Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 2 Unknown World

In the silent jungle, the chirping of insects occasionally came, and the sound of wind blowing leaves covered up many weak sounds. At least Ye Xun's footsteps would not travel very far under its cover.

By smearing his whole body with mud, the original smell of Ye Xun's body has been covered up, and it can confuse the noses of most predators. At least Ye Xun walked for almost two hours without encountering any predators. Instead, they came from other places from time to time. A miserable cry rang out.

Ye Xun carefully walked around the dangerous place he sensed, and finally stopped in front of a mountain wall covered with vines. It was the cliff of a large mountain, with a protruding stone in the middle that looked like a platform.

There is a wide open space under the mountain wall with a very open view. Ye Xun plans to climb up the stone platform and use this place as a temporary residence. After taking out the ribs, he cut off a vine, tied up the big mud ball and hung it on his chest, and then climbed along the vine towards the platform on the mountain wall.

A few minutes later, Ye Xun climbed up the raised stone, put down the mud ball on his chest, and sat on the ground against the stone wall, breathing heavily.

"This body is so weak!" After secretly saying, Ye Xun began to look at the entire platform. The ground is not flat, covering an area of ​​about four square meters. A tree as thick as an arm in the corner is covered with fruits. There were some finger-sized cracks on the stone wall. Ye Xun fiddled with them a few times and easily pulled out a fist-sized stone. Pulling himself together, Ye Xun scanned the stone wall and found that the cracks were about two meters deep into the stone wall.

"Perhaps we can dig in and take shelter when it rains." Ye Xun thought in his mind as he stared at the rocks he fiddled with.

After making a plan, Ye Xun stretched out two hairy hands and kept shaking the gravel. After a while, a large hole about one meter in diameter was dug out by Ye Xun with his bare hands.

The stones at the back began to become difficult to shake, so Ye Xun picked up the bones on the ground, inserted the sharp edge into the stone wall, and pried the stones out of the stone wall. In an instant, several large rocks were pried off, and the entire cave became wider.

Half an hour later, with Ye Xun's efforts, the cave had taken initial shape. The area of ​​the cave is not large, with a depth of about one and a half meters and a width as wide as the stone platform. The wall looks pitted with some small stones attached to it. The uneven ground was a bit harsh to walk on. Ye Xun put down the bones in his hands, picked some flat stones among the stones, and laid them in the cave.

He is now covered in injuries and cannot use stones to level the ground. He can only use a few large stones to make a bed, as long as it is not too painful for his back.

After finishing his work, the sun had already set behind the horizon. Ye Xun lay on the stone bed with his hands on his hands, and began his first night after his rebirth.

The night in the jungle is not peaceful, and predators are ready to move in the dark. Many animals were devoured unknowingly in their sleep. Ye Xun held the sharp rib tightly in his hand. If a predator climbs onto the stone platform, he can quickly attack.

Along with the sound of insects in the night, Ye Xun fell asleep in a daze. A full moon rose in the sky outside, and the white moonlight fell all over the jungle. Nocturnal animals constantly shuttle through the jungle, this is their world.

When Ye Xun woke up again, it was already the next morning. He tightened the bone weapon in his hand and sat up from the stone bed. After a night's rest, his body had recovered a lot from his injuries. All the skin injuries were scarred, and although the injuries appeared to be serious, no muscles or bones were injured. As long as the wound doesn't burst again, it should be healed within a few days. After all, animals' healing abilities are much stronger than those of ordinary humans.

Ye Xun walked out of the cave and simply cleaned the gravel on the stone platform. His mouth was a little dry. He picked two fruits from the tree and put them in his mouth. The taste was a bit sour, but fortunately the water was sufficient and the thirst quenching effect was good.

"I wonder if this body can be used to practice Chinese martial arts..."

Sitting on the rocks, Ye Xun thought to himself that he was just covered in wounds and could not try to practice. The kung fu in the unknown ancient book is very overbearing. When practicing, you need to have enough pharmacology and a lot of blood food, otherwise you will easily be exhausted, and your body will eventually be cracked.


Just as Ye Xun was thinking, he felt a sense of hunger in his belly. Then he remembered that he hadn't eaten since eating the raw meat. In fact, he wanted to roast the remaining bird. To eat, just lighting a fire in the jungle will inevitably arouse the curiosity of some animals.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Ye Xun resisted the nausea in his heart and used his hands to remove the bird meat wrapped in soil. Because of the leaves, there was almost no soil on the meat. After being left there overnight, the blood was all black and the color looked unsightly.


Ye Xun frowned and tore off a piece of bird meat. The smell of blood became more intense, mixed with an indescribable smell, which greatly challenged Ye Xun's taste buds.

In order to survive, Ye Xun forced himself to swallow, taking two mouthfuls in succession. After chewing randomly, the taste in his mouth seemed to adapt to the disgusting taste. He didn't care whether it was delicious or not, and just took big mouthfuls of the bird meat. Tear off.

