In the endless void of the universe, a silver spaceship is flying rapidly. The light of the star shines on the spacecraft, shining with a silver-white halo.

This place is on the edge of the Alliance Star Territory and the ruined world. Broken meteorite fragments and planets are intertwined with each other. Occasionally, there are one or two huge collisions, indicating that this place is very unstable.

"Optical brain, connect to the network of the alliance star field, confirm our coordinates!" In the spaceship, the clone put on the same clothes as Ye Yun. He has now officially replaced Ye Yun's identity.

"Didi, linking to the network..."

"Didi, reading location information..."

"According to network feedback, we are now at the border of the Alliance Star Territory, with coordinates in Area Z 36, Area 108..."

The optical brain floated above Ye Yun's head, flashing continuously.

"Locate the location of the Tianzhu Galaxy and calculate the best route there!" Ye Yun was silent for a moment, and finally chose the native planet where Ye Yun was born. After all, it contained his comprehensive information, which was convenient for him to implement his plan.

"Didi, the route is being planned..."

"The best line has been stored in the Pioneer system, please check it, Master..." The cold voice of the intelligent optical brain sounded again. Its intelligence is not even a little worse than that of Yitluo's optical brain, but the hardware is very good. good.

Ye Yun nodded, clicked a few times with his fingers on the control panel of the spaceship, and a huge star road map appeared on the screen.

The dark gray light spots represent nearby meteorites or planets, and a red line intersperses among those gray light spots. This is the best route calculated by the optical brain, which has avoided dangerous places in the starry sky.

The green light spot followed the red line. After connecting to the network of the Alliance Star Territory, the Pioneer spacecraft was able to perform real-time positioning.

"Didi... didi... didi..."

The light brain on Ye Yun's head reacted, and red and blue light flashed continuously, accompanied by some slight vibrations.

"Master, there are thirty-six missed calls, one hundred and eight text messages, nine messages, all from the contact Ye Xinyu..."

The cold voice of the optical brain sounded, and a translucent virtual screen emerged in mid-air, with message images automatically playing inside.

This figure was exactly the same as the photo Ye Yun had seen. It was the sunny girl named Ye Xinyu.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why can't I contact you? The graduation ceremony will be in two months. You must come to attend..."

"Brother, where have you been? Why don't you answer my calls or even reply to my text messages? Brother, you must be okay..."

"Brother, it's been half a month. Where have you been? The optical brain reminds you that you are no longer in the Alliance Star Territory...Brother, I don't want anything to happen to you..."

The message screen continued to play, and Ye Xinyu became more and more anxious at the same time. The last message almost ended in tears.

"Light brain, close the message screen!"

Ye Yun sighed, the deceased was gone. Although his name was Ye Yun, he was no longer that Ye Yun. His purpose of entering the Alliance Star Territory this time was not to take over Ye Yun's life.

"Didi, Didi, Ye Xinyu is calling. Will the master answer the call?"

Just as the picture in mid-air disappeared, the light brain flickered again, with red and blue lights constantly alternating.

"Answer it..."

After hesitating for a while, Ye Yun finally chose to answer. Looking at the photo in his hand, he couldn't help but think of his own sister. Since she had taken over Ye Yun's body, let's live in his place for a while!

"Brother! Brother! That's great! I knew you were fine!"

As soon as the screen appeared, the girl inside wiped her tears and shouted happily.

"Brother, where have you been during this time? Do you know how worried I am about you? Can you come back and stop being a pioneer? This is too dangerous. My parents are gone. I don't want anything to happen to you... "

"I'm fine..." Ye Yun opened his mouth and softly uttered three words, and an inexplicable feeling suddenly emerged deep in his heart, as if the Ye Xinyu in front of him was his sister.

Ye Xinyu wiped away her tears in the picture, "Brother, please don't be a pioneer anymore, okay? I'm really worried about you. I suddenly couldn't contact you two months ago. Do you know how worried I am?" ?I thought I would never see you again..."

"It's okay, I'm not coming back..." A stiff smile appeared on Ye Yun's face. This was the first time he had smiled since his rebirth.

As for not being a pioneer, he definitely cannot agree to this, because he is not the real Ye Yun at all. If he has too many contacts, Ye Xinyu will definitely find out the clues. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he also needs to use pioneering conceal the identity of the person.

"Well, brother, I'm on the spaceship heading to the mining area now. When I get to the mining area, I'll come to you right away..." Ye Xinyu smiled, with a trace of tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, looking very endearing.

Ye Yun was silent. He was not in the mining area at all, and even he was in the mining area. He couldn't go to see Ye Xinyu. After thinking for a moment, Ye Yun said, "Mining area? Why did you go there? I am no longer in the mining area. This mission is very special. I don't know when I will be able to go there." Get back there!”

Ye Yun had already checked almost all the information in Guang's mind, and just found a special task to deal with it. As long as Ye Xinyu returned to Tianzhu immediately after arriving at the mining area, he would not find anything wrong.

"Ah? Brother, I also said that I would give you some hometown specialties. Wouldn't it be a waste of time for me to travel again?" Ye Xinyu pouted, pretending to be unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Xinyu!" Somehow, Ye Yun said the words "I'm sorry". Maybe he thought the Ye Xinyu in front of him was his sister Ye Xinyu, and the words "I'm sorry" were the words he had always thought about. Said to Ye Xinyu.

"Brother, don't be so serious. I'm just joking with you. Okay, okay. When I get to the mining base, I will deposit the special products in the management department. Then you can get them yourself..." Ye Xinyu said with a playful smile. , as if he has regarded the clone Ye Yun as the real Ye Yun.

"That's up to you!" Ye Yun was helpless. He could only accept it silently. He didn't intend to go to the mining area anyway.

"By the way, I'll give you the living expenses..." Ye Yun summoned the light brain, but he hesitated that the accounts were all genetically bound, so Ye Yun easily opened the account in the light brain, and there was a hundred thousand dollars lying alone inside. Alliance Star Coins.

"No, brother, your sister has graduated now, and I will raise you as your sister in the future..." Ye Xinyu said mischievously.

"Guang Nao, transfer all the money in the account to Ye Xinyu!" Ye Yun ignored it and gave the order directly to Guang Nao.

"Didi, transfer completed..."

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