Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 125 The giant ape in the starry sky

"It seems that if you don't become a god, you can't tear down the barrier of the universe and return to the Kingdom of God. Now you can only find a place to stay. Fortunately, another drop of divine power is in the statue of Dragon Island, and Kalad will not be able to recover in a short time... …”

Ye Xun thought for a long time, his huge body flying in the starry sky of the universe. After his martial arts broke through to the semi-god level, his speed directly broke through the limit and reached sub-light speed.

He is flying and wandering in the universe. With his current strength, he no longer needs to eat or breathe. Even the low temperature in the starry sky has no effect on him.

After traveling for more than half a month, Ye Xun refined a planet with a high metal content according to Karad's memory, and used those metals to create a huge golden armor. Not only did it look majestic, but it could also be sized according to the requirements. Scale freely with his body.

"Etro, surrender, you can't escape!"

In the cold universe, a miniature spaceship of more than 200 meters fled quickly, followed by a dozen small warships exceeding 500 meters in constant pursuit. In the spaceship, a man in his thirties looked anxious. On the opposite screen, another person was shouting very arrogantly.

"Kanos, if you want my life, come and take it!"

After saying that, the man named Yitluo turned off the communicator and concentrated on controlling the spacecraft to avoid the meteorites hitting the front.

In the space battleship behind, Kanos was furious, "Damn it, you dare to turn off the communicator and ignore me! Mobilize the void cannon for me, I will blow this traitor to smithereens!"

"As you command, Lord Kanos!" the person next to him responded,

"Attention all battleships! Attention all battleships! Prepare the void cannon and launch it in half a minute to destroy the rebel spaceship!"

"Alert alert, huge energy fluctuations are found in the rear, huge energy fluctuations are found in the rear!"

In the spaceship, red lights flashed continuously, and Yitluo's expression became more serious.

"Turn on the rear view energy meter and lock on FT-11!"

"Didi, the energy rear view is turning on...

Didi, the energy rearview activation is completed...

Didi, locking the target...

Didi, target locking completed, FT-11..."

On the screen, sixteen small red dots appeared. Those red light dots kept flashing, getting bigger and brighter.

On another screen next to it, the cross virtual sea was locked on a battleship behind it. No matter how Yitluo controlled the spacecraft to dodge meteorites or change the direction of navigation, the warships in the virtual sea were not lost.

"Didi, the energy in the rear is close to the critical value, and the official attack is expected in ten seconds..."

"Didi, the countdown is on... 10... 9... 8... 7...


The void cannon under the space battleship accumulated full energy, and simultaneously fired sixteen red beams, chasing the spacecraft ahead.

"Didi, the energy is approaching. It is expected to arrive in three seconds..."

Yitro glanced at the trajectory of the void cannon on the screen, and tapped the keyboard with his fingers. The spacecraft quickly rotated and moved sideways.


Yitro uttered two words, and a round sphere shot out from behind the spacecraft and flew towards the locked battleship in the fleet.

At the same time, Yitluo's hands moved faster, and the spacecraft moved across a wider span. Sixteen red beams almost brushed the edge of the spacecraft and shot past. A huge meteorite in front was instantly shattered by the energy column of the void cannon. .

Countless rubble flew up and fell on Yitro's spaceship.

"Report, energy items are approaching from the front scan..." a soldier in the battleship said,

"Don't worry about it!" Kanos glanced at the ball in the universe and didn't care at all.



When the round sphere approached the battleship, a transparent barrier intercepted it. At the same time, a huge explosion occurred in the round sphere. The terrifying power fluctuation blew the battleship to pieces, but all the battleships turned on their protection. Cover, the explosion only slowed down their speed and direction.

"Damn traitor, he almost soiled my clothes. Knights, kill that guy!"

Kanos shook the wine glass in his hand, and a surge of anger surged up.

"Didi, a huge energy reaction was found ahead, approaching at sub-light speed... conducting energy assessment...

Didi, the estimated energy exceeds the limit...cannot be estimated...cannot be estimated..."

Yitro looked at the picture the spacecraft had searched, and was stunned for a moment. He saw a huge figure flying quickly in the starry sky in front of him. This was the result of the spacecraft's optical brain slowing down countless times.

"How is it possible? There is no air or pressure in the universe, and the temperature is extremely low. How is it possible that there are living things that can survive in a vacuum environment and fly freely..."

Then a relatively clear image was captured by the optical brain, and Yitluo's three views collapsed instantly.

"Ape... ape-man, or an ape-man wearing armor? Oh my god, that guy is actually an ape-man. His body is too big!"

"Light Brain, calculate how big he is!"

"Didi, data collection is in progress...

"Didi, the quantity collection is completed, the estimated height exceeds 50,000 meters (unified unit)..."

"Wha...what!" Yitluo couldn't believe his ears. He even thought he heard it wrong?

"Didi, the estimated height is over 50,000 meters..."

"Crazy! It's so crazy! Such a terrifying life form can actually appear in the universe! It seems that the legend in the alliance is true!"

Everyone in the space battleship behind was also stunned. Their battleship system also captured the image of the huge life form.

" that really a monkey...a monkey?"

"Shut up! Those are heretics. They have the strength to fight the Alliance Angels..."

"'s impossible..."

The people in the battleship were communicating with each other, and only the battleship where Kanos was was relatively quiet.

"Damn heretic, you dare to appear in the starry sky openly!" Kanos stood up, his eyes full of madness, and as for Yitro, he completely forgot about it.

"Expulse the heretics!"

"Yes!" The people in the battleship took the order,

"Attack the whole army! Target the golden ape in the starry sky!"

Ye Xun's huge body was flying in the starry sky. The sound of explosions in the distance caught his attention, and then he was stunned. What did he see? It turned out to be a spaceship, and it seemed like they were still fighting in the stars.

“Aliens, I don’t know what they look like!”

With curiosity, Ye Xun quickly approached, and soon he was close to the escaping spaceship. In Ye Xun's eyes, the spaceship was really small, no bigger than his hand.

At this time, sixteen space battleships in the distance were chasing after them, but when they approached Ye Xun's huge body, all the space battleships stopped.

"My mother, what kind of monster is this? It's so big. Captain, do we really want to fight him?" A short-haired man on a battleship asked in fear,

"What the hell, stop first!" Another person said sadly.

"What do Lord Kanos think? We have never fought against such a huge giant before, and our spaceship is not as big as other people's toys!" Another person said, pointing to the data displayed by the system on the screen.

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