Although the strength is not very powerful, in this world of the Kingdom of God, it can mobilize the power of the entire world of the Kingdom of God, even if It was Ye Xun who faced off on his own. If he didn't control the power of the Kingdom of God, I'm afraid he would eventually be suppressed by the entire Kingdom of God.

Moreover, the world of the Kingdom of God is located in the void of chaos. It is full of chaotic storms and turbulence in the void. True gods do not dare to invade at will. Moreover, the position of the Kingdom of God is constantly changing in the void of chaos. Except for the master of the Kingdom of God, no one Who can locate its exact location.

After making arrangements, Ye Xun quietly tore apart the space barrier of the Kingdom of God. His figure got into the space passage and disappeared into the hall in an instant.

Then there was another fluctuation in the void. After receiving the message from the main body, the Golden Ape clone in the side hall directly tore apart the space barrier and descended into the main hall. After Ye Xun left, it was left to control the Kingdom of God.

"I am so cunning. I actually left the Kingdom of God secretly. This mess is really difficult to clean up. I don't know which galaxy I will go to. But with the power of faith stolen by the angel clone, I will get a way to go to God." It shouldn’t be difficult to get a place in the country..."

The golden ape clone sighed, its golden eyes staring into the distance. With the blessing of the entire divine kingdom, its gaze spanned the endless chaotic void and extended into the starry sky of the universe.

It saw a golden figure appearing in the starry sky, turning into a stream of light and fleeing towards the distant starry sky.

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