Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 222 Coming in time

"God? That damn ape-man is dead! Since you want to see him so much, then I will send you to see him kindly!" A sneer appeared in Kalad's dragon eyes. The so-called god was forced to do so. He exploded his divine power, and then fell into the endless chaotic space. Even if he was not wiped out by the divine power, he would be swallowed up by the terrible storm in the chaotic world, and there was no way he could survive.

"Hmph! Kalad, let's wait and see!"

The God City clone didn't talk nonsense. The stick in his hand was dancing rapidly, and the whole thing had fallen into madness. This is exactly the meaning of the crazy magic stick technique. Although the moves seemed messy, each move blocked Kalad's retreat, and The God City clone was still attacking, completely unconcerned about being hit by Kalad's sharp claws. After all, its body was composed of a variety of hard parts. Even if it was hit and flew away, it would not be easily damaged. Yes, it only needs a thought to fly back and assemble its body intact.


There was another loud noise, and the God City clone was completely broken into countless parts by Kalad. However, its arm still grasped the long horn stick and attacked Kalad. The hard ice was hit by the dragon horn stick. There were some cracks, and blood even spilled out in some places.

"Damn puppet body!"

Kalad was furious. Although the God City clone was easily broken, the parts that made up the body were extremely strong. With its strength, it could not completely smash these clinging things in a short time.

Moreover, these parts, which looked like they had been dismembered, were actually able to attack independently. They would attack from time to time. Although they would not be seriously injured, it still made Kalad very angry.

"Damn it, I, Kalad, will tear you apart completely!"

Kalad let out a huge roar, his heart began to beat crazily, and a large group of faith power was integrated into a huge rune in his brain.


The void vibrated, with Kalad's body as the center, and a terrible cold air was released from its body. The puppet parts that were flying in the void and constantly moving seemed to be frozen, and their moving speed became faster and faster. The slower.

"Hahahaha, damn puppet, this is the frozen realm I specially prepared for you. Although the scope is not as large as the frozen world, the temperature of the cold air is much lower, even if it cannot reach the level of the frozen void, But it can also slow you down a lot!"

Kalad roared crazily, and his two dragon claws instantly grabbed a few parts that hit her. Perhaps because they were frozen by the cold air, Kalad's claws exerted force, and a burst of heat flashed away, and then hardened. The indestructible parts were crushed into pieces, and the will of the God City clone attached to it was also broken up.

Severe pain filled the soul of the God City clone. Its will was wiped out, and its soul suffered a big impact. All the parts controlled by it were stunned. However, Kalad did not stop. Two of them were covered by ice. His claws waved again, grabbing the arms and two feet of the Kamijo clone in his hands.


Kalad followed suit, and the power of the flames spurted out from his palm, instantly burning the extremely low-temperature puppet parts to scalding hot. After experiencing cold and heat, the extremely hard parts became very fragile. Although the hardness It was still strong, but its toughness was much reduced, and it was directly shattered into countless pieces by Kalad's claws.


The soul's will was hit hard again, and the God City clone couldn't help but let out a painful roar.

"No, the idol puppet of the Grand Line is in danger!" Diamond Dragon Ape Scar raised his head with difficulty, and found that the body of the God City clone had been broken into pieces, and many of its parts had been crushed by Kalad. .

"Hahahaha! Damn puppet, I finally caught you. As long as I destroy your head, I don't believe you can still appear on Shelter Dragon Island. As long as I kill you, the whole world will be mine!" Karadhaha Laughing, in its hands, the head of the God City clone was held by its two sharp claws. The soul and will were severely damaged, and the strength of the God City clone also declined rapidly, which resulted in it having no strength to break away from Karad. bondage.

As the power of fire surged in Kalad's hand, the God City clone clearly felt some subtle changes taking place in the puppet's head, and the arrangement of elemental particles changed rapidly.

"Die! Die!"

Kalad roared crazily, and when he exerted force with his two claws, a cracking sound sounded. A crack appeared from the top of the puppet's head, extending along the forehead, bridge of the nose, and mouth towards the chin. Soon, its full head Penetrated by this crack.

The soul will of the God City clone was instantly severely damaged. Most of its power remained in the puppet's mind, and the other parts of the body did not have much soul power.

"Dragon Ape and the giant dragon clan, give up your resistance. I have completely destroyed the idols and puppets. If you are stubborn, don't blame me for killing you all!"

The fierce light in Kalad's eyes was overwhelming. Its body was also injured in many places by the God City clone, but with the protection of the ice, it only had some skin injuries. Although the ice outside its body was dyed golden in many places, But in fact its injury was not serious.

"Don't even think about it! We, the dragon ape clan, can only fight to the death and will never surrender!" Scar resisted the attacks of the two demigods and let out a mournful roar. The will of the only clone left by the king was destroyed, and even their entire clan had It may have been destroyed, or it may not be able to wait for the day when the king returns.

"I would rather die in battle than surrender!"

All the dragon apes and giant dragons made a sound that broke through the sky. In an instant, their momentum climbed to the top. The ferocious beasts of the sub-dragon tribe were impacted by this momentum, and their combat effectiveness instantly dropped by one level.

"In that case, then I'll send you to see the dead god!" Kalad let out an angry roar, and endless cold air surged out of its body. It wanted to completely freeze the entire Dragon Island and freeze everything. apes and dragons frozen into statues.


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the endless void was torn apart by a terrifying force. A breath that made Kalad tremble suddenly appeared, coming through the space crack in the sky.

"How... how is it possible? There can be no gods in the world of God's Kingdom! This must be a lie! It must be a lie!"

Kalad raised his dragon head and looked at the sky. The aura was much bigger than it. It could even feel it. As long as the owner of this aura was willing, he could easily pinch himself to death.

Just when Kalad was shocked and unwilling to believe it, a golden figure came across the endless void, and a dozen brown-black figures followed behind the golden figure.

"Is it him? Impossible, why is he still alive? I don't believe it! This is not true..."

At this moment, Kalad's eyes showed a look of disbelief. A demigod who fell into the chaotic void not only did not die, but actually returned after three thousand years.

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