Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 236 Setley’s shock

"Damn it, it turns out to be the rules of the soul, my body is completely out of control!"

The Evil Lord's consciousness was extremely clear, but it could not control its body. It could only look at the endless void outside the silver net, where a huge figure stood there.

"The black mist with the power of darkness can't corrode him!"

In the eyes of the Evil Lord, Ye Xun's right hand was stained with some small black dots, which were signs that the power of darkness had invaded the body. But before it had time to be happy, it saw a golden flow on Ye Xun's palm. With the surge of power, those black spots turned into traces of mist and dissipated in the air.

The power of darkness in the starry sky continued to spread, and soon, the gap blocked by Ye Xun was blocked again. He just floated quietly in the starry sky, feeling a little heavy.

He picked up all the believers through the Kingdom of God, but this was his first home in this universe, but now it is heading towards destruction step by step.

"Strength, only unparalleled strength can control all the rules of the world. In order to find and protect what is most important to me, I will never fall down on the road!"

He looked into the void. The terrifying power generated by the phantom of Just's self-destructed will had completely swallowed up the entire Ape King God's Domain. All creatures that had not condensed their faith were buried in this dark smoke.

It's not that he refused to save him, but that the Kingdom of God could only actively attract his followers. Without people who had gathered faith, the rules of the Kingdom of God could not determine their existence unless Ye Xun took action himself.

One general achieves success but all bones wither. This is the fate of the weak and their final destination.

For Ye Xun, he is not a saint, so he has no obligation to rescue them one by one.

"Goodbye, King of the Apes..."

Ye Xun sighed, and a huge space crack suddenly appeared, swallowing his huge body in an instant.

From then on, the Ape King Divine Realm that shook the nearby starry sky completely disappeared. The alarmed strong men in Fuxingkong rushed over, but they only saw a large black mist constantly surging there, and no matter what entered it, , they will quickly lose their strength and turn into a cold stone.

In the world of the Kingdom of God, the golden lion Setli got up from the ground in a daze. What he saw was an endless jungle. Unlike on the Planet of the Apes, the end of his sight was not the endless starry sky, but a gray streak. The misty space barrier.

"Is this where?"

Setli shook his head. At the last moment when it lost consciousness, it only remembered that a terrible force suddenly came and hit its soul like a hammer, and then it fell into a glorious coma. passed.

"Fortunately, these little guys are fine!"

Setli recalled for a long time, but still couldn't find the reason why he came into this world. It lowered its head, and many huge creatures with a size of more than ten meters lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Setli flew up into the air cautiously. When it fell unconscious, its body had unconsciously returned to an altitude of more than two thousand meters.

"Huh? What kind of creature is this?"

Not long after Setli flew into the air, in the distant sky, a huge lizard flapped its wings and flew towards it.

Setli rubbed his eyes. He was very sure that the lizard had wings on its back. Suddenly it was stunned and thought of a legend about the dragon. In the legend, the dragon family had disappeared in the ruined world. More than a million years.

"Why is there a giant dragon here? Have I traveled to a world that was more than a million years old?"

Setli raised his paw and scratched his forehead, thinking something incredible.


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Setri's ears, instantly pulling him back from the world of visualization.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Setli raised his head and stared at the giant dragon that had reached not far away from it. It looked at the giant dragon secretly. It was just like the legend. It had hard dragon horns on its head and its whole body was covered with scales. .

"I am a believer in the Ape King God. It is the great Ape King God who has sent down an oracle and asked me to come here to welcome you..."

The giant dragon flapped its wings and stared at Setli without any arrogance.

"The oracle of the gods... then this is..."

Setli was dumbfounded that there was such a legendary creature as a giant dragon under the throne of the great Ape King.

"Yes, this is the kingdom of the Ape King God. If you have any questions, let's talk about it while walking!"

The dragon grinned and turned around to lead Setli.

"But what to do with them?"

Setli pointed at the unconscious ferocious beasts on the ground,

"It doesn't matter, they have gathered faith, and the power of rules will protect them. At least the ferocious beasts without faith cannot harm them, and those who have gathered faith will not embarrass them. After all, we are all great ape kings. God’s people!”

The dragon patted Setli, who pointed to the fire emblem on his forehead, and gave him a reassuring look.

"Okay, let's go!" Setley nodded.

The two people turned into a stream of light and flew quickly towards the direction from which the dragon came.

Soon, an extremely huge palace came into Setri's field of vision. It was made of countless bluestone blocks. The majestic momentum filled the air and looked very majestic.

A huge ancient tree soared into the sky in the palace and reached the space barrier. Its thick leaves covered the sky and blocked a large area of ​​the sky.

"Is that the World Tree?"

Setli was a little unsure. After all, it was just a small legend, and it had not even touched the boundaries of demigods, not to mention the Kingdom of God and the World Tree that only gods could touch.

However, they have listened to it a lot, so naturally their ears and eyes are also affected, and they have some understanding of these things.

"Go down, this is the palace of the Ape King God, no flying creatures are allowed!"

The giant dragon flapped its wings and fell from the sky,

Setli followed, and then it was completely shocked. Hundreds of giant dragons were lying on an island below, lazily basking in the sun.

What kind of concept is this? It's like hundreds of dinosaurs suddenly appearing in front of you. Such an impact is really too great. It's even more shocking than when you just saw this giant dragon named Li Te. When did hundreds of dinosaurs disappear? A thousand-year-old dragon is so worthless.

"You just stay here. This is an island deliberately built by the great gods. Lord Kumas and Lord Colum have already arrived, so I won't take you in."

The giant dragon Lite landed on the island next to Dragon Island, pointed at a palace on the island and said,

"Lord Coomas and Lord Wright?" Setley's eyes widened and he stared in the direction of the palace. Two small figures stood outside the palace. They took steps and ran quickly towards there.

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