The eight-winged angel Dante summoned the archangel to protect him. He held his right hand in the air, and a huge spear measuring more than 100,000 meters appeared in his hand.

Ye Xun felt a warning sign in his heart. The phantom of a mountain appeared and sank into his body. In an instant, the huge aura became more violent, and the red body exuded a heavy, motionless aura like a mountain.

"call out!"

The spear in the hand of the eight-winged angel Dante thrust out, and the void was torn apart instantly. The spear head passed through the space wall and appeared in front of the archangel's protective shield.


Ye Xun's fist flashed on the mountain, and instantly collided with the indestructible Angel's Spear. A terrifying wave erupted. Not far away, Zanat's immobile body was directly shaken away by the invisible wave.


Blood spurted out from Zanat's mouth, and his body of more than 30,000 meters rubbed against the planet's atmosphere, flashing with red fire.


Zanat landed, and the city's iconic Dante's Tower directly stabbed him in the butt. However, mortal things are mortal things after all. Although Zanat is only a demigod, his physical body is still not weak.

Under his butt, Dante's Tower was instantly crushed into countless pieces, and even the entire city was smashed into a huge crater by him.

"Damn apes! Damn pigs!"

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, this was the first time that Zanat encountered such a thing. He was actually blown up by an iron tower. Although he was not injured, it was a shame, a naked shame!


In the starry sky, the phantom of the mountain on Ye Xun's fist was shattered, and the spear in Dante's hand was also full of cracks. After entering a state of boiling blood, Ye Xun was not afraid at all, and the hot blood in his body continued to surge. The red fist instantly hit Dante's spear.

With a clang, the spear head shattered, and the terrifying power was transmitted to Dante's body along the long handle of the spear.

"Damn, his physical strength is so terrifying!"

A wisp of silver-white blood overflowed, and Dante's eyes flashed with an uncertain light. Then his body erupted with dazzling white light, and the area behind the archangel's protective shield was directly filled with white light.

There was a strange color in Ye Xun's eyes. He felt a vague fluctuation in the void, as if someone had torn the void apart, but Dante's aura was still behind the archangel's protective shield.

"Weapon? Or something else?" Ye Xun was alert in his heart, and his consciousness spread out, covering a large area of ​​void. However, when his consciousness came into contact with the white area created by Dante, the all-pervasive consciousness was blocked. Blocked.

He smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

"No matter how much he does, all conspiracies will be in vain in front of absolute power!"

The phantom of the mountain condensed again. Ye Xun was full of confidence in his body. What about gods, his fists were the strongest.

A brave and invincible momentum broke out, his strength reached its peak, and he punched the archangel's protective shield with one punch.


The archangel's protective shield vibrated, revealing a slight crack where it collided with Ye Xun's fist. Although it was not easily detectable by the naked eye, it could not be hidden from Ye Xun's consciousness.

"Break it for me! The power of the spiral!"

Ye Xun groaned, blood surged in his arms, and golden power wrapped around his fists, spinning crazily.

He waved his two arms and continuously bombarded the Archangel's Guardian Shield. Ye Xun was very fast, and his two arms directly broke through the speed of light.


There was a sound of breaking from the Archangel's Guardian Shield, and after countless punches, the entire Archangel's Guardian Shield finally shattered and turned into countless fragments, scattered in the void of the universe.

Ye Xun gathered strength in his right hand, and a huge palm appeared from the void. Following his movements, the huge palm fell from the sky with a breath of destruction.


The void shattered, and a white figure appeared behind him. Ye Xun's consciousness instantly captured Dante's figure.

"Heretics, go to hell!"

Dante held a re-condensed spear in his hand and stabbed Ye Xun in the back.

"call out!"

Ye Xun's reaction was extremely fast. He twisted his body, smashed a meteorite with his left hand, and then collided with Dante's spear.

"It's useless, this is the gun of destruction, which condenses all the power of my angel heart! Heretic, only destruction is waiting for you!"

Dante smiled crazily, and the spear kept vibrating, forcefully shaking away Ye Xun's hand that had grasped the handle of the gun.

In an instant, the sharp spearhead pierced Ye Xun's back, shattering the bones and injuring the internal organs. The sharp spearhead pierced out from the chest, and golden blood poured out along the spearhead and scattered in the void of the universe.

Dante laughed crazily, waving his four pairs of wings behind him, pushing Ye Xun through the area filled with white light.


The severe pain caused Ye Xun to roar involuntarily, and anger surged in his chest. The muscles all over his body were tense, wrapping the spear that penetrated his body. The Qi and blood surged in his blood vessels, exuding a terrifying temperature, and constantly washed away the handle of the spear.

The temperature of the silver-white spear began to gradually rise as the blood in Ye Xun's body washed away. A stream of red hot air rushed out from the wound and surged along the handle of the spear.

"Damn heretic, I won't let go!"

The scalding heat finally came into contact with Dante's palm, and the terrifying high temperature burned the handle of the spear through. The skin and flesh came into contact with the scalding handle, making a sizzling sound.

Even the void of the universe is filled with the aroma of barbecue.

Immediately, light power surged in Dante's palm, and the burned area began to heal slowly. At the same time, he pushed the spear in his hand harder.

A shadow appeared above Ye Xun's head. In an instant, his body became extremely heavy. No matter how much Dante pushed the spear, he could not push him forward.

"The Flame of Destruction!"

Ye Xun grabbed the tip of the spear with both hands and roared. His violent momentum suppressed the void. A wisp of golden flame began to emerge from outside his body. Gradually, the golden flame grew against the wind and soon enveloped his entire body. got up.

The silver-white spear became redder and redder, and the temperature became higher and higher. In the blink of an eye, the spear that penetrated Ye Xun's body began to show signs of melting.

"Hammer of Light!"

The high temperature burned Dante's hands, and he endured horrific pain. The four pairs of wings behind his back burst out with divine light, and a huge silver hammer appeared in the void.


Dante's body quickly retreated, and the huge hammer of light swung in the void, directly hitting the gun of destruction that was about to melt.

Terrifying power struck, and the spear broke free from Ye Xun's body and flew out from his chest. Behind him, the power of the hammer of light continued unabated and hit his back heavily.

Ye Xun's huge body flew forward, the shadow of the mountains above his head shattered, his body kept rolling, the white light in front suddenly dissipated, and an extremely huge star was quietly suspended there.

Instinctively, Ye Xun struggled continuously, but the power of the Hammer of Light was too great. Even with his amazing strength, he could not use the force to stabilize his body in the void. His huge body rushed directly into the hot star.

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