Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 219 Return of the Gods

In an endless jungle world, two huge thousand-meter-long giant beasts are fighting. One is like an ape, standing upright and roaring continuously, with a golden line on its back rushing from the tail to the top of its head.

At the other end was a creature in the form of a dragon covered with scales. Its back was covered with spikes and radiated with cold light, making people shudder at the sight.

The huge claws collided with the ape-man's fist continuously. Every collision made the sub-dragon creature wail incessantly. Its body was far inferior to that of the brave and invincible Vajra Dragon Ape.


The sub-dragon creature opened its mouth and roared, and a terrifying surge of magic emanated from its body. The horny scales covering the surface of the body emerged under the urging of the core of power, and a red line appeared, covering the entire body. All covered.

Under the influence of the lines, the scales on its body turned into a fiery red color, emitting blazing energy like red-hot iron.


The flames surged on the claws of the sub-dragon creature, driving the hot air towards the Vajra Dragon Ape. The burned red claws collided with the scales on the Vajra Dragon Ape's chest, and instantly splashed a huge spark. .

The powerful body of the Diamond Dragon Ape finally withstood the attack of the sub-dragon creature, but its body was thrown backward and broke many big trees before falling to the ground and creating a huge hole. .

A huge scratch was left on the chest of the Diamond Dragon Ape, and some scales were torn apart by the claws of the sub-dragon creature, revealing the bright red flesh and blood inside. The muscles that had lost the protection of the scales were beating in the air, but the Diamond Dragon The ape's body was very strong, but after some blood spilled out, the wound quickly scabbed and dried up.

"Magma Purgatory!"

The sub-dragon creature finally seized the opportunity and directly cast a range of legendary magic. The fire element began to surge crazily throughout the void, and the blue sky was directly reflected by the continuously converging fire element particles. A blaze of red.

"Destroy the golden flames!"

The Vajra Dragon Ape felt that the sub-dragon creature was condensing magic, and flew away the huge ancient tree pressing on its body, and climbed out of the deep pit on the ground.

It roared, raised its fists and beat its chest continuously. A golden line surged out along the golden hair on its back, forming a huge rune covering its whole body.

Then the huge rune covering the whole body flickered regularly, and a wisp of golden flame appeared in its palm, and as the rune flashed faster and faster, the weak wisp of golden flame It is also gradually growing.

Not long after, a golden spherical flame comparable to the size of its own head was suspended in its palm, rising and falling continuously.

The legendary magic of the sub-dragon creature has also been condensed, and its two thick arms were wrapped in rich fire element particles, and they slapped hard towards the ground.


A huge roar resounded through the sky, with the sub-dragon creature as the center, and the terrifying fire elements poured into the ground. Under this terrifying high temperature, the earth and rocks were instantly melted into hot lava, and the big trees could not be hugged by several people. Constantly burning, and then being swallowed by the surging lava.

An area nearly ten thousand meters in diameter turned into a sea of ​​fire, magma on the ground erupted from time to time, all the trees were burning crazily, and the sky above the entire area was filled with terrifying high temperatures.

A group of birds happened to pass by at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. However, their feathers were burned to ashes under the high temperature formed by the lava lake below. Each bird flapped its wings desperately, but their feathers were burned. If they fall, they can only quickly fall towards the lava paste below. Before they get close to the magma on the ground, they will have been completely scorched.

The huge Diamond Dragon Ape jumped high into the air. When the magma spread, it had already left the ground. The terrifying high temperature enveloped its body, making it feel that a scorching high temperature was burning its skin. .

"Die! Damn Vajra Dragon Ape! If you don't enter the legendary realm, you can't fly at all. Feel the despair, let the magma swallow your body bit by bit, and let these terrible high temperatures scorch your soul! "

The sub-dragon creatures showed a crazy look. The Vajra Dragon Ape and the giant dragon clan joined forces to conquer the world. Almost all of their sub-dragon clan became slaves. The tree god appeared out of nowhere and took the body of the giant dragon clan's demigod, and successfully suppressed the Vajra clan. The gods gave their Yalong clan a new lease of life.

"I won't make it easy for you even if you die!" The Diamond Dragon Ape roared. The right hand waved towards the sub-dragon creature, and the huge golden flame escaped from its palm and flew towards the sub-dragon creature above the magma.

"Great Ape King God, your people are waiting for your return!"

The Vajra Dragon Ape used up its last strength, and its huge body lost its state of staying in the air, and quickly fell towards the surging magma on the ground. The Vajra Dragon Ape clan only cultivated the physical body and not the rules, so they had no chance before the legendary stage. Unable to control the ability to stay in the air, they can only gain the power to offset gravity after entering the legendary realm. Unlike creatures of other races, in the realm of kings, they can use the power of the realm to leave the ground for a short time.


The magma made a muffled sound, and the huge body of the Vajra Dragon Ape fell into the magma. The hot magma completely wrapped it inside. The thick lava seemed to have strong gravity. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not come out of the magma. The lake formed has a tendency to sink deeper into the magma due to gravity.


The sub-dragon creature easily dodged the huge golden flame. A slight explosion sounded from behind it. The golden flame of destruction hit a burning ancient tree. In an instant, the explosion of golden flame of destruction The flames swallowed up the trees in the area of ​​thousands of meters, and even the surging magma on the ground was burned to ashes by the golden flames.

The Diamond Dragon Ape kept struggling. It was just the peak of the king. If this sub-dragon creature did not use a range of binding magic, it had absolute confidence that it could transcend the level and tear the opponent apart. But now, it can only move towards the magma. The depths slowly sank.


At this moment, the bright sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, and a huge spherical lightning exploded in the void, tearing a huge crack in the blue sky.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a terrifying aura was transmitted from the crack that penetrated the space barrier. In an instant, all creatures in the entire world felt this sudden terrifying power.

The arrogant sub-dragon creature was under this terrifying aura. It directly withstood the impact of this force. Its huge body fell into the hot magma, and its consciousness was about to fall into a blank state. At the last moment, an extremely majestic figure crossed the endless void and descended into this world.

The ancient and violent aura surged, exuding an aura that suppressed all directions.

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