A few minutes later, Ye Xun wiped the dark blood on his mouth, fiddled with the remaining bones a few times, and wrapped them in soil again to prevent the smell of the bones from attracting powerful predators.

Then Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he were meditating, and his breathing rhythm began to change, sometimes faster and sometimes slower. This was a breathing exercise method he understood after entering Huajin. Originally, integrating Jin Dynasty could exercise the internal organs. Now he Although the realm is still there, the strength in the body has been lost, and this breathing method has also lost its role in exercising the internal organs. It can only be used to adjust the body's condition and induce a trace of qi and blood to speed up wound healing.

An hour later, Ye Xun stopped breathing. Although the breathing method can mobilize qi and blood to speed up the body's rapid healing, it has a drawback, which is that it consumes energy in the body. The bird meat just eaten in the morning has been converted into energy by the body and used up, and now there is a terrible feeling of hunger in the belly.

"Looks like we have to find a way to catch more meat!"

Enduring his hunger, Ye Xun stood up from the stone, rolled up the bone weapon with his tail, held it in his hand, and began to cut the vines on the stone wall. After a short time, the ground was covered with vines as thick as chopsticks. Ye Xun stopped and cut the vines. The branches and leaves on the vines are broken and a vine net is started.

Since the injury has not healed and he wants to capture animals for meat, he can only make some traps. In terms of conditions, making vine nets is undoubtedly the most convenient.

An hour later, Ye Xun stopped what he was doing. A two-meter-long vine net was successfully woven, and he tied stones to both ends of the remaining two vines, making it a simple throwing weapon.

Ye Xun then hung two vines around his neck, took the bone weapon and the woven vine net, and climbed along the stone wall to the ground.

The destination of Ye Xun's trip was the small waterfall he passed yesterday. The distance there was not far and the water surface was not wide. It was suitable for him to set up a rattan net and wait for the fish in the water to fall into the net.

Ye Xun walked carefully along the way. The jungle was full of dangers. After bypassing two places that made him uneasy, Ye Xun finally reached the small waterfall.

Put down the bone weapon in his hand, spread the vine net, found some rocks nearby, and fixed the vine net on the ground. The water flow continued to flow through the gaps in the vine net, and a leaf on the water surface was intercepted by the vine net.

Ye Xun looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, rolled up the bone weapon on the ground into his hand with his tail, and then prepared to go back to the cave on the stone wall to rest, and collect the fish in the vine net later.

"This is……"

On the way, Ye Xun found a group of animals with one horn on their heads in an open field. They were similar in size to deer and had fiery red fur. They were eating young grass with their heads down.

"A deer with a one-horned deer? There was no such animal in the original world. Could it be that... this is not that world anymore?" Ye Xun stared at the figure of the one-horned deer, and a bad thought came to his mind.

After a while, Ye Xun came back to his senses and exhaled heavily, "It is better to die than to live. Now that I am reborn, I will live well!"

At this time, a small one-horned deer came towards him. For Ye Xun, now was not the time to worry about where he was, but to find a way to capture the one-horned deer in front of him.

Looking at the little one-horned deer getting closer and closer, Ye Xun suppressed some confused thoughts. He took off the vine hanging around his neck, weighed it in his right hand, waved his right hand, and threw it out at a special angle.

Pulled by the vines, the two stones began to rotate in the air, and the vines in the middle were stretched straight, flying towards the one-horned deer with a whistling sound in the air.

"It's in the bundle, it must be in the bundle!" Ye Xun lowered his body and hid behind the big tree, staring at the flying stone with a pair of dark brown eyes, praying constantly in his heart.


Along with the cry of the one-horned deer, the set of stones accurately tightened its limbs. The body of the little one-horned deer instantly lost its balance and fell to the ground. The other one-horned deer were frightened by the cry of the little one-horned deer, and they all raised their heads to look at it. Then a strong one-horned deer took the lead and ran towards the distant forest. The other one-horned deer also made a commotion and followed the strong one-horned deer. Behind the one-horned deer, he left here.

After all the one-horned deer left, Ye Xun took out the bone weapon from behind the tree. While observing the surrounding environment, he leaned towards the one-horned deer that fell on the ground.

Then Ye Xun stopped next to the one-horned deer. Without hesitation, he picked up the bones in his hand and hit the one-horned deer's neck hard with his thick end. Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, the one-horned deer's neck showed a strange angle, its head hung on its neck, and it kept breathing. A trace of scarlet blood flowed from the one-horned deer's mouth and nose, and the one-horned deer's body struggled weaker and weaker.

After about a minute, the one-horned deer stopped struggling, and Ye Xun didn't care too much. He put the one-horned deer, which was only half the size of his body, on his shoulders, carefully groped in the forest, and walked towards the mountain wall.

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