Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 208 Ruzed to the Ground

"Let go of the saxophone!"

Ye Yun was not afraid of the pressure of the eight-winged angel at all, and stared at Jiu Ri very calmly.

"Bah, who do you think you are? You dare to be arrogant in front of Lord Jiu Ri!" When the Eight-Winged Angel Nine Days came, Lei Lei regained his confidence and did not put Ye Yun in his eyes at all. After all, in his opinion, Ye Yun His assistant Sachs has been imprisoned by the eight-winged angel for nine days.

The Eight-Winged Angel Jiuri glanced at Thunder kneeling on the ground with disgust, and the aura that had imprisoned Sachs slowly subsided. Sachs, who had been unable to move, waved the three pairs of wings behind his back and levitated into the air again.

Thunder was like a duck with its neck strangled, unable to make any sound. He did not expect that the extremely powerful eight-winged angel would actually kill the seraph that was about to kill him just because of Ye Yun's words. Released.

"Sachs, kill them!"

Ye Yun once again gave the order, cutting the grass without eradicating the roots, and letting the spring breeze grow again. This is not Ye Yun's style at all.


Lei Bao, who was kneeling on the ground, was instantly punched away by Sax. It was only an invisible force that blessed his body that prevented him from being punched by Sax.

"Give me some face and spare their lives!"

Jiuri's gentle voice sounded again, and the power of light enveloped Lei Bao's body, repairing the injuries on his body.


Sachs uttered a word without any fluctuation, and at the same time waved his arm, a long sword condensed out of thin air, was caught in his hand, and slashed towards Lei Lei and his mother.

"Seeking death! How dare you, a little seraph, be so arrogant in front of me!"

Nine days of angry roars, the seraphim one level below him dared to go against his will, which was a provocation to his majesty and status. Even the shadow of Ye Yun's will could not extinguish the ignition of Saxophone. of anger.

Jiuri opened his palms and shrouded Sachs. The huge power of light surged like a huge millstone, trying to wipe Sax directly into the void.


The void suddenly exploded, and Ye Yun's shadow disappeared directly into the air. A small space crack emerged where the shadow disappeared, and a sacred aura descended, which was stronger than Jiuri's.


Jiu Ri squeezed his fingers hard, and the power of light followed his movements and completely enveloped Sachs. At this time, another force appeared and directly scattered the power of light condensed by Jiu Ri.

Jiuri's pupils shrank sharply, and his gaze fell on the crack in space. A white figure slowly appeared from inside. The white robe was inlaid with golden stripes, and four white wings that were even bigger than the body continued behind him. of waving.

He could clearly feel that the aura of power exuded by that figure was more powerful than his own, and it was infinitely close to the peak of the Eight-Winged Angel.

"Your that phantom of will just now?"

The familiar aura instantly let Jiuri know that this was the existence behind the shadow of will. Unexpectedly, it was stronger than him.

"Yes, it is indeed me. Now, you still plan to stop me from destroying the Lei family's power?"

Ye Yun's figure completely descended, and the gray space cracks slowly healed and disappeared. Sachs also regained his freedom and returned behind him, suspended there very respectfully.

"Forget it, with your strength, I can't stop you from killing them, so I won't care about it anymore!"

Jiuri took a deep breath, not doubting Ye Yun's identity at all. He glanced at Lei Lei who was so frightened that he almost lost his soul. He directly tore the space and left here.

After all, there are eight-winged angels and six-winged angels on Ye Yun's side. Even he can barely stop Ye Yun, and it is simply too easy for the six-winged angels to kill the helpless Lei Lei and others. .

"No, no, sir, please spare our lives, sir, please, we are willing to serve you as our master..."

Lei Bao struggled to get up from the ground, spitting out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

"Serve me as your master?"

The corner of Ye Yun's mouth rose. It wasn't that he was tempted, but that he felt very funny. He forced himself to show his angel body and wanted to let them go. This was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

"For me, dead people are the most reassuring!"

Ye Yun raised his hands and rubbed them together, and the power of light in his body surged, forming a huge millstone in the void, instantly annihilating the body that had been severely damaged by the thunderstorm into the most basic elemental particles.

Lei Lei was frightened, his crotch was soaked with liquid, and a faint smell filled the air.

"My lord, my lord, please, don't kill me, don't kill me..." Lei Lei knelt on the ground and kept repeating these words.

Ye Yun frowned. This guy was really stupid. He peed his pants at every turn. In fact, Ye Yun didn't know that it was when he dispersed the core of Thunder's power that it affected the nervous system in Thunder's body, which caused his body to collapse. When some minor problems occur, peeing one's pants frequently is one of the sequelae.

"Saxophone, let's go!"

Ye Yun turned around and flew towards the pioneer in the sky with Sachs.

Lei Lei and the noble lady breathed a sigh of relief. They hugged each other and felt like they were surviving a disaster.

The pioneers gradually flew into the high-altitude clouds, and a white ball of light the size of a basketball fell from the clouds, like a small sun, shining the night sky like daylight.


Lei Lei raised his head and looked at the ball of light in the sky, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, but he had no choice. After losing his core of power, he couldn't even escape.

The two of them watched helplessly as the light ball containing rich light power fell from the sky, and then a terrifying energy storm swept over a thousand meters and completely engulfed the Lei family villa.

The walls of the villa that were cast with special steel plates were cracked inch by inch under the destructive force. The hard special steel plates were also shattered by the power of light and turned into the most basic elemental particles in the world.

The moment the ball of light erupted, Thunder's body completely turned into countless dust.

After a few breaths, the violent power of light calmed down. The entire Lei family villa was razed to the ground by the horrific explosion, and a huge hole with a diameter of more than a kilometer replaced the original villa.

The people who were attracted by the strange vision were completely stunned. The huge Lei family villa was missing. Not to mention the villa, even the ground where the villa was built seemed to have been dug out a large piece of it.

A huge pit appeared in everyone's eyes. It was pitch black. The bottom of the huge pit could not be seen with the naked eye at night.

The next day, this incident was published in the newspapers, causing an uproar around the world. Some people said that this was divine punishment. It was the gods who couldn't stand the Lei family's style and sent down huge thunder to destroy the Lei family. Others said that the Lei family was destroyed. The enemy launched a deadly weapon, and the ball of light that night was the best proof.

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