Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 141 Demigod Alliance

"Huh? You dare to make trouble in our exchange, don't you want to live?" the leader of the orcs said, and the people behind it quickly gathered around, surrounding Coomas and the golden lion.

"Bold, Kumas is the messenger of the gods, you dare to take action?" Before Kumas could speak, the golden lion beside him roared and stood up.

"Gods?" The guards looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time. "There are no gods in the Three Immortals Xuan Realm. We, the masters of the Cologne Demigod Alliance, don't dare to call ourselves gods. There are still people who dare to come to us and call us gods." Messenger!"

The people nearby laughed loudly, and only a few people who knew the statue of the teleportation place did not speak, and even they quickly fled into the distance.

Are you kidding? He is a great god, but he is still questioning it in front of the god's envoy. Isn't this the birthday boy who has hanged himself and is looking for death?

"Faith, what's wrong?" In the distance, a human asked worriedly when he noticed that his companion's face looked strange.

"Come on, don't talk!" The man came to his senses, picked up his companions and squeezed through the crowd to leave quickly.

They didn't stop until they were very far away,

"Faith, what's going on? I still want to watch the fun for a while..." The person being pulled was a little dissatisfied.

"Shut up, you have to thank me, those guys will feel better later!" Faith said mysteriously.

Scenes like this happened in several places. Anyone who had witnessed the battle in the Teleportation Land all dragged their friends away from here. Compared with the so-called lively show, their own lives were more important.

"Is this the way your exchange does things?" Kumars was filled with anger.

"Shut up, this is our territory, we have the final say who is right and who is wrong!" The leader of the guards said without hesitation, and the white tiger showed serious expressions of ecstasy.

"Dead fox, give me back the power of faith!" As he said that, the white tiger waved his paws and snatched away the poor thirty rays of power of faith.

The boss of Lao Wan Grocery just sighed when he saw it. Although the white tiger's strength was only at the king level, his brother was a peak legend. He was only one step away from igniting the divine fire and becoming a demigod.

"Catch them and take them all back!" The half-orc waved his hand and pounced on the guards surrounding Kumas and the golden lion.

"Great Ape King God, believer Kumas asks you to come..." Kumas clasped his hands together and placed them on his chest in prayer.

"Hahahaha...Human, it's useless for you to beg God. Otherwise, if you kneel down and beg me, maybe I can let you go when I'm happy..." The half-orc laughed, as the second in the Three Immortals Mysterious Domain As a powerful force, the Cologne Exchange is not afraid of offending these wandering adventurers.


Suddenly, a cold snort sounded in the void, and a faint coercion began to spread, soon covering the entire exchange.

"You blasphemer, in the name of the Ape King God, I grant you death!"

The huge sound echoed in the void. The half-orc who was arrogant just now froze, and the life in its eyes was passing quickly. In just a few breaths, the half-orc had turned into a cold corpse. The corpse didn't even have time to scream, and the soul in the body was directly destroyed.

"Who is it! Dare to cause trouble in our Cologne Exchange!"

From the palace in the center of the Exchange Continent, a huge body of more than 20,000 meters flew out from inside. It was an orc, with sharp and rough fangs exposed outside its mouth.

The orc demigod was suspended in the void and watched condescendingly. The people on the ground couldn't help but kneel down under the pressure of the huge aura.

A trace of invisible power circulated, and the aura pressing on the bodies of Kumas and the Golden Lion disappeared. With Ye Xun's deliberate protection, the little fox did not bear any pressure from the aura. Otherwise, with its weak body, it might just be If a trace of breath leaks out, it can be directly crushed into pulp.

The little fox Aite found that everyone nearby was standing with difficulty, and the white tiger that bullied it was motionless, with a look of pain on its face. So Little Aite rushed over quickly and grabbed the power of faith back.

"This little guy is really good!" In the void, Ye Xun saw it in his eyes and felt that the little fox had a very good character. He was upright, mighty and unyielding, could not move away from his base, and was able to endure hardships.

"Toru, what happened?" Another demigod arrived. One of them reached a height of nearly 50,000 meters, and his aura was much stronger than the demigod just now.

"I don't know. I just felt a strange pressure, so I came here to take a look." Orc Tru shook his head.

"Hmph, no matter who he is, since he dares to come to our alliance to cause trouble, we can't just let him leave so easily. Colen, you have to be the strongest and see if you can find him." A tiger with three heads. Roaringly said,

"Yeah!" The human demigod Coren nodded, his eyes searched everywhere, and finally fell on Kumas.

"Although this breath is very light, it is full of infinite fighting spirit..."

"Who are you? Why do you want to make trouble at our Colon Exchange?" Colon opened his mouth, and his voice exploded in Kumars' ears like thunder.

"The three demigods... no wonder these guys are so arrogant!"

Ye Xun's consciousness snorted coldly, and a golden light suddenly burst out from the void, and his figure gradually appeared. Because it was just a ray of consciousness, his body was not solid.

The translucent body of more than 50,000 meters is a head taller than Cologne.

"You are..." Coren was on guard, but then he relaxed. This was just a piece of consciousness, with little combat power at all. It might not be possible for the legendary realm to defeat him, but for him at the peak of the demigod level, he could only With just a wave of his arms, he can easily tear the opponent into pieces.

"I am the Ape King God. I listen to the call of believers and come to kill those who blaspheme!" A huge voice resounded through the void,

"God? It's ridiculous. Our big brother Column doesn't even dare to call himself a god. What qualifications do you have..." the orc demigod sneered.

"True..." Coren stopped it, and then asked cautiously, "Are you really a god?"

Ye Xun said calmly, "So what if it is, so what if it isn't. I won't argue with you about today's matter for the time being..."

"Colen, he wants to escape..." The three tigers roared.

"Escape?" Ye Xun sneered, and his consciousness wrapped up Kumas, the golden lion and the little fox, and flew into the air together.

At this moment, the void shattered, and a huge arm more than 30,000 meters long stretched out from it, and the golden palm instantly slapped the three demigods.


The void exploded, and the orcs and the three-headed tiger were sent flying directly. The strongest among them, Coren, also had blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

After the blow was successful, the golden palm was retracted and disappeared into the space crack with the three Coomas.

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