As the tests continued to be carried out nervously, time also continued to pass. It was not until the evening, when the sun set, that all the tests were completed. There were less than one in ten people with spiritual roots, and more than 4,000 people had been eliminated. There are less than 400 people with spiritual roots who have been gifted with sacred spells.

Among them, only six people have triggered the blue light and have advanced spiritual roots. Among the remaining people, there are only more than 60 intermediate spiritual roots, and the other almost 300 are only elementary spiritual roots.

After all the tests were over, the losers followed Statham into the city gate dejectedly, while those with spiritual roots followed Yitro.

It is worth mentioning that among the more than ten people who succeeded in gathering their faith, a high-level spiritual root actually appeared. As for the top-level spiritual root, it is something that can only be encountered and cannot be found. Several living planets may not even have one.

Moreover, the top spiritual roots are called Dao bodies, which can be more compatible with the world. The innate top spiritual roots are completely incomparable to the top spiritual roots that use the Devouring Heart to improve their qualifications.

The little fox Aite's innate Tao body is rare.

The slaves also dispersed, and they each returned to their own tree houses. As more and more slaves entered the Giant Ape City, the slaves' living quarters became more and more spacious, and some tree houses were even left empty. It fell down and no one lived in it.

More than half a year later, there were only more than a thousand slaves left in the entire slave tribe, and most of them were people from Planet 67. The huge tribe became even more empty, and more and more tree houses were abandoned.

It started to snow in the sky, and white snowflakes kept falling from the sky. The people on Planet 67 were not used to it. They used to live in heated rooms in winter, but this year, they could only live in the wind. Living in the snow, they even have to clear the snow to grow food.

In this kind of weather, having a sip of hot soup is a luxury.

Although there are fewer and fewer slaves on Planet 66, the people on Planet 67 do not dare to bully them. Although they are both slaves, the slaves on Planet 66 undoubtedly have a higher status.

The people who entered the city became more and more powerful. The best among them could easily smash a boulder with their bare hands. Those who were given sacred spells could control various elemental powers, such as fire, ice, snow, and wind. , earth, stone, thunder and lightning, and gorgeous magic have more terrifying destructive power.

In a continent adjacent to the continent where the Giant Ape City is located, animals thrive here. The Golden Lion built a huge palace here called the Beast Temple. A huge golden statue of the Giant Ape stands in the temple.

Next to the Beast Temple, a much smaller palace is located there. This is the Beast King's Palace of the Golden Lion. Land animals live in the continent, and animals that can fly quickly spread to every corner of the continent.

Aquatic creatures multiply in the sea. Although there are not many, many new little lives have been born.

After the Golden Lion's deliberate transformation and the accumulation of time, some intelligent creatures finally appeared among the beasts. They gathered together and lived near the Beast King's Palace.

The Orcs have initially established a firm foothold on the Planet of the Apes.

In the sky, a golden light flew from a distance. The golden lion, which was sleeping in the Beast King's Palace, seemed to have discovered something. It raised its golden head and looked towards the distant sky.

"Lord Kumas? Why are you free to come here today?"

A figure appeared in front of it, its white robe dancing in the air, and the golden flames behind it kept beating.

"Kresser, today it's time to distribute supplies again. This is the Angel Heart for the next half year."

Coomas waved his hand, and six two-winged angel hearts flew towards the golden lion.

There was no movement from the golden lion, and the six angel hearts disappeared instantly in front of it, as if they had never existed at all.

"Thank you Lord Kumas."

The golden lion opened its huge mouth and said,

"By the way, Kresser," before turning to leave, Coomas seemed to have remembered something. He stopped and said, "The legendary strongman Beta condensed his faith. Yesterday, it arrived at the Giant Ape City through the space channel. Tomorrow there will be A party that welcomes it. If you have time, you can come over and get together, and I think these little guys also need to gain a little more knowledge..."

Kumars pointed to the orcs outside who had turned on their wisdom.

"Beta?" The golden lion Kleiser groaned for a moment and said, "No problem, I will participate on time tomorrow!"

Kumars nodded, and his figure instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sky.

"Kumasi's aura has become more powerful. I heard that he has obtained the magical power of God's kindness. It seems that Tuckers is not innocent." After Kumas left, the golden lion Kleiser whispered.

"Baben, Setli, you two get ready and come with me to the Giant Ape City tomorrow!" After a moment of silence, Kresser's voice sounded directly in the heads of a lion and a chimpanzee.

"Yes, Lord Beastmaster!"

Two giant beasts over three meters in length roared and hissed.

Then the Beast King's Palace fell into silence, and Baben and Setli couldn't keep quiet. The Giant Ape City is the holy land that all the beasts who have awakened their wisdom yearn for. The Beast King said that only the beasts after the fifth level can Entering the Giant Ape City, and they have just entered the second level, being able to enter the Giant Ape City is like a dream.

Lion Setli said, "Baben, do you think this is true?"

Chimpanzee Baben said, "Setli, you idiot, the Beast King said it himself, is this still false?"

Lion Setli said happily, "Great, I heard that the great gods live in the sky above the Giant Ape City. I have been curious for a long time..."

Chimpanzee Baben nodded and said, "I'm also curious, can people live in the sky? And I heard that there are many people living in the giant ape city. They are hairless and naked, and they must look ugly! "

Setli the lion rushed over and covered the chimpanzee's mouth with his paws, "Baben, keep your voice down. It is said that the controller of the Giant Ape City is a human!"

Chimpanzee Baben quickly covered his mouth, fearing that someone would hear what he just said.

It took a long time for the chimpanzee Baben to react, "Setli, this is the Beast King Continent, we haven't reached the Giant Ape Continent yet!"

The two little guys were constantly communicating. They didn't know that the gods living in the distant Void Temple were paying attention to them.

"Coster, Changya, I don't know how you are doing..."

Looking at the chimpanzee and the lion, Ye Xun unknowingly thought of Scar and Changya, the two guys who had been with him since the beginning and slowly grew up with him.

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